Does inflation of the Dollar mean my savings are basically worthless? What do I do with my 10k in savings
Does inflation of the Dollar mean my savings are basically worthless? What do I do with my 10k in savings
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Buy half a car.
It means your savings are eroding by the minute.
It's the way the gubmint steals from everyone little by little and forces them to spend or invest (risk) money.
Invest in Bitcoins
Invest in concrete. The wall's gonna be yuge
Stick whatever you don't need right now into an index fund. Well do that after the market crashes and starts to go back up.
For right now petroleum is a safe profit. Also investing in boring companies with inelastic demand is good. Think water utilities and wastewater companies. Agricultural firms. Get an ETF that bundles them together. I like $FIW it will never go down unless there is massive depopulation.
Dont ask /biz/ they are all NEETs with no money thinking stocks are a petty hustle.
Yes, interest earned in savings is simply a way to counter inflation. It still isn't enough, though. A big reason the rich stay rich during economically hard times is because they invest in gold instead of cash.
no, it means rich fags fortune is worth less than it was before.
the best thing you can do is keep saving money though.
>Stick whatever you don't need right now into an index fund
probably the worst advice you can give to someone and im 100% you're a dirty jew now.
Currency is not meant to be an investment vehicle; it is meant to be used as a medium of exchange for goods and services.
If you want to invest your wealth then use the cash t buy stocks, bonds, commodities, or real-estate.
yes, you could have it in cash hidden under your bed and it would still be getting more and more worthless every day
buy some shit, while your money is still worth a lot, that will always be valuable like gold/bitcoins/property for a real investment
dont buy diamonds though those have artificial scarcity due to literal jewish cartels
Keyleafian economics
Depends on how long you actually want to hold that savings.
Saving account is useless, you aren't coming even close to beating inflation. It's actually a better idea just to hold the physical cash for a SHTF scenario where the digital dollar gets rekt, it will be useful and more valuable for a short time during panic, so use it to buy necessities quickly.
A diverse portfolio reduces your risks. First off, don't buy bonds, shit will never beat inflation.
Stock market is at risk of being demolished by an eventual inevitable collapse of the dollar, however in the shorter term it may be a good investment worth the risk.
Precious metals will net you a loss if the dollar continues to do well, however it is good insurance against a failing dollar. Cryptocurrency is good for this as well, but even higher risk, could possibly net you great returns in a shorter timeframe, could also net you a large loss.
Real estate is a safe investment, water stocks also show consistent, yet slow returns.
>Does inflation of the Dollar mean my savings are basically worthless?
No. If you lived in India or Ukraine then yes. But you live in America so no. Our currency takes two hundred years to decline like that.
If you have ten K you are looking good. You can buy a house and you have the down payment, or other plans.
Yeah okay you're right you should buy gold coins and hide them under the floorboards.
yes absolutely ive been telling peiple all along , we are economic slaves do to the money being fiat, and created.
Fuck become a neet, money doesn't mean anything.
What if you don't believe in loans or interest?
Buy 100 shares of SKF. Market will be crashed.
I've only dealt with cash usually Amerikan 100s for favourable street exchange rates. Never had a loan or credit ghost.
Common exchange currency could be fiat but all debt should be counter collateralised by physical gold reserve.
That is not realistic. If you want a waifu and family you better get religion and start finding ways to finance your house.
you live in an outlaw nation where cash is legal.
People in India who thought like that just got wrecked (their government demonetized the higher denomination bills) LIke higher denomination than a US ten dollar bill.
You dumb nigger, you're supposed to INCREASE your wealth at a rate that outpaces inflation, not lump your cash into a pile under the sofa and sit on it long enough for it to lose a quarter of its buying power.
I own a farm w/ free natural gas in KY and a place in NH with 4 hectares lake frontage w/ sandy beach and 3 artesian wells. All cash.
By gold bars and invest in off-shore assets.
Silver bullion, beans, bullets and cheap alchohol will be worth more when it goes down.
Meme commodity. Better off buying guns and water if you're worried about having commodities worth a shit in a SHTF scenario.
To everyone here. As long as the US dollar stays tied to most commodity exchanges and oil, and we maintain a hegemony of force in the world:
Protip: your dollar will always be worth something to someone.
It will be even sweeter when I have a choice when the great time comes upon us. I am unloading the last commercial property I own in the NJ metropolitan of NY. NJ is done and the taxes are utterly bereft of sanity. 47K US$ yearly. Total bullshit.
believe it or not but i do have a wife her and i live with my mom and grandpa.
No loans
No debt
No interest
I have to say this, be careful when you say find religion, because Islam doesn't allow Interest. Im not Muslim but i can see the economic appeal.