They always claim to have all these files that prove that there is illegal CIA and government activity, but why don't they just release everything they have?
Why doesn't Snowden or Assange just release all they have?
Information is valuable, he's probably selling some minor stuff on the DL
Assange: Dead
Snowden: Controlled opposition/CIA
Their asylum granters might stop protecting them is one reason
He's ded, that's why.
Why would they stop protecting them? I feel like already protecting a whistleblower you wouldn't get upset if he starts whistlin again
Snowden already gave everything to the press. It is up to them to decide and out of Snowden's control.
WikiLeaks gets new material on a regular basis so if they 'release it all' they will quickly end up with unreleased info again as new info is leaked to them. They also hold back some info to use as a bargaining chip to help ensure they continue to exist.
both of them are probably deceased
Putin asked Snowden to shut up if he wants futher protection.
Because then nothing would stop them from being executed.
So CIA is controlled Russian opposition?
they want to keep on living pas this weekend
Assange is too busy being waterboarded in gitmo
>found in a folder titled 'life insurance'
if they drop everything at once, there'll be massive outcry that will eventually pass and they'll have nothing left
if they let it out over time, the constant flow of information will erode public faith in government
Assange is kill.
>implying Assange is alive
My vote is on Assange being in detention. Not dead.
Silly Japan, that's not how voting works.
One of the few nails holding wikileaks to the wall is that they don't endanger people with their leaks.
Snowden's case is autism; watch Citizenfour.
pressure could be put upon the hosting country though
Public outrage must always be kept at a maximum.
1. Releasing everything at once would means that most people will simply not take the time to sift through everything, because most folks are lazy as fuck.
2. Releasing everything at once would cause a spark of public outrage, but then that outrage would cool, which would cause people to stop caring again.
3. Dropping a leak forces the government into a defensive position where it must give answers for what it has done. As such, all one needs to do is wait a while, and then release another leak that shows how the government lied about the first leak.
4. On, and on it goes.
There are many reasons for doing this, but the purpose is to maximize public outrage, catch politicians in their lies, and to force the news to cover each juicy leak one by one to that citizens will get a slow and methodical in depth analysis which they will be able to fully understand.