Why do they do this?

Why do so many POC support Trump and Nigel Farage? I heard there where entire Asian communities in the UK voting FOR Brexit? Why do they vote against their own interests?

Do they think White will spare them during the day of the rope?

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>based Sikhs

Trudeau pls go

Because they're not fucking stupid, that's why.
The only people that a pro-immigration policy benefits is those that are outside the country. How does that even make sense

Europeans are the most benevolent of all current ethnic groups towards outside groups. Why wouldn't they want to further a European agenda?

Because they are not braindamaged morons that believe shit like "TRUMP HAET MEXICANS OMG!"

Legal immigrants don't like being associated with criminals or victimized and that's exactly what democrats do

>Do they think White will spare them during the day of the rope?

>[muffled Seinfeld theme in the distance]

Sihks are based af
Muslims ruin everything

Theres a difference

>Trump is bad for minorities
He will do more than Obama. Obama did nothing.

sometimes your humour really delivers
this is one of those times

same reason why over 40 percent of whites vote against their interests.

You will not be spared either muhammad

Agreed. Sikhs are bro-tier.

pull up the ladder behind you

Because Latinos that were already here know they're gonna get fucked when the new (and illegal) ones get in.

They're not about to fuck themselves over just to help some illegals get in that will take all of their jobs and some (if not all) their gibs.

In other words, they no longer see themselves as Mexican/various shitskin. They only see themselves as Americans now.

And America and Americans (including them) comes first. Fuck illegals. Even fuck new legal immigrants.

i have a strong feeling that the communities that shoulder most of the disruptive burden of immigration are the ones that are already largely composed of immigrants. beyond a point where immigrants settle, create families and achieve a certain level of economic success they just want the same thing that natives do, i.e. a stable society with lower crime and resource competition, and immigrant communities have the added concern of accumulating the collective-responsibility stain that comes with a bunch of ethnic cohort morons coming off the boat and making everyone look bad.

>Why do they vote against their own interests?
>Do they think White will spare them during the day of the rope?

Fuck off shill. Mexican-American here who proudly voted for Trump. How the fuck does illegal immigration laws affect a legal citizen like me in a negative manner?

The Chinese as a whole detest trans, black, muslim activist bullshit. So that partially explains some of the Asian support.

These people are conservative socially and hate high taxation.

>day of the rope
Bruh stop listening to death metal in your mom's basement and go make a few friends.

50 towns across the UK that have been culturally enriched by Pakis now. They just want to be left alone so they can rape vulnerable underage white children.

Because liberals are the ones with sensitive feminine psyche. Minorities are very robust and adapted to harshes of the world, but liberals view them as some sort of pet who needs motherly protection in exchange for loyalty, like you would treat a dog. The conservative idea of "pull yourself by the bootstraps or die" is what most actually experience every day, it's very masculine if you have something to be proud of. I predicted a year ago that as latinos start becoming successful they would start leaning republican.

Because at the end of the day they know what their interests are and who will champion them best.

>rape underage white children
How's it feel knowing even Mustafa got more pussy than you? Kek

As a Pedro, I dislike the vibe I get from most liberals. It is as if they are aware at all times that they are interacting with a non-white.
You can see them controlling their breathing, sweetening their voice and giving you an accomplice smile. They are very patronizing, they remind me of my kindergarten teacher when I would tell her a "brilliant" observation.

It is unreasonable to expect everyone to like you,that is why I do not need cucks trying to make me feel safe.

I feel more sympathy and comradery with the gruff plumber, that views me with uneasiness and butchers my name, as we treat each other respectfully doing business and think to ourselves "that wasn't such a bad guy" after all as we go on with our respective day.

Humans are still tribal, I have respect for those that look out for their own.

they wear turbans

they're fucking towelheads

>The Chinese as a whole detest trans
nice meme
we accepted trans before the lgb
>black, muslim

nobody of any race on any side will be categorically spared on the day of the rope

I grew up in a small country town with a large Sikh community. Those guys are based as fuck.

Hindu Pajeets are another matter entirely. They're the true niggers of India.

but they don't pray to allah and they don't have beef with christianity

Those with low-ethnic affiliation and who only care about their own comfort and that of their families will recognize that a white majority is in their interests.

Those who are more interested in the spread and dominance of their race will shill for Hill.

Maybe because they know that racial politics are 100% not real and only used to lure stupid people to vote for you.

If you don't know this OP, you may not be cut out for this board.

The worst part is this probably happened

Nice try, Mohammad, but we know why you would hate Sikhs

I'm Hispanic and have several Hispanic friends who voted for Trump. Not all of us are completely retarded, and kek you think you whites are going to do the day of the rope on us? Good luck, you can't even stop your women from leaving your for niggers. You're a real tough guy Jeb, real tough.

Because at the end of the day they are more politically right. You think minorities are about "muh equal pay" "muh politically correctness" No. The only reason why they vote left is because they still think that the right is strictly beneficial to the rich and the left is for the working class.

Thank you Jews!

Because some people aren't just a bunch of useless parasites and actually believe that the collective can actually be made better in ways that would personally inconvenience them.

Some people are in fact, capable of realizing that their personal interests are in fact, detrimental to society as a whole, and are willing to accept sacrificing what is in their interest for the good of society.

But.. Jeb is an example of a Mexican leaving Hispanics for BWC

>will they be spared
>culture/religion X sure is based, even though they do not assimilate into our values and judeochristian culture
No, and this sikh based meme needs to end.

OP is a fucking retard that believes all racial minorities want hand outs and don't make any constructive contributions to society.

Yet i bet you a million dollars OP is the very same kind that praises all minorities that act or look "white" enough (instead of actually simply caring about making constructive, and positive contributions to society)

How about day of the rope for morons.

I really, really, really hate Sweden.

if they're citizens of the UK, how the hell is that voting AGAINST their interests? It's actually the opposite retard.

Same thing with Trump. Asians do well in the U.S. why the hell would they wanna vote democrat and give even more of their money to some ghetto niggers who are going to use it on bling?

we don't have a beef with christianity you damn faggot , it's with the jews .

Exactly the underlying sentiment you sense, but its never formally declared or anything, thats scary shit, deceptive bullshit politics, fucking assholes

>Sikhs aren't brother tier
>religious beliefs based around fighting against jihad

I hope that Trump makes minorities happy and takes away their vote from the dems. Eventually they are going to see that even a black president didn't do anything for them.


>The conservative idea of "pull yourself by the bootstraps or die" is what most actually experience every day
Yes, on a social level but not economically. Most poor blacks and Latinos are totally dependent on the government to take care of their financial needs so they never have to pull themselves up by any bootstraps.

right, you speak to people first like they're part of a human family first, brothers and sisters. i hate when people use leftist ideology to treat people differently in such a way that makes them uncomfortable; that's precisely the opposite outcome desired and hypocritical to supposed left wing ideology. It's terribly ironic.



>Maybe because they know that racial politics are 100% not real and only used to lure stupid people to vote for you.

> Know that racial politics are 100% not real

Doublethink, pol edition.

>UK voting FOR Brexit? Why do they vote against their own interests?
You're racist AF bro it's like you're assuming minorities have low IQs.

in the UK, Asian refers to Poo in Loos

Sikhs heavily vote Conservative and Trudeau would have no reason to shill for them

Fuck off you multi-continental double nigger

There is literally nothing that separates a black man from a white man other than skin color. Any other difference is due to social upbringing.

>be legal migrant
>work hard to support yourself
>get lumped in to same category as wall jumping cholos
>hate wall jumping cholos for making you look bad every fucking day
>vote trump to remove beaner

>fucking kids is the same as getting pussy
Put the goat down Abdul, we need to talk

Sure. Nevermind Somalis being retarded and violent everywhere they go, in any country, in any society.

You KANGZ are alright.

Hate to tell you liberals, but most hispanics in the US can fend for themselves

They'll all be Republican voters once they get tired of the leftist bullshit like the rest of America has

Has pol been invaded by turbo-marxists?

Based schlomo

Asian here. Asians have a natural inclination toward either: working for the collective good, or following/respecting authority. Hence why there is so little conflict between police and asians. Asians either think voting left is for the collective good (which it rarely is) or they have been conditioned to follow authoritative institutions i.e. their democrat black president or their liberal colleges. Once democrats are out of power for a couple years and if colleges begin to diversify their intellectual climate, this may change Asian minds.

With Jews you ... win?

Do you not agree that blacks are being brainwashed by the democratic plantation?

Obviously there are some real shitty niggers out there, but those people weren't raised right. Main problem is lack of a father-figure.

the day of the rope is a childish fantasy

fucking based

>Why do so many POC support Trump and Nigel Farage?
Because "MUH VAGINA!!" wasn't a good reason to vote for Hillary.

I agree with the fact that the welfare state incentivizes the typical black voter. I also believe a lack of a father figure is a big problem. I also believe genetics plays a role.

These views aren't contrarian.

Because some "people of colour" are intelligent.

why do leftists feel like they can tell non-white people what is in their best interests?

how do you explain the continent of africa

White is its own distinct ethnic/religious group now?

I'm on mobile someone post the transracial adoption study.

Maybe because liberals treat them like endangered animals

And white women feel they need to "take care" of these people per maternal instincts because no one wants to breed with them

only sensible cabinet position trudeau decided on was a sikh to combat muslims

Filled with niggers


>Be globalist schlomo shekelstein goldberg
100 years later....
>successfully replace europe with mudshits who want to gas you
>replace North America will "Hispanics" who don't give a shit about you
>Can't get shekels from whitey goyim now because you subverted & erased them
Is this all part of their master plan goys?

le identity politics meme

"The day of the rope". Yaa that's TOTALLY gonna happen bro. Fucking Christ youre cringey lmao

I hate those fucking people. I've had them come up to me and start trashing Trump because they assume being American Indian means I'm firmly on the democrat plantation. Once I set them straight, I almost invariably get called some sort of Uncle Tom, usually Uncle Tom because they can't come up with anything better. Then I call them racist and watch them trip over themselves with that one.

They fled from their old group. Some of them don't want to bring more.

Turns out jews hate mudslimes more than they do whites

>as bad as caesar
every fucking time

lol Sikhs are hungry for Muzzie blood. Calm down boys.

No one appreciates fuckers cutting in line for immigration, especially legal immigrants. Fuck illegals.

Every single one of them is 8 years old. Total coincidence I'm sure.

They fled from their old group. Some of them don't want to bring more.

>i know what people's best interests are better than they do
typical big government leftist bullshit


i'd totally chimp out too
