We are sinking at a rapid pace because of all the immigrants. I will leave this image behind in my legacy.
Australia is literally sinking
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Australia is being ruined because of the fucking liberal party, not because of immigrants.
God you idiots are just so fucking clueless.
Based Tones, he was too good for that penal colony hell hole
Stopp the fucking butts!!
If we bring the attention to the fucking libs maybe we can stop sinking as hard as Germany.
But then do you want Labor who said they wanted to increase immigration last election. Liberals have a better stance on immigration they just fuck up economy for the long term (selling off everything to the chinks)
m80, the liberals are the same as labor, they are both the same party, one is just slightly more "right wing"
Were fucked then fuck.
Everything is fine
Lel you're a tard. Labor only cares about certain groups just like the Liberals.
But muh NBN! Well yeah that would have been nice but it's not that imperative.
already too late for you guys
>Jewish bankers
Holy fuck
Which one of you autistic cunts was this?
come to think of it, Australia has really fallen off lately.
Their shitposts barely even rank in the top 5 as far as amount of (you)s they get. They are lagging behind Leafs, Germans, Swedes and Israeli shitposters.
Idk if this is because Australia has gotten complacent in their #1 shitposter title that they just stopped trying as hard or if their reputation for shitposting makes them more easily ignored, but Australia is definitely sinking.
Rest in peace Australia.
Even though we had our differences, I always thought of you as our closest relatives within the anglosphere. You were shitcunts, but by God you were the best shitcunts the world has ever known.
Never thought I'd say this, but I'll miss you.
You don't understand leaf.
Vote One Nation. Based Dick agrees. Too bad no election for 3 years, least the libs will keep most immigrants out in that time
We are in the midst of a meme/shitpost recession, much like Finland has been experiencing for the last 3 years or so.
Based Abbott
I remember meeting an Aussie bitch on Graal Online (nobody probably even knows about this game, true internet oldfags will know about it).
I talked with her for years on MSN Chat and AIM and shit and I loved her and she loved me and she forever shaped my ideal version of a woman. Funny, shittposter, 10/10 qt, redpilled, claimed to be part Abo even tho she was white as fuck, etc.
Loved that Aussie girl and by extension you niggas. Don't sink.
This. Fuck them both. Vote one nation cocksuckers or an hero yourselves like the traitors you are.
Katter isn't bad?
Katter is an agrarian socialist, only farmers give a fuck about him.
He's my second pref.
Kek we are so fucked. I'm just waiting for our Trudeau at this point.
Hate to break it to you but she probably got BOGAN'D every other night
Pauline is the future and australias last hope.
Cory Bernadi needs to swap to ON so they have someone charasmatic.
Well hopefully the gooks don't eat all the koalas.
Was out having dinner near a uni last night. About 70-80% gooks. All the lefty white students looked lonely and miserable. Bloody masochist retards.
The two party system in Australia is a fucking joke. They both need to be done away with and replaced with newer, more extreme parties for both the left and right, not these fuckers we have now who call each other cunts during the election time, and continue to call each other cunts after being elected whilst doing fuckall of what they said they would
Katter is one of these populate the north poofs afaik. We be the food supplier of Asia and get Asians working the farms for cheap.
Nah he's fuckin gay unless you're a farmer.
>We are sinking at a rapid pace because of all the immigrants.
No, you stupid fucking cunt, we're sinking because of the absolutely abhorrent governance in the past 15 years.
Even longer if you count the LIBERALS INVITING LEBS BY THE BOATLOADS IN THE 70s.
Ok so we are sinking into the ocean because of our government and immigrants correct?
Good fuck this shithole
Also because of Australians being dumb as fuck.
I ain't no fucking poof mate.
Better change the IP next time buddy
*raises fist*
Non British back the fuck off
Which one is better tho? Which one is more anti-refugee than the other? Fuck sake!
Based Tone was a fucking faggot. His thoughts on illegal immigration was fine but he saw the state of this country and instead of coming up with a viable long term future plan to clean up the situation he decided it would be best to try and fuck over anyone under 35 to try and clean up the situation.
Absolute piece of shit.
The only thing i care about is their refugee stance, and they've won me over.
Having one stance on the state and future of your country is beyond retarded.
In these scary times, it's justified
In these scary times we can't settle.
housing bubble pop when?
>part abo
They've been saying it for years now and that was before the fucking Chinese boosted it up to ridiculous levels. I'd love it to be soon but I'm not counting on it.
>392 to 20,848
that exponential scale
im surprised that some of those african countries are so full
The 'Based Tone' shill is probably the most pathetic shill you will see on Sup Forums people.
Some faction of the liberal party wants him back, so they fund some liberal party dickheads in an office basement to shill their recycled shit.
This. The liberal party need to be destroyed just like the cuckservatives republicans in the USA.
What a fucking gun.
You don't get it. The boat people are the side show. We are talking about 20K asylum seekers compared to the 200K that come here every year by other means. You really think the population changed completely in the last 10 years just by reffos and international students that are going home in 3 years? Every shitskin you see has citizenship. We opened the doors to them all and we will continue increasing our population at least 3% until we break.
Mate they are giving chinks unlimited visas. It's the same as living here PR.
No m8 this cunt does it for free.
Last election new laws were introduced, we just need to vote harder for one nation.
This. The 2 party system needs to be smashed.
Labour and the greens should split into 'the union party' and 'the leftist party'.
Centrist banker owned scum. Both liberal and labour.
My town is basically chinatown now
Neither you fucking muppet! The bankers and globalists want us choosing between lib/labour because they are the fucking same thing.
They both bring in immigrants and they both let the banks control the economy.
We stoped 2000 boat people but let in 200,000 immigrants! I'm voting liberal forever!
couldnt you consolidate all of these posts into one? or were you commenting and scrolling at the same time
Its the shear frustration of dealing with the liberal party shills. They have money on their side and are increasingly nervous of losing influence and control. So they fund these fucking wankers with their 'based tone' meme.
The worst thing is that it works to an extent; males who dropped out in year 9 or 10 and dont understand shit run with it because 'le funny cool based tone meme'.
It makes me want to flog the shit out of them.
Its supposed of have popped fucking 10 years ago, the Chinese and dirty immigrants are keeping it propped up.
This. Tones doesn't give a fuck about any of us.
Fuck off with the Tones shilling.
I kind of wish we'd had Labor now at least we'd have the nbn and escaping to the bush might be more appealing.
In Fifty twenty.
Dunno Brexit and Trump might nail it next year.
>escaping to the bush
m8 if you were an escaping to the bush type of person then you wouldn't want your degenerate internet out there anyway.
We need to get away from all of it.
literally every political party in Australia is complete dogshit.
Just keep voting One Nation so at least we can trigger lefties and gooks.
I don't get how sharing a quite exquisite meme of Tony Abbott would be shilling.
We are on the brink of reenacting the titanic and the only way to fix it is getting rid of our outdated fucking system of government.
>exquisite meme
It is cancer m80. You are what is wrong with this country.
Being such a rude cunt is the cancer with this country m80
Look mate, the libs are a bunch of globalist cucks, labor at least try to undertake nation building projects but are sjw cucks, and the greens are fucking retarded when it comes to immigration.
We have massive unemployment. Importing yet more unemployed people just drops the quality of life of everyone.
Auntie Pauline was right 20 years ago, and she is still right today. Fuck off, we're full.
We'll I'd still wanna download me movies and binge watch shows aye.
You are overdosing on the Jew. Your foreskin will fall off at this rate.
Australian shitposting shined in a different era, when the biggest cunts and fag callers were the biggest shitposters. Nowdays the biggest cuck is the biggest shitposter, so the likes of leafs reing supreme.
Right wing parts in Australia are either globalist cucks (libs,nats) or crazy Christian right wing (one nation,rise up,ALA) who know nothing about the economy and are as worse as Labor in that respect.
When will we get a based right wing party aus/pol/ and who will lead it?
Right wing partys in Australia are either globalist cucks (libs,nats) or crazy Christian right wing (one nation,rise up,ALA) who know nothing about the economy and are as worse as Labor in that respect.
When will we get a based right wing party aus/pol/ and who will lead it?
Mark Latham is the hero we need.
Classic Sweedeistan
What am I supposed to do read Shakespeare or something? Thats not gonna stop the hordes m8.
Latham is a fat poof.
Anyone who doesn't have a clearly outlined immigration policy is a cuck.
>Go to majority white, poor neighbourhoods
>Buildings are all 20 years old, extra security on businesses, small houses ect
>Go to majority non-white, poor neighbourhoods
>Buildings haven't been repaired or renovated in 30 years
>Every window has bars
>All glass surfaces are covered in filthy handprints
>It all stinks of piss
>Mystery stains over everything
>So much rubbish everywhere that the roads form secondary curbs
>Houses look post-apocalyptic
>Gangs of kids breaking into cars to steal loose change
>Only employed people are Whites and a few Asians
>People insist that poverty affects all races equally
Literally the only positive migrant group has been the SE Asians. They integrated and got stuck in, rather than sit on unemployment and demand the government erect temples in the city center.
I guess you could say; you're gonna carry that weight
>not voting for labor
live in melbourne, place is filled with nig nogs and burka mudslimes. its a right shit hole. the hipster white trash just loved being cucked by diversity meme.
>t.Labor Shill
>didnt read the filename
can you refute any of it though?
To be fair the Greeks weren't too bad and at least held some similar values as us.
The lebs absolutely destroyed whole postcodes.
Now we're taking bottom of the barrel sudes and somalis, and paying for them to breed.
>'Well designed education model'
>What is Safe Schools