Do you ever get insecure about your political beliefs? Do you sometimes think that it might be you who's wrong?
Do you ever get insecure about your political beliefs? Do you sometimes think that it might be you who's wrong?
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how can I be wrong when if I'm a centrist? :^{)
Yeah. Seeing all these people praise that Dylan Roof gut for shooting black church goers has me questioning if alt-right is for me.
Do you support Trudeau?
Constantly. But on re-examination I find I am correct
Yes. I think you have to challenge your own beliefs from time to time.
No, I don't even like weed.
Yes. So I expose myself to all kinds of media on every political spectrum. I keep coming back here though. Sup Forums has its flaws but it's never been afraid to tell the truth.
Do you ever feel sick for having that Niggress saved on your computer?
Huh, i'm quite the opposite. I hate the alt right but enjoy the Dylan storm roof thing.
No, everyone is stupid, everyone but me.
im pretty far right, confident in my beliefs but like said, this dylan roof shit is pissing me off. Too easy of a target, some guys got caught trying to bomb somali appt building and i was ok with that. but fucking old women in church? really?
Back when I was a leftist? All the time.
Not so much anymore.
No, but when people ask i say yes so they show they true colors, then i backstab or use them when they're weak.
>Do you sometimes think that it might be you who's wrong?
Only when I was a leftist.
I fucking hate that woman. Her stupid show plays a lot at my university and it never fails to piss me off. I hope she gets hit by a train
Only whenever I remember I'm Mexican and many of my compatriots advocate for genocide of those who look like me. Comes with the territory I suppose, not like a good proportion of us don't deserve it.
Yeah, pretty often. I view SJWs as these logically incohorent, hypocritical, radical leftists. I also understand they view us as logically incoherent, hypocritical, fascists/racists. Hard to tell which is correct, until I re-exam my stances. I think the thought process is healthy though. It helps me weed out incosistent views that I hold and spot others that they hold.
a leaf
Meh sometimes but never seriously. im getting old im commited to my side now. at the end of the day most people just pick the side they like the most logic/rationality has very little to do with it
Not to make you butthurt shill OP but my journey into right territory wasn't caused by sjws it was logiced out of me by libertarians in economic debate.
Constantly, don't want to live in a bubble safe space like all the shit libs we mock.
good man, reexamining your beliefs is healthy thing to do
Literally never.
Only once. At my college I actually started going to a church group they did every week.I'll be honest church has never been a major part of my life but I was ambushed by a pair of cute girls who asked me to go. I actually started to enjoy it. Then one week they had a blm black preacher fucking show up. His speech was disheartening, referring to himself as woke, how jesus was black, how white people don't know of their privilege and need to be educated, and that the church is to weak cause it hasn't condemned trump enough. I couldn't believe this man was there, and looking around I saw all those betas just nodding in agreement. I was in a place of faith, I thought I could escape the politics of this world for just an hour. whether liberal or conservative. And to see the people I actually had started to like agree and such, I thought...maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'd have an easier time in life if I just agreed with all this. College would be easier. Meeting a girl I actually could care about would be easier. It took my very VERY redpilled friend to snap me out of it.He hates that black lives matter stuff with a passion.
Lol, the President-elect of the United States literally endorses the same view on guilt by association as Dylann Roof.
Dylann Roof wanted to punish black people for what they do to white people on a daily basis. President-elect Donald Trump wants to kill the family members of terrorists (including old women) for what they did to America.
The red pill becomes bitterer before it gets better.
Bp is alluring because it's a fantasy. Everyone wants it to be true, but that doesn't mean it is. For some people they honestly believe it to be true, but without a doubt they are miserable, their fantasy betrayed them. Feminists are miserable, BLM protesters are miserable.
It's easy to be "nice" to someone and just nod and agree with whatever horseshit they spout, but that doesn't mean it's /righteous/. I think righteous kindness is the true path, but it takes balls. Bluepill niceness is a trap that will never please anyone on either side.
I realize this now. Even if I was the only person who thought this way, quantity does not equal quality. Also you are absolutely right. I have never met a truly happy blm supporter OR feminist. But I did think of that smug nobody as I cast my vote. I still smirk when I think of how annoyed he was when trump won.
I honestly wonder how people can be liberals and not cave into cognitive dissonance instantly.
thank you for posting this image.
only reason i opened this thread
We aren't genetic clones. Universal altruism is a losing strategy in evolution.
ALL normies are retarded sheep who like that they're told to like, listen what they're told to kike and watch what they're told to like.
Doesn't matter which country or government. Democracy/US , Communist, NS Germany doesn't matter.
Normies are lemmings scum who do what they're told. We fight for ourselves and our group so we can live in a better place. Normies can get fucked though. Theyll commit national suicide and celebrate it.
For every dumb white leftist that is further indoctrinated, there are probably ten healthy minded whites that get that little bit more fed up with the mainstream attack on whiteness. So to the (((mainstream media))) - keep poking and prodding. You are just waking more of us up. Whites are very tolerant, but once things truly go too far, we organize and strategise like no other group. (((They))) have pushed too hard, much too fast, not realizing for every drone they create, they too create ten of us who see through the conditioning; who see that we are at war. We tried to include everyone in our nice societies, and you took advantage of us at every turn while berating us endlessly. Now we are waking up, and we are very, very pissed off.
Thanks for the input ahmed.
im literally never wrong
All the time.
Only morons are sure of themselves
Leftism is dominant zeitgeist and its flown off the fucking rails. Reacting with equal but opposite fervor is likely a legitimately terrible idea, but as long as it causes contemporary leftism to unravel I'm gonna keep heil hitler 1488ing. We'll either completely destroy the world or fix it, either way a change is needed and we are the conduit.
>listen what they're told to kike
Bit of a slip there, user
Yeah, really recently ive been re evaluating a lot of my beliefs and consuming a lot more leftist academic content. I try to keep a balance: il look at a study and a video, and then explore some counterpoints, but recently ive found myself agreeing a lot more with progressive ideology. I guess its because i was confronted with a lot more studies and sources that convinced me more, even though im aware that the social sciences have big issues when it comes to political agendas. However I might be falling prey to emotional appeals too. With things like rape culture, someone showed a verified reddit ama with convicted rapists, and a lot of them admitted that they didnt know they were doing anything wrong and didnt understand consent. Someone also showed me an email that was sent out to frat members with tips on how to sexually manipulate a girl using alcohol. Theres also the rape stats that progressives show, with only 2% of reported rapes being convicted and the whole "1 in 5" stat which, after reading the study, i cant really produce any arguments to deny it. Its things like these that make me think that im wrong, and that theres a reason that lots of right wing folk have herded to places like Sup Forums. It feels like society's collective morality is moving forward, and we're all being left behind. I sometimes wonder if progressive critics existed in the civil right era instead of now, would they be against it? I dunno, im just really in doubt recently.
Unlike ALL leftists and most stormfags, I question my beliefs constantly and always entertain every idea put forward by every clueless idiot. I'm infallible because I pull the base out from underneath every idea and philosophy, I still come out with either Libertarianism or White nationalism every time. Liberalism and especially communism/antifa get BTFO everytime I put effort into actually thinking.
The problem with niggers, women, jews, and leftists is that they utterly lack any ability for introspection. That's why they go for what kinda sounds good on paper, and "MUH FEEFEES!!!"
I know goddamn well that I am right, I've looked at bloody EVERYTHING, and I've gone from "you know Trump is kinda like Hitler" to "14/88 gas the kikes, white Australia RIGHT FUCKING NOW", al because I did extensive research and spent countless hours thinking about this.
I'm a smart, philosophical, well educated cunt. The only way to things if you want to live is look after your own and protect what needs protecting. You NEVER let anyone else tell you what to do, or try and fuck with you identity because of profit of their own projection of insecurities and self hatred.
I'm going to have 10 blond haired green eyed children, and there's fuckall anyone can do to stop it. What goes around comes around, the righteous cause always prevails, life is cruel.
That's the way things fucking are, no amount of delusion or mental gymnastics or kike subversion can stop it. Here's my advice, I don't actually hate anyone except those who seek to fuck others up for selfish gain. I don't care if you're the blackest women to walk this earth, seek your own fortune and your own glory. Make your own nation, I strongly encourage you to make your own black supremacist version of Africa or wherever, then keep to yourself and let Europeans be white supremacists in Europe. Everyone is then happy because they have their own continent where they can do whatever the fuck they want.
I think that political modes are purely philosophical topics, and there is no "truth" to philosophy. The aim in politics is to control men in the way most beneficial to your philosophical cause, and that's how I would justify authoritarian systems.
Wow ur such a unique free thinking intellectual
I used to be a left-wing anarchist (when I was around 20), then a libertarian, then later a conservative, then a nationalist.
And I realized that ultimately, ideologies are all limited, but a few principles remain.
I care about myself and my group. Everyone else (jews, muslims, whatever) I'm increasingly indifferent to, as long as they stay in their countries and stay out of my business.
god do i hate this sheboon's face
1 in 5 stat is easily debunked google it
lmao your dilemma is like choosing between Al-Qaeda and ISIS
Good game, leaf.
When it comes to economics mostly I'm not too certain.
When it comes to ideology you won't change much after considering and refining for many years.
What is the difference between conservatism and nationalism in your opinion?
Why would you let some edgelord teenagers on Sup Forums alter your opinions and why would you want to label yourself as "alt-right"?
You should know Sup Forums attracts a lot of edgy teens because we say nigger a lot. Half of them will be SJWs or apolitical normies 5 years from now.
I doubt hardly anyone will be a cultural marxist after coming here and it's pretty hard not to take away some politics from this place.
These ultra-edgy types with no real convictions or brains will flip from one extreme to the other easily.
I got drunk and I'm a chronic shitposter.
Cultural marxism is more about feelings and moral superiority though.
Normal marxism sure, I could see them flipping to that, but that's not too far from fascism anyway.
inb4 Nazi privatisation infographic
Been on 4chun since le oldfaggot dayz. Be classicalli libtard despite pollacks red pill shit.
Start watching ben shapiro and milo yianoppolis thug life maymays. Get mentally harambaed.. Listen to Nathan Damigo talk to TYT. Listen to Richard B Spencer talk in front of racist nigs in Texas and beat them at their own game...suddenly White By God Nationalist. Fuck you pol.
Sometimes I feel that I should be even more based.
Agree 100%. Why so many all of a sudden? When it happened there were people saying it was a false flag or how this would set back the movement.
It's quite a coincidence that Dylan Roof recently became a glorified meme right when the "war on the alt right" went mainstream.
if you were an old faggot you wouldn't have been influenced by e-celebs
I don't think anyone on this site is in favor of rape.
being against rape is one of the big reasons people on here become racist in the first place
being intelligent means constantly suspicious about your own findings and beliefs, only retards are 100% sure of themselves
that's the golden rule of research, zero hypothesis
nope ... i got a pretty decent education and mind to figure out shit
i've studied sociology and there's nothing wrong with being conservative, race differing and whatnot - data, statistics prove it
centrist win ever time
holy shit this is golden
>I'm at a point in my life where I have to make a distinction between "sophisticated" and "unsophisticated" racism
How did it come to this?
I'm not Sup Forums level retardation when it comes to race (but it's something else entirely when it comes to Islam) but there's people here who just can't stand blacks for seemingly no reason at all. I mean it's one thing to be skeptical about the value of diversity and the systematic marginalization of whites in their country but just going "ooga booga fuck the black mynz" doesn't really cut it.
If I can't back up my opinions with facts I drop them.
If I can't be assed to look into something, I don't take a strong stance.
For example, it would be easy for me to say that fluoride is bad for you and makes you dumb, so it shouldn't be in the water, but I haven't researched the subject. I haven't looked at any data, so I don't make a claim that fluoride is bad.
I can make a claim that IQ is genetic and some races have higher or lower IQ by average, and that IQ is the most accurate and useful measurement for intelligence. In that area I've done my research and made sure I am right.
I have done. Then I've looked at what is supposed to be refuting what my beliefs are and then the only thing that puzzles me is how I'm supposed to be the "crazy".
E celebs lol.
Did you meet Hitler in person then? Or did you learn of him online.
We learn shit and our views change. I dont care who speaks the truth as long as i see the truth in what they say.
Also being born in friendly leaftown it is easy as fuck to get pulled along the cultural marxist propaganda train. As i said even pols red pills were not enough to pull me off the libshit ideology. Until more recently i think Nigel Farage smack talking the EU after watching a hungarian truck driver run the calais gauntlet was my real red pill moment.