Trump appoints Exxon Mobil CEO for Sec State

Trump has appointed the CEO of Exxon Mobil to be secretary of state of the United States. Good or bad? Trump?

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i thought we were draining the swamp? why he do this?

this guy makes billion dollar deals with foreign leaders all the time and has worked with Russia alot through Rosneft and Gazprom

so hes definitely going to work with Russia, other than that hes a pretty standard GOP guy, free trade, anti regulation etc.

hes got to have a good reason to randomly pick a CEO to do this

Dealmaker. Ideally, SecState needs to speak for the President with full authority in any foreign affairs.

If you fucks had voted for Cruz this wouldn't have happened.

Kill yourselves if you unironically support Trump.

I think some of us took the berniepill a bit to hard here with the
>all CEOs are evil

if you supported a billionaire CEO for president why get butthurt over him appointing other CEOs?

maybe the guy is just smart

Sup Forums will defend this

Washington DC is the swamp mate. Making someone who's been a senator for 20 years secretary of state is corruption and swamp creation. Choosing someone who's at the peak of their profession in the free market is bringing in talent.

Long before Trump started talking about draining the swamp he was talking about how he knew the best business people in the world and none of them were working on running the country.

dunno but he's better than literally every other Sec State contender.

yea better just hire the guys who work directly for the corporations.

it is importing more swamp muck.

He is draining the swamp. He's cutting out the middlemen lobbyists and going straight to the lobby itself.

Trump believed the politicians were the problem, as republicans tend to do. Bernie believed companies were the problem, as democrats tend to do. While their rhetoric was similarly populist, people seem to be confusing Trump with Bernie with this "but I thought he was draining the swamp" talk.


>he appoints cronies, therefore he's smart!!!
how do you breathe with trump's ballsack filling up your mouth like that?


At least it wasn't Romney.

Cruz was in bed with the banks you filthy Canadian scum
There were no good, clean candidates
You don't get this far in life if you are

pretty much. anybody is better than romney

>Cruz was in bed with the banks you filthy Canadian scum
Trump has hired several goldman sachs bankers, you fucking Trump nutgargler.

>appoints Goldman - saches employees to the cabinet
>not their their pocket

we are all about ot be fucked hard and proper. but as long as you are entertained and have enough money to do so you will be ok with it.

1. This is a rumor spread by one NBC reporter.

2. This is a nomination not an appointment

Message to pol: don't respond to retards

>Before the election: "Trump is our savior, he's perfect, he can do no wrong, he'll deliver on his promises!"
>After the election: "Oh well, there were no good clean candidates anyway, but at least I got a spiffy red hat out of it."

Still not confirmed. Trump can again come up and say "WRONG, meda doesn't know what they are talking about trying to predict me". who know - maybe they even made this fake news because they tried to manipulate Trump to not accept Rex.





I am little perplexed by this decision. Trump must see something in him that I don't. Probably knows he's a good dealer with Russia, so he wants him at the helm to keep relations from souring.

I'm just glad Gulianni is out of the contention.

yea he sees the fat check he was written.
He is selling the spots.

You're talking to redditors. They have a different idea of the swamp, namely corporate types.

Well now that just sounds like the clinton "fact checking"

>no, no, it's not an APPOINTMENT
>it's just a NOMINATION

>hehe yes goy let us bring in the "killers" hehe we promise they will work in your best interests
>noooooo the swamp referred to politicians, these private sector types obviously got to where they are by being honest, hardworking americans, hehe trust us goy
you really are the dumbest type of sucker aren't you?

Nice flag.

kill yourself my dude

It's not fact checking, it is detection of people who don't know the basics of how this works, making their concerns irrelevant.


>it's not fact checking, it's just fact checking
end ur life dummy

Haha, what a leaf!

>because hillary Clinton used the word 'fact check' we no longer have to worry about using basic facts as the basis of our discussions

Not an argument.

Not a country.

Nice fact checkā„¢ faggot, how much does CTR pay you?

Not stefan

Absolutely not an argument. Try again.

>[leaf sounds]

Someone get a rake.

>hehe yes goy defend goldman sachs, daddy trump will defend your interests, trust us goy!
- you, a massive tool

>[leaf sounds]

>hehe maybe if i shitpost enough, goys won't notice i can't defend the goldman sachs pick as "anti-establishment" or "anti-globalist"

It's a leaf in the shape of Bernie Sanders!

>i can't defend the cabinet pick from any logical perspective, but my feeeeeelings tell me that trump is always right xdd
>better shitpost to cover this up!

Thank God it's not Romney

Probably good.

Leafie Sanders!

>SoS has never had any political position before
>Not draining the swamp

Nigga you some sort of retard? if not, 7/10


Stop shitting on our reputation as "the polite guys", asshole.

you unironically nutgargle billionaires and goldman sachs bankers like this


You elected Trudeau, roflmao

The fact that a Canadian felt the need to create this meme has put my sides into orbit.

Why are Drumpftards such bootlicking gullible Conservashits that want the rich to raid their coffers ?

Likely, but unconfirmed. We'll see

Consider the whole plan was electing a literal unapologetic billionaire I don't know what logic you're using to assume we would be mad at him appointing other ones

Why are you a Berniefaggot?

Why the fuck are you bitching so fucking much? The difference between Trump calling out Hillary and Ted is that Trump CONTROLS the GS people now and not the other way around. You're a fucking retarded cuck and should be more worried about your sorry excuse of a Prime Minister. LMAO

I didn't elect him

you voted for a billionaire to rob your country AND you gargle his dong as he does it AND you defend him on an anime imageboard because you value feelings over logic


>Donald Trump said Friday he doesn't care about prosecuting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, after attendees at his rally chanted "lock her up."

>After the chants started at the President-elect's post-election "thank you" rally in Michigan, he responded, "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"


This is the best fucking news I've had all day.

You are a bootlicking cuck and you vote for the rich to bend you over and vigorously defend them FOR FREE on Sup Forums, lmao

it's more hilarious than anything, kill urself my man

>ID, shit colored, almost spells crap skin

How are you doing today my non-white friend?

Leafie Sanders is triggered.

kill yourself pal

Why are you both so easily divided by the state that this is possible in the first place?

Not an argument.


Actually, not

Turns out Trump is a bigger renegger than Obama

Is Rudy Giuliani going to take the supreme Court spot then? He was the top pick since he was with trump from the beginning

>Trump says "yeah I'll prosecute her"
>Obama pardons her

use your brain Achmed

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

You are just upset your fake country elected a pussy.

Watch your mouth when you are speaking to your betters, leaf.

Not an argument.

Christ son, calm down. And don't take the bait.

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires


kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

This. The Secretary of State is THE messenger for the president dealing with other countries. Here's a video of Trump talking about the importance of the messenger.

>mfw I broke the leaf

this guy has worked with every world leader you can think of and all the others you can't think of.

Oil is literally what our world runs on, it is BY FAR the most important resource on Earth.

This guy is an engineer, a scientist, and a businessman. He is incredibly successful at all of those things.

Having worked with all the world leaders as a career (what oil ceo does desu) he is more than qualified to be SecState

This is a man who worked his way to become CEO, he wasn't born into it, it wasn't given to him, he legitimately earned it.

All of the things listed above prove that this is an incredibly smart choice and the man I want as SecState.

but let me guess
rich people are bad right? (they're not)

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill yourself nutgargler of cucks, sjws, and rapefugees.


kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

First Post: "Not all CEOs are evil"

kys plz

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill yourself nutgargler of cucks, sjws, and rapefugees.

>You are just upset your fake country elected a pussy.
>You are upset that your shitty 2 million + cities elected a pussy, since Canada doesn't have an electoral college to protect you from the power of large cities.
Fixed that for you.

Won't be long before Trudeau bends the knee to ISIS and you'll watch as your nation continues to get cucked again and again. It's almost more embarrassing to be a Canadian now than ever, as if It couldn't get any worse.

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

I enjoy seeing a leaf so upset, keep being salty.

kill urself nutgargler of billionaires

Suce ma bitte, connard