Jesus Christ is The Way

>You want the world to be a better place
>You see evil winning
>You see them farming us like animals
>You watch those that are stupid and cruel succeeding as you can't find your own place in this world
Jesus Christ is The Way

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Amen brother. Fight the synagogue of Satan!

Google search: 'Easy English Bible'

I'm not posting this as a "gotcha", but am legitimate curious to what Christians think of this:

This dude is a historian who makes a pretty convincing case for Jesus being a mythological figure and never physically existing.

P.S. OP, could you explain how Jesus is "The Way"? Like do you mean that nothing on Earth really matters because life in Heaven with Jesus is true eternity? Or is "The Way" some kind of thing in our mortal lives?

Have taken a class on the history of Christianity from an ivy league school. There is general consensus among historians that there really was a man named Jesus who existed.

There are those who disagree, but you do a disservice to historians by only presenting a case from a skeptic.

Those videos gave me fucking aids

Yes, the vast majority believe there was someone called Jesus at that time in that region. Almost non believe their is sufficient evidence for his miracles etc

Big difference between doubting what someone accomplished and doubting that they existed.

Furthermore, the majority believe that He did start a religion.

> Believing in the same God that Jews and Muslims do

Not an argument.

If you're as intelligent and mature as you think you are, you will listen to both sides of the story.

>Having the same common ancestor as blacks and muslims

is over there. Why do you retards insist on making these threads here?

Jews don't accept Jesus and Muslims are not Christians

I am God

>There are those who disagree, but you do a disservice to historians by only presenting a case from a skeptic.

My bad. I just found this video a little bit ago and haven't really looked for or seen any other perspectives on this.

Did your class on Christianity address similarities between Jesus and other deities at the time? I'd heard of Mithras before I'd found this video, but I didn't know anything about how many religions had the "trope" of a dying and rising god. The concept seems so weird to me having been raised in Christian.

>Almost non believe their is sufficient evidence for his miracles etc

Well there obviously isn't sufficient evidence for his miracles right? If there were, everybody would be a Christian, because said evidence would essentially be the only proof of actual magic ever. Belief in the miracles Jesus performed and that he's the son of God requires faith.

>If you're as intelligent and mature as you think you are, you will listen to both sides of the story.

I'm wiling to listen to both sides, but that first video is complete fucking garbage.. DNA researchers at Harvard analyzing an esoteric patterns they saw, decided to "cross reference" them with an ancient Aramaic database and found a direct message from fucking YHVH himself? But for some reason the only proof is this 3 minute video by a text-to-speech program. No one bothered to publish these findings? You're doing more harm than good to your cause with this.

1st vid is a literal hoax

2nd vid uses and idealised diagram of "literally who?" the molecule which looks like a crucifix, notice TEM image looks nothing like that and even then there are literally millions of molecules in the body, so a few looking like a crucifix isn't surprising

3rd vid again using 1 nebula out of infinity that looks like a crucifix

4th vid uses first over argument which is neither philosophically sound (Hume) or scientifically sound (virtual particles, vacuum energy)

Fuck off Brian Tamaki you piece of shit cunt.

>trying to reason with a christcuck
It's futile, they believe in feels over reals just like lefties.

An Aussie Christ cuck at that, I made a big mistake

There are certainly similarities between Jesus and other deities. The class did go into it to an extent.

Carl Jung said that people don't have ideas, ideas have people.

The world of mythology exists with or without us. That doesn't mean it's a physical reality, not what I'm claiming at all.

The question I'd like to pose is whether Jesus resembles other deities, or whether other deities resemble the Truth which was made manifest in the life of Christ?

The MSM and public school and the welfare state totally brainwash people!

Except for the part about Christianity! That part was definitely for real.

>Jesus Christ is The Way
Fake and gay.

I think he's a Kiwi.

>The question I'd like to pose is whether Jesus resembles other deities, or whether other deities resemble the Truth which was made manifest in the life of Christ?

Can you elaborate on this? I'm not sure I understand the question.

In a nutshell, what I am saying is either Jesus was some guy who had the bright idea to make a religion using bits and pieces of other religions, deities, mythologies etc. and he came up with a winning recipe


Jesus (aka God) is the Truth. The living embodiment of Logos. The most rational, compassionate, stoic man who ever lived.

So if God is the Truth, He exists in a spiritual sense. There is a spiritual plane, and on that plane are ideas. The spiritual plane is where ideas exist, and they don't cease to exist when people stop believing them. Kek, as an example. Egyptians believed in Kek once, he didn't go anywhere, now he's back at the forefront of our consciousness, because the idea of Kek didn't go anywhere. Kek still exists on that spiritual plane on which all ideas are found.

So God exists on the spiritual plane of ideas (although not only there as He's omnipresent), and other deities and gods exist on the spiritual plane. They are like a distorted mirror of God who is the light of the spiritual plane.

I might not be articulating myself very well, but look up Plato's cave metaphor and the world of being vs the world of becoming.

>Brian Tamaki
Thanks for the kek, oh and speaking of Kek. You neets actually worship a meme frog.
Those damn Australians desu

Those videos are for those with an open mind who won't cuck themselves to popular Sup Forums opinion.

Just let me ask you this:
What if God does exist and YOU'RE WRONG?

There is only one God and Jesus Christ is his only Son


>implying I don't believe in God

anyway I'm off to bed

some of us have work in the morning

that wasn't meant for you
was meant for him

Nah, Odin's son is Thor, it's definitely not that one, that i can assure you.

what's john (jesus) famous for? in his time?

attacking the money changers?

i bet he would be real popular with the normies of this era

might as well stick with what i got. 2.5%

Jesus beat the devil at his own game. Devil not very happy about this lol. You are right on both accounts my friend. As in your question is a good one. But I will never give you the answer you fag. Just dont deny me.

Don't deny you what?

The real Yashua has been just another minor cultish freak that there were plenty around at that time - and the only thing he has in common with the jesus of the bible is the name and the fact that, just as plenty of other freaks at that time, claimed that he was the god's son and prophet.
The jesus we know now is entirely fabricated out of older stories and bullshit.

Wow, that second part of the "or" is weird. I'm gonna have to do some thinking on this.

>You neets actually worship a meme frog.

And as Christians, we accept completely on faith (because the "evidence" that people purport to find is bunk) that a magic Jew performed a series of miracles and came back from the dead after being murdered. We're really not in a place to sit in judgement of others for what they believe.

>Those videos are for those with an open mind who won't cuck themselves to popular Sup Forums opinion.

No, those videos, like all things that purport to be definitive evidence of Christianity, are for insecure Christians who need to shore up their faith or are looking for counter GOTCHA!'s to the litany of standard atheist GOTCHA arguments/statements. They're fucking pathetic and make Christians look stupid.

>What if God does exist and YOU'RE WRONG?
God is all-knowing. Therefore He'd know if somebody's belief in Him is genuine or if they're feigning or claiming to believe in Him as some kind of half-assed insurance policy.

Nice job posting another fallacious, Christian GOTCHA "argument".

That's like saying that every single pastor that makes his own unaffiliated church creates a new religion.
No, the real Yeshua of that time was just a minor preacher, one of many.
> Jesus was some guy who had the bright idea to make a religion using bits and pieces of other religions, deities, mythologies etc. and he came up with a winning recipe
Nope, that guy's name is Paul - or whatever his real jewish name was.


Saul. Saul of Tarsis.

"The Way" is the Logos. Very first story in the Bible dude. "The Way" is both. Life on Earth doesn't matter to the Logos, and living your life according to Logos is moral perfection.

"The Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Even Bart Erhman, no friend of Christians, says he existed, this thinking in your video is shit.

And you know this for a fact because the bible tell it ?
Have you ever heard of circular reasoning?

Have you ever heard of entertaining a presupposition of a theory so that you can holistically evaluate the merits of the theory?

Nah, i don't like bullshit.

>not an argument

you should stop taking your chunky diarrhea for thoughts and arguments.

>worshipping a Jew and the Jewish God will make the world a better place.
Cone the fuck on. You suppress the will of the gods and you want to end abortion which is probably the reason America is still barely a white country.

How can you say that when it's so obvious that religious people have more children. just look at demographics.

>implying we need to abort more browns instead of make more whites

still not an argument


If God is real, then where is my qt gf?

no argument found

Why is Britain First so religious?
The media paints them as neo-Nazis.

Why is Britain First painted as neo-Nazis?
They're religious.

Amen kamerat

Christians of Sup Forums, I've been considering finding a church and officially converting back to Christianity.

I'll be honest though, a good portion of the reason is because I'm close to finishing school and would like to try and find a qt to settle down with.

The problem is that I won't date non-virgins, and from what I've seen online, the Christianity seems to have completely compromised on this issues.

I've been lurking on a number of Christian forums finding threads about girls being dumped by their boyfriends, or men being uncomfortable that their girlfriend isn't a virgin, but he is.

The responses are always the same:

>"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
>God forgives you, who cares if he doesn't? You go girl!

Basically, this attitude of "sinning 6 days of the week and feeling a bit of regret on Sunday" is putting me off from the Church.

What church should I be looking into to find a serious approach to faith, and hopefully find a qt who holds similar attitudes?

Honestly dude, it's tough.

Most of the Church has been infiltrated by betas, feminists and gays. In other words, "progressives".

I can tell you which denominations to avoid:

Ones with female leadership

Ones that conduct gay weddings

Ones that worship the virgin Mary

So your options are slim. Church of Christ is one I found in my local area.


This isn't really an argument.
Why would you think this is?

>>"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Yes and what is the next verse ? go and sin no more

>Basically, this attitude of "sinning 6 days of the week and feeling a bit of regret on Sunday" is putting me off from the Church.

This is just a meme, the lord made the sabbath day holy and in that day we would worship him more then we usualy would

My Grandfather was really into Church of Christ. I might look into that, but I've heard it's really only "strong" in the south.

I assume I should be avoiding non-denominational, protestant megachurches, etc. as well?

I was tempted to try Catholicism out, but in Colorado, it's likely that most people will be Hispanic, which isn't really what I'm looking for.

On the fence about Orthodoxy, SDA, etc.

Thanks for the recommendation, though, user!

Catholicism literally makes Mary a goddess. No bueno.

Probably wanna avoid megachurches, yeah... but it depends. Go ask people. You're totally allowed to ask questions about these things, and if people are going to try to rebuke you for being opposed to

worshipping Mary
gay marriage (in the church)
female leadership

they aren't real Christians.

Research the evidence of an ancient roman "wanted poster" for the one they call jesus, jesus wasnt his name it was his title and he did not look at all like he is depicted. In the poster it desribes a short darkskinned guy with a hunched back. Thats nothing against jesus as his physical appearance should be irrelevant but the wanted poster privides evidence and a description which is almost the polar opposite to any physical representation of jesus. Also he was not black but being middle eastern was not pale either.

Think I believe he was a blonde haired blue eyed nord?


Kike on a stick

Are you Pagan? This is a Pagan-level argument.

All I see is the Smash Bros logo.

For Lutheran

Stay away from ELCA, LCMS or WELS is better.

For Presbyterian:

PCUSA is fucked, PCA is better

For Methodist

UMC is fucked, go with Nazarene or similar.


Varies too greatly to give advice


Stay away from Episcopal Church, they are the most useless thing in religion. ACNA and some churches aligned with foreign bishops aren't as fucked up as TEC.

My denomination growing up and loved it, but the Episcopal Church has been destroyed by liberals.

There are a ton of non-denom churches, they vary in what they do, so choose wisely.

I currently attend a southern baptist church, the doctrine is pretty wide open for southern baptists. You can be Calvinist, Molinist, Arminian etc.

I just happen to like the service, music, old time hymns etc.

Its simple.


Friendly reminder, you are judge to no man but yourself.