Will Murricans ever recover after this?
Will Murricans ever recover after this?
>when one of your major cities is a warzone
>when your police mass murders your own citizens
>when you're' polish
America cant afford health care because they have to spend the money on protecting your sorry ass from russia
the answer to all of this is niggers
>he needs healthcare
by that you mean americans?
this guy knows.
and cant afford health care? try harder. Theres literally state health care for free if you make under a certain amount. you make money you pay your fair share.
This leaf has a point m8.
But also why the fuck is a Voltorb lecturing the united states on -anything-? The history of your country involves a never ending cycle of russia kicking your ass and germany making you feel better with jobs so russia can kick your ass again. You've done nothing since your creation. Kill yourself, Poland.
I'm young and healthy shy the fuck do I need to pay for boomer bills
>when your country is so healthy they dont need money for healthcare
Poland has historically been a much stronger than Russia. The Polish regularly stomped the Rus for centuries until Catherine the Great and even after. I suppose its asking too much for third world burger to have any understanding of history other than
despite being absent for large parts of both wars and selling machinery and arms to the Germans well into each war.
anyone here old enough to remember this miim
>When you claim that your free heathcare is just as good as America's but you die waiting in line for life saving medicine
Cry more, british criminal. Crime is in your blood, go punch a kangaroo.
you mean like 7
>Germany calling any other country in the world fucked up
its hard to afford the best
>tfw you think you live comfortable lives but can't even get a week off every once in a while to go on vacation
Murrikans, fuck yeah
I don't think the idea of taking time off for themselves even enters the mind of most Americans. The only time we get vacation is when we're obligated to do something for someone other than our boss.
>implying half of America doesn't belong in the third world
Pretty sure the entirety of your country couldn't afford healthcare without US defence spending and EU gibs. For such an anti-EU country, you sure are ready to put those principles aside when it's time to choke on that Germoney dick.
t. puritanical bitch that couldn't handle the banter and had to move to the new world
At least like that you have a chance of recieving that medicine, if you had to pay for it, you'd have no chance.