What are some criticisms you have with his beliefs or policies?
He's not letting me suck his dick desu.
well he's anti government whereas I'm still giddy about how we took over the government, and he'd want to break our toy
Without supporting a decent amount of welfare/safety net, how can he ever hope to achieve political support for very free markets? Also why don't libertarians ever talk about social justice?
I thought it was pretty lame when he tried to use the government to strongarm ronpaul.com from the rightful owners
good rhetoric from him tho
He didn't win. I wish he did. Trump isn't the same.
He has stated he doesn't believe in evolution and that incident with the domain was kind of shitty as well. Overall he was a god-tier candidate though, even though I am more alt-right now than libertarian I still have great respect for Dr Paul and wish he had won.
He implies that people naturally seek personal freedom, but that is simply not true for any non whites and represents my biggest criticism of "soft" Libertarianism.
A non white nation will never be Libertarian.
If you would really want to create a free and prosperous society, you would have to actively purge hedonists, democrats and communists.
Todays Libertarians actively self destruct through endorsing behavior that breeds relativism and apathy, thus destroying the nation state and the freedoms it represents.
We have to instead support behavior that brings about a stable upbringing of our youth and creates a sense of duty and community beyond our immediate family and circle of friends.
I like roads
> goy, be individualist, don't work together, instead fight your brother and sister
> Ohhh chosen people, be nepotistic, don't decide based on performance, always hire and do business with other jews
(((Ayn Rand))) telling goys whats best for them. LOL, how naiv are you?
He pushes automation, frankly i feel like a luddite but i know that if we promote automation we're basically purging ourselves of jobs and handing over power to 3rd world countries that can perform Labour at a fraction of the cost an American does. I believe in efficiency, but not if it topples America.
He's a senile old fuck that insulted the God Emperor
>purge communists
we whites tried in ww2
He was concerned that people there were misrepresenting him, which they very much were. I suspected Libfucks infiltrating it to make him look bad. happens ALL the time.
Interesting that they used pictures of the kids from Sandy Hook for that. Libertarianism is far too diverse and fragmented to speak of a cohesive philosophy. Besides, that ignores international Law and the parents signing of a child's birth certificate make them legally responsible for that child's corporation until they come of age.
I don't see anything wrong with them, 'tis a shame burgers don't share the sentiment
He is a Gold pumping con man for the Jewish mafia. He shills for increased legal immigration and no corporate regulations.
"The gold standard"
I kinda share his views in a theoretical way. It's the best system 1000 years from now in that utopian future we all want. But that utopian future we build in our minds (atleast in my mind) is one where the lowest common denominator has 115 IQ.
Ofc such a genepool would work with many different systems, but I would value privacy and liberty over other things.
What I'm trying to say is... Let Ron Paul have his way, after we purge the world from the trash. And since we started doing that, why not purge inferior people and ones we have to sacrifice and leave behind so we can start building our utopia with a clean slate? Brothers, I say we should:
-purge the african continent
-purge all niggers
-purge the mudslimes
-purge the gypsies
-purge 75% of India and 75% of China (sorting by IQ)
-purge all severelly handicapped/mentally ill/with serious transmissible diseases
-purge the prison system
And, of course, to stop (((them))) from ruining our utopia and making it about themselves, purge the fucking jews.
After all that, make everyone take an extensive IQ test. everyone below 90 gets a trip to Belize.
what bearing do his thoughts on evolution have though. What can he not do as a leader due to not believing in it
An-cap here, I don't see anything wrong here, is something wrong with me?
he's too ideological