Explain yourselves.
Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns
guess we need to ban assault prescriptions
Clearly we need to legalize Drugs and ban Guns
not for long, we're building a wall. Rather die from guns than nasty ass dope some mexican grinded up and cut with baby laxative.
>be American
>get a shot of opioid
been that way for a while
>Explain yourselves.
Degenerates killing themselves doing degenerate things.
doctors are more worried about getting paid than helping patients.
Also guns only kill
Is opioids really that good? Explain it to someone that has only done a lot of weed, meth and ecstasy a few times. What's it like compared to them?
There is no reason for a civilian to get these kind of additions!
Opioids = asprin
its more so they don't get sued. they write prescriptions like toilet paper so that the patient can't sue them for not attempting to help them, when many issues people take pills for can be solved with lifestyle changes, discipline or just getting enough sleep
Clearly nobody needs high capacity medicine bottles.
Evolution, the free market will fix it. A lot people don't even get a sense of euphoria from opioids.
>so that's not a lot
And more people in the UK die of drug resistant infenctions from "Super bugs" than cancer. What's your point?
Be American od on drugs
Common sense drug control now
How many children need to die before you outlaw drugs?
Tbh senpai
>Worse than Mexico and South Africa
Only because criminals in those countries are often too poor to afford a gun.
now post Homicide per capita
Life is shit. Wages are down, price of everything is going up. Opioids have a tolerance, so the first time your get high and it feels so fucking good, you forget about everything and life is just a warm bath for a few hours.
Fast forward a few months. Your income is gone, drugs aren't a recreation anymore. Your stealing or hooking to get enough money to get high, just to not get sick. You don't get high any longer, you just try not to get dope sick.
You realize that your a rat on a wheel, forever chasing that next high. You can't take your constant depression, so you decide to steal an extra thing or two, do more drugs than you know you should, just to escape your shitty life for a few hours.
Overdose. Ded. It's a pretty simple concept. Do you understand?
>be american
>get high
Yeah, just take a warm bath.
you'd think a hong konger would know their shit about opium
Maybe sjws will start picking on stoners now.
Inb4 Sjw tries to fight a stoner and gets their ass beat.
Lol. I hear Russia has a huge krokidile problem for the same reasons. I've lost friends to that life, I can't make it glamorous. The first time is so good, you will never get that high again. I have a friend who's ex military, with a nasty heroin habit he got in Afghanistan. He says it's for the pain (he's been shot several times) but he's a junkie.
I just see what happened to people I know, and hope I can convince anyone who asks not to even try it.
We lost the Opium Wars I think.
Suicides are almost double the homicides, and you won't stop those with a gun ban.
Now factor in the niggers and democrat cities in those homicide numbers, you get a pretty comfy country.
Did you even read the article?
Not (all) drug overdoses, but only HEROIN overdoses are higher than gun homicides.
And that's why US needs a wall and a better border control.
American "gun deaths" are almost entirely suicides. Don't be dumb.
Same for every country, though.
I need muh drugs to overthrow muh government
Clearly we need drug control. Why are people legally allowed to bear drugs? Making them illegal would fix everything right?
We need drug control
Suicides and self defense. Shooting a mugger gets included in gun death stats.
You will never feel better than a shot of opana in your vein. You will also never forget it and life will never be as pleasurable as before.
How else do you reduce unemployment?
Ban prescription refills over 10 count