Name one reason why should not Turkey invade Germany and take all Germans as slaves?

Name one reason why should not Turkey invade Germany and take all Germans as slaves?

>Protip: you cant.

Germany is not only rightfull Turkish clay but also their pathetic army has not got enough power to resist against superior Turkish Army. I suggest that Tayyip Erdoğan should focus on conquering Germany instead of creating Ottoman Empire again.

Poor krauts. They even hate the best German ever.

All one has to do is flick a light on and they'll scatter

Poor roach, go back to your hive.

Hr was Austrian you roach

Depends on if you want us to break our country invasion record we set in Iraq.

ever since they lost the war the Allies made restrictions on their military
some of it has been relived but they are not allowed to have over 400k people in their military
not even japan is allowed to have a military
Just a self defense force
If there was not restrictions on the German military, those stats would be different

Germany is already roach clay.

You can't even beat the Kurds. They're a bunch of communists on the rag.


you dont have the guts to do it. your leader threatens the EU with a flood of hungry niggers and like 5 times he was told turkey wont magically move to the last step in ascension they got 35 more each taking a few years

so fucking do it already. im sick of seeing your empty threats. if you dont hurry up and do it i will make the kurds kill the rest of the turks by telling them that turkeys government will yet again try to cleanse turkey of kurds

they outnumber you 6 to 1

Nope dumb ex-Turkish slave. He just born in Austria-Hungary Empire but he hated it. He dedicated his life to destroy Austria and unite it with Germany. He was beloved leader of Germany.

you tried this before, exactly 333 years ago. Kek wills it, give it a go, what could go wrong?

turks are sub human and inbred

>t. subhuman inbred

Because we were allied in WWI and you would taint the legacy of your ancestors if you tried to do this.
Also implying you'd even make it past the alpines.

>Great and powerful Turkey

There's a country named after a bird? What? Never heard of this.

Our alliance caused destruction of an Empire that has survived through hundreds of catastrophes. It is the worst decision ever made in the entire history of Turks.

Other way around stupid negro.The bird named after the country.

>turkroach military so disorganised and weak it lost to the roach police force during the coup


enjoy becoming hans' pets

>Implying it was a real coup d'etat.

Coupist didnt even tried to arrest any government officials, tanks surrendered to unarmed civilians, it was a pathetic show. Anyone who thinks it was a real coup hasnt got a brain.

Uh, dumbshit, birds have been around for thousands of years. Turkey has been around for just a couple months or whatever. Fucking kill yourself.

Well, then you should atleast blame the Austro-Hungarian empire, since they've declared the war on serbs for assasinating Franz Ferdinand, so in principle it was the Serbs' fault, or Austria's fault if you swing this way. Germany only did it's part in assisting his Ally.

A better question is why are you scum permitted to hold Constantinople? Go be filthy slimes back in the steppe where you belong.

Becouse of all the american soilders staitioned there?

your english is fucking hilarious. the accent bleeds so hard.

Fuck off, Germans are working and paying my hartz4. Turk's, Arabs and Balkans are fucking lazy

don't you have houses to infest?

>Name one reason why should not Turkey invade Germany and take all Germans as slaves?

I'll be your slave if you're cute :^)

You can be Anzu her bitch

I don't know who that is. Is he cute?

do it

he has feminine penis

Absolutely disgusting :^)

Jip, but in the worst possible way ever documented in statehistory.

This is an austrailan thread btw.

guy in the bottom right hand corner looks like he probably debates empty chairs in front of a live audience for a living lmao

>Turk's, Arabs and Balkans are fucking lazy

SO true.

Remember Prinz Eugen? Or we just Cut your hartz4 money.

There is a reason the Balkans hate turks, yet the rest of Europe let them stay. We cant even nuke you since youre immune to radiation as well


nice pic of your gf lmao

r u serious

>Turks trek through Europe to take Germany
>Putin claims they are using Russian land/airspace to get there
>Uses this as an excuse to take Turkey, remove kebab and bomb Europe

because you cant even win a forty years' war against peasant kurds in south east turkey

inferiors dont become masters

You can't even defeat turks, what chances to you have against EU country?

>defeat kurds
Fix lol

>can't even crush peasant rebellion
>thinks it can trek across Europe and invade Germoney

We have a dead Russian pilot that says otherwise

Putin a Manlet

Turkey is the next superpower
Russia is the next Israel
Israel is the next mexico
Mexico is the next Canada
Canada will fall


Kurds are ok

Took two wars to pacify Chechnya. Easy there Russian Manlet.

Because you can leave it for one, at worst two generations, and it will be a Muslim country derived from Turkish diaspora and the dumbest of the dumb Pakistani, Syrian and Afghan migrants.

You can literally install a puppet regime at that stage and eventually just shift the borders and take over without firing a shot.

Seriously what is wrong with my English? I have lived with a Austrialian qt for 2 months. It should be understandable.

It's far away and inconvenient as far as expansion goes?
You'd have to move your forces across more than 5 countries that are in the NATO to even reach Germany.
Considering that everyone in the EU hates you and can't wait to retake Constantinople, I can't see you being allowed to do that.

>live with Australian qt

Enjoy those herpes my man.

Also return Gallipoli to it's rightful owners.

Your opinion doesnt matter. What has Czechoslovakia military history except losing its independence to Germany without fight?