Can we have a serious political discussion?
Can we have a serious political discussion?
Why would anyone want that?
whos the guy on the left
To reach common solution?
sure. hit me
start anytime
Head of EU Parliment.
EU has 3 presidents - persident of comission, parliment and council.
Shilling for martin? Good god, you must be retarded. That guy is going to be the death of native europeans.
how many unelected monarchs do they have?
Will USA support UK after Brexit? If yes - why?
Why does Trump refect TTIP deal?
isnt head of eu a kike.
support as in a support bra, or support as in an aging parent?
>shilling for Martin Schulz
>literally kill yourself right this fucking moment
That kike fucked us over with his free trade and (((liberal))) values.
Not too many.
Usually one of them is elected from Eastern Europe, right now president of commision is a Pole, our ex PM Donald Tusk.
The only common solution is the final solution.
>betrayed ideas of social-democracy
wow mr. vague over here
ironically the politicians depicted haven't interacted each other outside of public friendly greetings but if you put their leftist counterparts: Merkel, Obama, Corbon and Jean-Christophe Cambadélis you can almost guarantee that they've talked behind close doors
You have to go back
alright. being serious since you asked nice with ur knees together...
TTIP threatens sovereignty.
imo, Americans share a cultural bond w/ UK but are politically ambivalent though also politically guarded toward UK. It's supportive, but lukewarmish, with a side of "you're cool but we'll shoot you if you move wrong tho." and "we think you're socially misguided." imo.
fuck schultz and fuck non-white people
Trump said that bonds do not interest him, he doesnt want to pay for nothing, thus my question why should you pay for UK decissions?
Why wouldn't we? They're a reliable ally and a trading partner so we have something to gain by cooperation.
To get elected. He may actually hate it and it may actually be a terrible deal, but I don't know this for sure. What I do know is it was important for him to bash it to get elected so he did. Fine with me.
Schultz is based af.
ah, right, and we are pretty much economically and militarily intertwined.
>implying draft dodging isn't every citizen's sacred duty
GJ spreading your ass-cheeks for Lockheed Martin or whoever is leading MIC today.
ethnocidal maniac
Ideals of social democracy go against eugenic principles and racial purity
Who's Corbon?
u w0t m8
They are fascist.
we shouldn't, but there's a big disconnect between the American people and American politics, especially foreign policy which is pretty much a monster all unto itself. I would almost always bet on CFR involvement there, especially when it involves banking and bonds.
>hating Martin
Oy Vey!
Thanks rus-bro, beat me to it.
Fuck off cuckboi
Nope. He's always cared about America.
>Dodged the draft
False. He simply wasn't called.
>Has been the main star of a reality TV show
And created a billion dollar business.
>Gets his feelings hurt by mean tweets
When does he say it hurts his feelings? Punching back isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of energy.
>Ran a campaign full of conspiracies and hatred
Hillary was the one who had a campaign conspiring against Trump and the American people. Trump's campaign had no conspiracy, it was just a campaign. No h8 either.
What's there to like?
Hi probably is a troll or Commonwealth nostalgiac
The will to create common Europe?
>Posting maymays
What year is it again?
What's road to hell paved with? I can spew vague bullshit too.
That's a factually correct quote. No German on Sup Forums will vote anything other than AfD
>common Europe
You mean THIS kind of Europe?
Schulz is a good guy. I hope he does some high office stuff and turns the SPD into something votable.
Kek Martin earns more than Farage, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen combined, has 2 limbos and has a fuckload of personal staff.
He isn't remotely close to "working class", he is as political elite as one can be.
Oh let's hope all you 'native' scum die sooner than later.
>these lips
>these fish eyes
>that nose
>that bald
Coming from a Russian this post is highly amusing.
>shilling for (((Martin Shultz)))
Alright Vlad I know Poland would still be a third world country without EU shekels, but there is no need to step that low.
Isnt southern italy 3rd world?
>a sign of energy.
You are what's wrong with your country, you know.
>serious political discussion
>argumentum ad hominem
>comic sans
I used to like you Polacks, but now, I'm not so sure.
Can you enlighten me why a Russian would care about race mixing? Just look at your mongoloid block head inbred population, it's laughable that you'd want to get rid of yourself.
Well that and that you don't have the intellect to actually understand the man you misinterpret and misquote.
Reported for racism and genocidal inflammatory rhetoric to Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
Yes he is. Obviously you have no clue who you're talking about.
European parliament doesn't works like USA does and besides neither of two fit the Socialistic model, since Socialism isn't about other people and studying, it's about working in your field with own people, not foreigners. Socialistic/Communistic leaders of China, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union weren't international university/banking people. No such thing as international. Both are capitalists.
Kraut stop and think for a second
>unless this is the famed German humor we are all so familiar with
>Economic Policy
"Free" trade agreements
>Social policy
Atomization of European borders
More immigrants migrants and refugees
>Foreign policy
Countersignaling mideast and Adrian strong men via NGOs to have more łów wage workers come in
Would you mind me with some peer reviewed study on racemixed status of the ethnic Russian population?
Since we want to avoid that quality amongst the general population, I'm afraid the ban on African and Asian immigration must take place
You can't misquote ethnocidal intention
This guy always draws stuff and displays on street of Germany. Farage and Nazi, it's laughable, Farage is a capitalist, he said it himself.
>implying every russian support government
That's pretty cool pic tho
Lol, I don't give a shit about your retarded country or you pseudo-intellectual racist internet Russians.
>mind me
>peer reviewed
Laughable how it gets you so ruffled you poor bastard.
EU parlament commie
Btfoed by farage multiple times
Farage is also quite a cuckold
Enjoy court hearing for racism, hahnrej
I notice a recurring pattern here. You also have no idea what you're talking about.
Quite sad this pathetic cluster fuck of a board this is, with its angsty white or wanna be white people sucking Hitler's cock in a nostalgic fashion. But amusing.
>not a plebeian enabler of German racial mongrelisation
Pic related
>white people
>and wannabe white people
So you believe in racial distinction yet deny the concept of European natives?
Farage is supported by capitalists, he's just different side, but that doesn't means migration wouldn't explode when Brexit happens. You can't have free market and expect migrants stop coming on their own. If those monarchy people love so much monarchy maybe queen could save Britain, since she's very big in world stage, banking and so on, but she doesn't. They rather have deals with wealthy Arabs. You might argue Brexit is a good thing, but lets not forget who wanted central banking to be established in EU to begin with: namely UK aka monarchy bank of UK, they sponsored Soroses of the world to ruin Socialism and establish central bank of EU.
He used to literally be a communist didnt he? Beside's Nigel farage hates him.
>ruining socialism
>bad thing
You dumb ass serb.
I know Bulgaria you want to take EU burden and expect free money like Poland. Right in this moment you are getting refugees, maybe you are one of them, while rest of EU is full, you have to take your part, but then i have bad news, that's not free money you will get from EU, that's a credit.
serious political discussion
Pretty cool untermensch in your pic! Is it you?
Berlusconi once likened Schulz to a concentration camp guard. There is something deeply, deeply sinister about the man.
You are saying they won't just seize our gold reserves and give us rubles?
Sign me up.
You are pretty stupid
>free market means that we can't have racial lawns and ban on non-white immigration
Those things a not mutually exclusive
>love Queen so much
She's just a symbol. Also
Have you checked Russia lately? They have oligarchs and oil economy, they aren't Socialistic any longer. Just because west has sanctions on them doesn't makes them Communists. Russia is also getting migrants. Different capitalists fighting among each other and you aren't important any longer, since you have no saying, now somehow it's Stalin's fault again.
>Globalists knowing the definition of race when they get served smoothies by niggers on sandy beach on some monarchy owner paradise
Why would they care who works in companies they own and never visit? Our bank directors get changed so fast by owners, also in other countries, that they don't even have time to visit all the banks some bank company owns. What do they fucking care if negros work there? They don't live it.
I deny the concept of you having any good points, policies or the brains for the 21st century.
preach it brother
whos r/the_schulz and r/de?
A socialist is a chimera. He can be anything as long as he can do harm and benefit himself.
The russian communists are now big state capitalists, and not just merely big state capitalists but also traditional pro-christian ones with a nice mix of sovietism and monarchism as topping. You can't make that shit up, but it should give you a perspective on how vile that cult is.
Not an argument, hahnrej. You got BTFO
NO BREAKS, MEGA (make europe great again)!
I laughed at the 'hohe energie' xD
drinking this while posting on pol, LMAFO.
shitposting for one unified europe, whos with me?
Stalin fault is that we have what we have now in Europe and """people""" like this
are not prevented from being born by Institutes of racial biology
>arguing with brain dead people
Oh sure, I'm not just here to laugh at you pathetic pricks, no no, I expect to have profound arguments on pol.
You're more moronic than you might ever grasp.
commies, globalists, the jews, the military industrial complex etc.
Wow you really are baby in economics. Nazi banks changed into capitalistic banks too, why would they demolish all old buildings? Laws have changed. You can destroy Lenin statues as much as you want, you only destroying history and laws stay the same. Laws have changed also compare how it was 10 years ago and even then it wasn't Socialism any longer. You are little slow to catch, you'll be living Socialism when we already have 3rd different system. After Socialism we had Social Democracy, then welfare started to form, but it wasn't nearly as much as now. Taking international credits isn't national aka Socialism. You have constant battles inside of system, that demand changes, it's only about what's your final goal is. The goal isn't Socialism. Maybe go work a government job and see how fast you will get fired by not wanting to suck billionaire's purposed laws or international laws, while you moan about how it's Socialism.
Kannst du überhaupt ein Wörtchen deutsch, du LARPender (((Deutscher)))?
Fuck this thread,
Fuck you OP,
FUCK Juncker especially,
Fuck the EU,
can't believe we've let it get so bad
Bist du grad live per Satellit aus irgendnem Inzuchtdorf inner Taiga zugeschaltet?
Martin Schulz
Uh, do explain to me what the EU is telling you to do? Or anyone really.
>onoes can't have the ol' light bulbs anymore, how horrible
Stop posting, you're devaluing your flag's rareness
Niilo22 is a god in a human form
You've been found out
>freedom of movement
>free trade
>anti-European dysgenic nature of its laws
>gypsy protection
>special rights for Jews
EU is a literal hug box for those to weak to survive
Free trade = freedom of movement for billionaires, while they have sanctions on Cuba for 60 years, to disallow them to move.