Please someone red pill me on why gun control is so effective?
Please someone red pill me on why gun control is so effective?
Here you go
It's not.
By the way, Pétain removed it from us frenchmen too and he was a nazi apologist.
People who want gun control are leftists who want totalitarianism.
gun control is awesome!
if you have a country with effective gun control like japan, shooting deathds are virtually eliminated. The only people with guns in Japan are the cops.
What people who look at this data don't understand is that there are more than 300Million guns in the USA. If you try to impose gun control in this country you are going to have thirty to fourty years where only the bad guys have guns. That is a freaking disaster
Hitler didn't really need gun control for the citizens at that time.
The big tactic was trying to keep conquered peoples in eastern europe disarmed to prevent uprising.
It's still bullshit though. The ethnic nationalists in the country should want all others in that class to be armed.
More importantly why do they all have a red background?
They were republicans
Except Hitler loosened gun laws for Germans
If you're going to make propaganda piece then at least try to make it believable
gun control in germany before hitler was much worse.
There are no nignogs and kebab in japan. Situation there will hardly change even if you provide every jap with free assault rifle, as they will remain highly civilized and generally non-aggressive people.
>for Germans
So jews weren't german, Mr. fingol?
nope, yakuza would love to have guns.
The point that I am trying to make is that you can only control guns if you can make sure that nobody has guns. In the US that is impossible
No, Jews aren't German. Jews shouldn't have guns.
No they were not, just like swedes, somalis, russians and norwegians are not Finnish.
>if one day the government doesn't like you anymore then you can't have guns anymore hehehehe
SHALL NOT INFRINGE you fucking cuck.
We're talking about a fascist regime remove rights from its citizens.
We're not talking about human beings, Jews are filth and you're really good goy. Hitler loosened gun laws for GERMANS, not for invaders.
The laws are for everyone. There's a reason the US constitution provides the 2A for all its citizens. LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
A muslim has a right to bear arms just as much as an Irish or a African, if and only if he is a citizen.
hitler didnt take german guns faggot
>t. civic nationalist
Democracy is flawed because it assumes all have the right to vote. If geographic location is the only case for what it means to be a citizen, and passing some test makes you on equal standing as an ethnic citizen who can trace his lineage back to the creation of the state, then why even have the nation in the first place if all can join? What does it mean to be a Frenchman if some Somalian can become one?
Globalism is your future, you made your bed now sleep in it.
We've lost France to "soft" dictators called presidents of the Republic since we've been invaded by nazis in the 40s. They have chosen to import africans and give them rights, not Frenchmen.
I'd see no issue with them having absolute freedom but we OURSELVES don't have the same rights as in the US. No right to bear arms, no concealed carry, no free speech, forced governemental eductation and healthcare and last but not least: tax deducted at source.
There is a balance we could achieve but not until we get rid of corrupt elites and the all-seeing all-controlling state who protect the immigrants against the ethnic french.
> daily reminder hitler relaxed firearm laws for the average german citizen
The Yakuza do have guns you imbecile, they just don't need them because nobody is armed and most of their crime is essentially whitecollar at this point.
>There is a balance we could achieve but not until we get rid of corrupt elites and the all-seeing all-controlling state who protect the immigrants against the ethnic french.
But you also claim:
>The laws are for everyone
Immigrants are not, and will never be, true ethnic citizens, they are guests and nothing more, therefore they are not entitled to the rights of true ethnic citizens. Just because Mohammed immigrated to Sweden doesn't make him Swedish or entitled to what the rights the ethnic Swedes fought for.
There was an essay from a Hungarian guy (or somewhere around that region) on the critiques of democracy, it had some good arguments.
Because then nobody has guns
It'll work in places with no gun culture, but you'd have to be a blue state to even pass a 10% compliance gun law
>We're talking about a fascist regime
....public education offal.
Yakuza use aluminium bats, sushi knives and fists/feet 99% of the time for business.
>fatal police shootings
So criminals actin a fool and then getting shot for it? Doesn't sound bad to me.
>Third Reich
>disarmed citizens
choose one
American education:
Pol Pot mobilized thousands of people to kill millions of people because they had it so great before.
Maybe you should check military presence of USA and how monarchy lived luxury life, while others starved.
Hitler loosened Weimar Republic era gun regulations for real German citizens you faggot
Go back to infowars trash
Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I'm here to tell you, 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS!
>Hitler took the guns
fake news
>its the Hitler took der gunz episode again
Misinformed individuals wrongly claim the German people were deprived of firearms during the Third Reich. While it is true the National Socialist German government did enforce many firearms regulations, the laws which are mistakenly referred to as the “Nazi gun-grab” were actually passed in 1928. The National Socialists did not come to power untill 1933. The Hitler administration in fact moderated the more restrictions and absolishing some altogether. The National Socialists encouraged ordinary German citizens to obtain firearms.
>>National Socialists support the right to individual and collective self-defense, against both ordinary thugs and corrupt regimes that operate against the well-being of the nation. Therefore, National Socialists support the right to possess, and use whenever necessary, effective firearms and proper ammunition, free of the unreasonable regulations and taxes intended to deprive the citizenry of self-defense weapons
About 12-15% of people who hitler killed were German citizens, if you count Jews
the difference is that Japanese people typically have more respect for each other and are much less likely to engage in criminal activity.
Nig nogs have no respect for anyone and becoming a criminal is more natural than getting a job
We had Hitlers gun laws here til 1974.
Those were the most liberal laws we had since the Kaiser and they are more liberal than the laws of some US states but ok Hitler took the guns Mr. Lolbertarian.
>but you'd have to be a blue state to even pass a 10% compliance gun law
New York had less than that when they banned "assault weapons"
How did Mao take people's guns away in 1935 when he wasn't in power until 49
>dat pop difference