I voted for Trump, primary and general. I thought these images were for special snow flakes. I thought all drugs were "degenerate". They are, no doubt about that. But this one drug....dmt...should it be illegal? sure. But damn. One hell of an experience. Wouldn't do it again but I'm glad i was open minded about it.
Maybe you guys should step outside your box once in a while.
I voted for Trump, primary and general. I thought these images were for special snow flakes...
Other urls found in this thread:
Where can you get DMT?
>should it be illegal?
Of course. We can't have the goyim expanding their minds beyond the mortal realm after all.
You should know Bush Guru.
I heard Tyrone down the end of 33rd sells some good shit
I am the Bush Guru!
ID checked and keked
Hard to find a seller but easy to make yourself. I had the good luck of being given it.
I can't imagine why DMT should be illegal. It's not like you're going to be able to harm yourself while you're on it, and nobody's going to abuse it. It's not recreational in any sense, and it's also entirely harmless.
All prohibition does is move more people to shit drugs like crack, pervitin (meth for you uneducated barbarians) and heroin, and therefore profit those who produce/traffic them - niggers, cartels and gypsies.
Prohibition must be repealed and people must be educated on various drugs' effects. Nobody in their right mind would take desomorphine or coaxil (both are guaranteed to make your limbs rot) if alternatives were available.
If Tyrone chugged DOB and DXM every day, he would be too spaced out to go out on the street and play knock-out game.
You have to learn how to extract it yourself
LSD (and other psychodelics) causes complete disruption of social hierarchy in babboons. I bet someone up high got afraid of French Revolution v2
Order online, use dead drops.
People who take this drug should be fully aware of what happens. If some dumbass 18 year old smokes it thinking "it's like dude weed lmao" then they might get messed up.
I'll agree that our current system needs improving. Things like cocaine shouldn't be legal. Mainly because I'd be buying it 24/7 and i don't want to.
>If some dumbass 18 year old smokes it thinking "it's like dude weed lmao" then they might get messed up.
DMT isn't like acid. I don't think it's possible to have a bad trip on it, and even so, it only lasts for like 2-5 minutes.
Alphabay, fucking lazy leaf.
>I don't think it's possible to have a bad trip on it
You're joking right?
>If some dumbass 18 year old smokes it thinking "it's like dude weed lmao" then they might get messed up.
In what sense? It certainly won't cause any physical harm to them. If someone is so flippant about putting chemicals into their body, perhaps they should get a good bonk on the head from something that won't actually hurt them. On the other hand, I've heard of kids getting their hands on dangerous psychedelic drugs like 25-i and dying.
>You're joking right?
No. I'm not. I've done it several times, know several people who do it, and not one of them has ever heard of a case of someone having a bad trip on DMT.
If you don't tell them what it does beforehand it might freak them out a bit, but once they come down after a few minutes, 99/100 times they want to do it again.
I'd rather have them do dmt than sniff gas but that doesn't mean dmt isn't harmless from some idiot taking it. Imagine someone who has never experienced psychedelics do 50 mgs of dmt. Do you think that would be enjoyable? Have you done it before?
i want to meet the mechanical elves
>Do you think that would be enjoyable?
I don't think it's enjoyable under any circumstances by any conventional definition of the word. Playing a video game is enjoyable; DMT isn't that. My point is that it wouldn't cause any physical harm to them.
did they break through? Or was it a little funny high that they did around people in a setting that wasn't pitch black by themselves? As long has they don't exceed 30mgs then sure, there's no harm.
It amazes me that the war on drugs isn't a huge political issue. It has just led to gangsterism and corruption on a massive scale. Mexico is owned by cartels and shitloads of money is just unaccounted for.
You're right. I had some bad experiences my first time with psychedelics. Just didn't know it was going to be like that if you know what i mean. But yeah it wouldn't cause physical harm.
>did they break through?
One guy did. He estimated that his trip lasted 4 hours. It was 6 minutes. Most just giggle like retards at the roided out kaleidoscope effect.
45 center moderate supreme
y chromosome is the tree of life
the tree of life defeats the predator at the center
The government profits off of perpetual wars like that. The War on Drugs justifies the massive militarization of the police, the continued practice of keeping the niggers from being anything but hood rats as a sort of cattle for the for-profit prison industry, and the rolling back of individual rights in the name of "making the country drug-free."
It also destabilizes Latin America, keeping them down and non-consequential forever.
hmm. for some reason I can only break through by myself in the dark. I've tried it around people and in the light and it just doesn't have the same effect on me. I think i need to do more in those scenarios.
>any other animal
>being anywhere comparable to Humanity on our level
Get the fuck out. Until literally any animal can construct planet-spanning civilizations and communicate in trade with us based off their own technology and comprehension of fucking quantum physics and the underlying nature of the universe itself, you can't fucking say that baboons "social order" gets fucked so ours would too.
45 center supreme moderate holy zone
man is from the center
the river is the first lief form
the river was the first tree
the river is supreme
the people are supreme
stay away if you are not from the center of it all
There is absolutely nothing like DMT. It's incredible. It's like being overwhelmed with amazement.
>for some reason I can only break through by myself in the dark.
Same for pretty much everyone else. We do it one at a time, keep the lighting low, and everyone shuts the fuck up the second that the guy smoking passes away the box.
>drugs are degenerate
>they should be illegall
>i had the time of my life on it but won`t do it away
just shut the fuck up. first of all, you are an idiot for getting the bluepill of "muh drugs so degenerate" and shoving it down your own throat. then you do dmt and keep on going "oh drugs so degenerate but this one super cool, be open minded ey". No, it`s not just dmt thats a hell of an experience.
And if your first and only time with drugs was right off into the dmt then you are the reason for why drugs are illegall in the first place. I smoke weed all the time and drop psychedelics like candies, do i go on Sup Forums and make threads about it saying how drugs are no doubt degenerate and should be illegall, but they are great be open minded goys oyy veyyy ayy!!
>weed makes me intensely paranoid and unhappy, even at extremely low doses
>want to take psychedelics to 'expand my mind' but afraid that I'll have a bad trip and freak out
What do?
Again i feel like my problem is not smoking enough. I had a tiny light on that indicated that my computer, that was closed, had the charger in, and it stopped me from breaking through on a dose i usually do. It pissed me off so bad and it's literally the size of a pen tip.
well as mentioned earlier, dmt is so short lived that a bad trip wouldn't be nearly as horrible as other psychedelics.
Nibiru men lived in Nebraska (nibirusky) thousands of years ago and built a city on mars. They lost themselves over time.
We're going back to Mars to REBUILD the FACE.
Look into my Mars images when you take the DMT.
How do you smoke m8?
pi is pi
I'm the same way with weed user, i literally can't touch it anymore it makes me so paranoid and weird feeling, but i still love to smoke DMT, it's honestly just about the only drug i still do. Paychadelics and weed are two totally different things
The Nile is a Tree. The Tree of Life Beat Orion the Hunter at the Center. It is a trophy on my face.
The Tree of Life beat the bomb at the Center. It is a trophy on my last name.
These are the words of the Lord, the One True G-d.
All men should scratch their heads for Adam Baum! We split the atom!
I am turning into a beam of light because the woman is a traitor.
I want to build a Great Pyramid and build a shaft to direct my beam of light to Orion's Belt like the Old Pharaoh.
>If Tyrone chugged DOB and DXM every day, he would be too spaced out to go out on the street and play knock-out game
understandable position, but there is a high risk of inflicting collateral damage with that stance i.e. people who would have been normal, productive members of society drug up and drop out
to break through 50mgs. weed bowl. tea, dmt, tea (then ash to retard the flame). I've done the meth pipe blowtorch version but never really noticed the difference. You?
>Maybe you guys should step outside your box once in a while.
yea but that's against the narrative of Sup Forums since every bit of innovation is perceived as threatening to our society, its da joos, neo-liberal and other shit
Life is not black and white, create your own reality!
That's a unique fucking ID
Did the DMT make the frogs gay?
>its da joos, neo-liberal and other shit
You must believe that to a certain extent if you frequent this board. Individualism is always subjected to a collectivist society if persons aren't vigilant. It's just Sup Forums tends to be against drugs. Sure they're bad but the cost of making them illegal is worse.
Hello, anons I see there is a tread on DMT. It's easy to make and extremely easy to find. All your supplies can be bought at a home convenience store (Home Depot., Lowes, etc). SWIM has been extracting DMT for the past 6 years and years uses it on a regular basis. SWIM's best advice is to find someone who knows what they're doing because extracting improperly can actually result in death. Always be weary of what you get because the only way you can tell if it's real or not is by the color and smell of it. I'd never advise someone under the age of 25 to use DMT, as it is a complete waste of time and you will not gain the full experience. Hyperspace and the "other side" will make you anxious and it will be overwhelming, don't expect the experience to come without consequences.
Here's the best way that I've found. Get a vape mod that can handle 120v or higher along with a drip tank.
Pick yourself up some glycerol. My local Rite Aid sells it. Not sure about anywhere else.
Take your DMT and mix it in with about 50ml of glycerol. Sprinkle it in until you reach 100% saturation. Do it slowly so as not to waste any of the DMT.
DMT vape juice. Out of all the ways that my friends and I have smoked it, this gets the most in our systems in the shortest amount of time. And (personal opinion, not everyone agrees) it's a lot less harsh as well.
Heck of a drug but it's like tripping for cheaters.
>Let's skip the whole come-on and just go straight to 15 mins of peak.
The whole trip should be required tbqh.
dmt simulates death. it puts you in touch with reptilians...best to keep that door closed for now. wanna see what eternity 'feels' like?
Those same brilliant scientists you so pedantically bragged the human race has, use animals in both biological and social experiments that benefit the human race. Because as it turns out dip shit, we are still similar to other animals in many ways despite our intelligent evolution.
I find it easier to make changa, with my own personal mix of leaves in it. The meth pipe way burns my throat too much now. I feel like there is a different experience from glass to leaf.
drugs that threaten the dominant power structure paradigm must be illegal, if the drug makes you see the inanity of the power structures that oppress you or coerce you into wage slavery, that drug will be criminalized as it threatens those in power who profit from the power structures in place, look at LSD in the 60's - it threatened the vietnam war propaganda machine
Maybe try 2CB first, seems to be a lot less intense than something like DMT but still psychedelic
this is some 'khajiits using skooma to travel to the moon' tier shit.
Fuck, meant this as a response to
I have a mod that can do around 250 watts, no idea about the voltage. Honestly i doubt it goes up to 120v. that seems ridiculous. But thanks I'm going to research what you posted because i don't fully understand it.
you are a mechanical elf
I did mean watts. Sorry I've been drinking.
>But thanks I'm going to research what you posted because i don't fully understand it.
Also, my dumb ass meant vegetable glycerin, not glycerol. Forgot what it was called for a second so I googled it incorrectly.
Everyone I know that does drugs is a fucking degenerate. Former degenerate here won't touch this shit ever again you fuckin fuckers said LSD was harmless and I got committed after a bad trip. I lost my guns and myself respect. If any of you own guns better get rid of them, if you ever get caught doing drugs with firearms around you'll be slapped with felonies. Enjoy your blue pills. I was better off swallowing the ultimate red pill that you're more enlightened by not doing this shit. For the record I have used hard drugs and quit. Anyone calling me out is in a state of delusion thinking they are the enlightened ones the true enlightened ones are people who don't waste money and time on this shit. Go back to fucking 420 chan you degenerates! This shit will catch up with you and you'll pay in more ways then one keep telling yourself "I'm safe, I know enough." I was armed with all the knowledge I needed to stay safe and it all caught up with me. Swallow the true red pill say no to these delusional faggots. Read a book and enjoy a few beers stay away from this shit.
The term Machine Elf was coined by ethnobotanist Terence McKenna for the experience, who also used the terms fractal elves, or self-transforming machine elves.
Hallucinations of strange creatures had been reported by Szara in the Journal of Mental Science (now the British Journal of Psychiatry) (1958) "Dimethyltryptamine Experiments with Psychotics", Stephen Szara described how one of his subjects under the influence of DMT had experienced "strange creatures, dwarves or something" at the beginning of a DMT trip.
Other researchers of the experience described 'entities' or 'beings' in humanoid as well as animal form, with descriptions of "little people" being common (non-human gnomes, elves, imps etc.). This form of hallucination has been speculated to be the cause of alien abduction experiences through endogenously occurring DMT.
Cliff Pickover has also written about the "machine elf"-experience, in the book Sex, Drugs, Einstein, & Elves.
Who the fuck is talking about LSD?
Fun fact. Did you know that you're on DMT right now? It's a chemical that your brain naturally produces.
>huge kike star in the middle of your image
I don't know, you tell me if it's degenerate.
>"psychedelic experience"
Dude expand yur mind lmao!
How close is this to a visual representation of an DMT trip ?
I can barely smoke weed without feeling dread and hatred for hours. I can't even leave my room on it cause contact with anyone who is not me is bad supposedly on weed.
How the hell would I handle a DMT trip?
How do I handle weed I mean ffs I just want to feel good.
>you fuckin fuckers said LSD was harmless and I got committed after a bad trip
kek, check out this weak brained faggot.
Multiply that by about 100 and add colors that you didn't even know existed. That's what DMT is like.
>this man will cause the death of another through faulty information