Ask me any anything on any subject and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
How big is your penis
Can you explain how symmetry breaking connects with current understanding of dark energy?
Big enough. :^)
why do you think you being black is something to ask about?, is like if i said, "i have a head, ask me anything"
get lost fucking moron
I can't unfortunately... :(
Why did you blame southern culture for modern niggers in your book black rednecks and white liberals.
what happened to the fire safety breads?
I don't necessary think that's to blame as opposed to the black community having no real culture.
He was right though, and honestly it's a major redpill for blacks.
Talented Tenth here. On a scale of zero to carlton, how bougie are you?
I dunno.
>best of my ability
>shit answer
checks out
Why is spiderman thread no longer a thing?
What happened to the Roanoke Colony
What president needed shinpads the most?
>the black community having no real culture
Come on now famalam, that just isn't true. Granted, it has sadly been heavily eroded thanks to the gangsta garbage pumped out by the (((media))).
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. You should know better with your high IQ Chaim. :^)
if words are meaningless what is government
Carlton. My parents are doctors.
Why little girls are so beautiful?
Was the shooting of Michael Brown justified?
What do you think of this map?
Yeah. He charged a cop after robbing a store. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Fuck off nigger, of course black OP has to be a total fag
how does it feel to be the only black in the room?
do you change your speech to conform to white?
Do you think it's racist to remove affirmative action?
Is affirmative action leveling out the playing field and giving everyone a chance?
Or is it unfair in that it gives particular people better odds then other groups?
In other words should there be race quotas/or should evaluation be based on skill, even if a group of people culturally have less skill?
>do you change your speech to conform to white
No. I talk the same way most people in the suburbs do.
how do we get ethnonationalism into academia?
No. I am actually opposed to affirmative action. We have blacks that have proven that they are capable of performing on the same level as whites and other groups.
Ouch... :^(
What about Trayvon Martin?
>talk the same way most people in suburbs do
so you have a white vocabulary
and dont feel for physical contact whenever you hear a joke or see something epic.
Do you have a black accent?
Does your mouth hang open when you aren't speaking?
Do you passionately hate kikes and liberals for turning your brethren into degenerate apes to be used in the culture war against White America?
Zimmerman acted in self defense. I'm not a fan of Zimmerman though...
I hate liberals with a burning passion when I was red pilled on them. Not sure about jews though.
Anyone is capable of moving from once """social hierarchy""" to another. Ben Carson is a great example, his mother was an uneducated black woman but she was smart enough to be tough on her kids. Now he's a brain surgeon on the Trump cabinet. I don't think it's genetic I just think it's a cultural difference (Asians happen to culturally be tougher on their kids then most, I know this from many Asian friends) and black parents are just slightly more likely to be loose with their kids which means they raised THEIR kids like that, continuing down the line.
>t. not virtue signaling
Sometimes I do.
I think Ben Carson is a good example of this. Parents of immigrants tend to be this way a well like mine.
>says hes black
>gets dark purple ID tag
top fucking kek it checks out
Question: How do we convert blacks into being republican and show them jews are the ones screwing them over
A worthless mass of people who only care about themselves.
Do you wish you were human?
It's just a question of probabilities The proportion of us whites with an IQ of 115 is equal to the proportion of blacks that have an IQ of 100.
Tell them about how Lyndon B. Johnson didn't sign the Civil Rights Act of 1960 because he cared about black people. Along with that tell them about the good things Republicans have done throughout history.
Throughout the election I was most alarmed that while most ofamous what Trump advocated for you generally agreed with in your columns. Did it really just boil down to an overall distrust of Trump given his business history?
Now prove to us ur not a larping faggot.
show us that melanin kang skin that us white bois and jews eat to gain kang powers.
Also to explain the jew thing I think it happens to be more of like I said a cultural thing. Jewish bankers raise jewish banker sons, just like white bankers raise white banker sons. Rich people like to stay on top and depending on how far you go, you get folks like soros who manipulate crowds of people artificially to cause chaos so he can invest shekels into rising or falling investments that he creates, rather than a society that's stagnant and happy with each other and doesn't want to hurt each other (won't cause rising or falling investments)
It seems so. Sowell said voting for him is essentially playing a game of Russian Roulette.
>of 115
>of 100
or higher
your dislike that is and lack of support
Mup de do dum diddly mufuggah?
nice! what kang abilities would I get from that high quality melanin?
t. white neanderthal
I am intrigued in this head thing. Reveal your secrets, Head-user.