If the Democrats somehow stole the election or got electors to vote for Hillary, would people start forming militias to ensure Trump won?
Would you join?
If the Democrats somehow stole the election or got electors to vote for Hillary, would people start forming militias to ensure Trump won?
Would you join?
Pine gap must be lonely this time of year
Oh Vey! Oh Vey! Hi there, CIA!.
Illinois/Indiana militia master race
Yes. We're going to fucking kill them in the name of God. DEUS VULT.
We respect democracy fuck off F.B.I
No. Grass roots political activity would be more effective. That coupled with info sharing both online & in person.
We are in a new Cold War. No nukes, just info. And the ability to be more clever, well timed, or luckier than your opponent.
Nice try FBI
No. I'd be joining the government's side.
hello CIA!
Nice try FBI
Get the Fuck out CIA
>Leakd info hurt u then u suicide then we win. Why not fucking shoot real opponents instead of passive aggressive office friendly war?
don't be rude.
they might be here to give us weapons.
Yeah bc CIA isn't known for arming opposition to them make them the fallguy /s
yea but hey, free weapons.
>we're going to kill them in the name of our sandnigger religion! deus lol!
>remember to worship joseph's wife's son!
Free weapons for those who wanna get killed later by government and citizen approval.
Daily reminder christcuckery is the original Jew lie
>inb4 Dibs bedora X-DDDDDD
>In exchange for moving their drugs to pay for off the books black projects
Fuck yah I would
Only niggers burn down their neighborhoods when they don't get their way.
We got our way. It has been many many years since there was a white chimpout.
Great now he has to rank you on a threat matrix and explain spurdo to his boss
Hell yeah. This guy knows what's up.
i would, but Sup Forumsacks might lynch me for being a spic
CIA does not deal with domestic surveillance. You're thinking of the FBI, fags.
1776 would commence again!
I've been finding it harder and harder to defend trump to my family after he appointed so may ceo's that he promised us he would get out of politics
>CIA does not deal with domestic surveillance. You're thinking of the FBI, fags.
Living in a fantasy
Militia up, ensure those oil pipelines get built
We already have.
Lol this pic is from New Zealand. The Right Wing Resistance. Thats basically every single white supremacist in NZ in that pic. Pussys hiding their faces.