Let's talk about Hitler pol.
Thoughts? Opinions? Fascinations?
Let's talk about Hitler pol.
Thoughts? Opinions? Fascinations?
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An evil man
He failed. Typical german.
Crazy megalomaniac
A lunatic. Failed disastrously. A national and international tragedy
A real hero
Shitposting intensifies
An example of what happens if you elect socialists
Literally killed the white race with his wacky antics
How do you have an ideal race that you don't belong to and still be the boss?
His heart was in the right place. But he gave into emotion.
And a real human bean
Damn pol you've changed especially since the reddit cucks moved over here :(
A brave man that gave germany 12 years of freedom from the jews
Tovarish bringing on the heat.
He's still fascinating people and it's a good thing.
he tried.
invading russia: huge mistake
declaring war to america: big mistake
went too far on the jewish question, madagascar would have been feasible. and more human.
Don't know what you're talking about
To answer your question OP, Hitler was an evil dictator who poured thousands on innocent lives into a meat grinder to satisfy his own agenda. Stalin was much nicer than Hitler and I'm glad Hitler died.
I thought America declared war on him?
He made me think about inherent weaknesses in democratic government. He turned democracy against itself by creating a legal dictatorship.
Not as bad as I though when I was a kid.
He did as best as he could. If not for him the commies would have steamrolled Europe all the way down to Lisbon. If not for him Germany might not exist today.
Why do I like him and have some level of admiration toward him even though he did mean stuff ?
You faggots need to learn the true history instead of believing the shit force feed to you by the jews
Russia would have invaded Germany first if Hitler did nothing. There are actual declassified Soviet documents showing they had invasion plans. This meme needs to die
>natural selection exists
>National Socialism works
Pick one.
>inb4 defeat is different from collapse
>doesn't understand natural selection
>practically the same effect
yes, i guess you could say hitler was a FASCInating person... kill me...
>This autistic leftypol fag who got BTFO in the other thread
You do realize russia was also planning on invading the whole of europe right. the Bolshevic jews where some of the most bloodthirsty savages birthed in human history.
Could have killed more jews
Only 6 million is such a low number
>Plagiarized nei-nazi meme video
Wew lad
the jews where the first to declare war on germany
that's nonsense, russia was sending war materials to germany up until the day germany invaded russia.
there's no need to lie, dude. hitler is rehabilitated, we forgive him for his errors.
Actually it's 1.4 million now
They take a look at the number and lower it every couple years to correct "mistakes"
Top kek
that's untrue.
Hello nationalist view, sucked any jewish cock today?
your just a leaf from the other side
I know you're trolling, but I sincerely wonder why popular culture regards Hitler as such an atrocious human rights violator when Stalin killed far more people and is hardly ever brought up.
Can you read fagit it literally says after Germany declared war on the US. The natural response around here is to declare war back, dont know how Brits handle it
The answer is simple friend here it is
To be fair, Russia was massing for an assault on Germany. They wanted to hop in the last minute a la America and "liberate" all of Europe. Hitler wanted to catch them before they were ready.
He was a fantastic nationalist who was a beautiful example of what people should act and behave like toward their fellow kin. He was also greatly demonized by the Jewish controlled Western media and that still applies to today's standards. He will eventually be canonized and revered as a hero and prophet for Whites and rightfully so. He is the pre-2nd coming............. Fuck the Jews.
>the jews where the first to declare war on germany
it was still hitler that declared real war to america. nobody knows what would have happened, we need to deal with facts, nobody likes autistic people.
No one is answering the argument.
All you do is meme and obscure.
it's just not true. sorry, you're autistic.
Hail victory!
Actually they did and this was your reply
Honestly dont know what that's trying to prove
that's revisionism, you retard. not real history.
don't be stupid, it makes you look weak.
Britain had to pull the USA into the war or they were going to lose
UK promised the US all their offshore land in exchange for joining the war against germany, rosevelt lied to the US people why exactly they had to get involved in the war, much like they still do (See MWDs in the middle east)
Trying to obscure again.
If you answered the argument, post it here then.
Weak leader, didn't allow opposition and voting. Had a good run with stuff like Anschluss but then went overboard. He wasn't german to begin with, a typical faggy, exorbitant, cruel austrian who misused prussian loyalty and discipline for his megalomaniac fantasies.
I was stupid to even ask. Has there ever been a time in history when it wasn't the Jews?
>Hitler dindu nuffin, was a good boyz, been holding rallies eery Sunday, bout to get deutscheland back on track...
*invades Poland*
>dem joos tryna destroy Germany, Hitler wuz a good boy, wanted peace and shiet
*pushes into France*
>offered Churchill peace multiple times, sayz they don't want war...
>violates peace treaty with Russia
>implying the reasons government give for doing shit should ever be trusted
Obscure what exactly you fucking autist, it's right there
He had to invade russia...in fucking winter
Stop replying to Albero Barbosa. It's NV without his trip
He offers up his foreskin to jews daily but they refuse him because he's moortuguese
No one who speaks German can be an evil man.
>it's right there
>He offers up his foreskin to jews daily but they refuse him because he's moortuguese
I just say there's no need to lie or invent history. it makes us look stupid to people.
hitler is ok, regardless.
Hitler actual did nothing wrong with having to make some sacrifices
Kek not stupid, just need to know the truth if you want more evidence let me know!
He was evil beyond a doubt, however I can see how he did some good for his country. He could have won most of europe if he treated japan as an actual ally and didn't get greedy.
The biggest shame is that fascism will forever be associated with hitler.
Checked and keked
A nutjob.
He wasn't that much different than Napoleon.
A fucking asshole whose only real accomplishment was becoming the perfect boogeyman for the leftist cancer to push their cancerous agenda virtually unopposed for the last 70 years.
How does it feel to be wrong?
A misguided genius; defiantly autistic.
Post the argument here, and see how retarded you are
A true Hero.
The Holocaust never happened but I wish it had.
Hitler and Goebbels were literally /ourguys/. History has truly come around again.
Confirmed, yes he did
>mfw Goebbels is still alive and posting on /r9k/
I see the UK just got shipment of some high quality iPhone 4's
>tfw you're so depressed you have to gas 6 million kikes to give your life meaning
>December 11, 1941, the United States Congress declared war upon Germany (Pub.L. 77–331, Sess. 1, ch. 564, 55 Stat. 796), hours after Germany declared war on the United States after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
>gas 6 million kikes
Agreed, the world has be propagated into over estimating the acutal total of casualites
Great to learn from, though, he caused his own destruction when the first jew got executed, it's a curse when you murder one :(
He was wise to mistrust the Jews however he went about it all wrong. The camps and such, leaving ANY ambiguity at all, were a huge misstep that we are still paying for today.
He lost the war and his failures have killed nationalism and brought about the great liberal over correction for his fuckery that got Europe, and indeed the entire western world, into the suicidal climate it is in right now
He was right about most things.
His biggest failing was that he was too red-pilled. He saw the evil in the world and sought to viciously eradicate it as soon as he could.
That got him into a lot of trouble that he couldn't overcome.
yeah, Hitler was sort of the prototype of how to deal with Jewry and socialism; the next version will learn from his mistakes, but doesn't mean the prototype wasn't innovative and on the right path.