>Sup Forums thinks this FtM is a degenerate
Sup Forums thinks this FtM is a degenerate
>Im here for the job interview
Yes, and?
FtM is top tier fetish
Reality not so much
Why do ftm try to look like twinks. Mtf don't try to look like bulldykes
They're all degenerate, no exceptions
That is correct.
What are the fundamental differences between looking like a grown woman vs looking like a 15 year old boy?
What I find strange is the FtM in pic related is gay.
Like why transition into a boy if you're just gonna like boys?
>this is male(female)
fucking gross, I want a female(male) with a nice cock for me to suck on
who is this person named Sup Forums you speak of?
>tfw you're mtf, visit Sup Forums everyday, and start hormones in 19 days
>>Sup Forums thinks this FtM is a degenerate
Would fuck, then murder
isn't FtM who likes boys just a girl crossdressing yet wanting extra attention for it so she says she's FtM.
women are bullshit baka
it's time to end your life
Psshh, I'd ONLY kill myself if I lived in Norway.
because they're not actual males, they still want to be weak women, but also "enjoy the patriarchy"
Why would you kill yourself if you lived in the worlds richest country?
Bullshit. She's 19 with a flat chest.
Not an argument faggot
Thats kinda hot desu
>ywn have a qt Sup Forums MtF
feels bad
I'll donate to a sperm bank to keep the white genes flowing for you guys though
What is FTM?
>he fell for the FtM meme
Can somebody please photoshop mike pence's face on Palpatine when he screams "UNLIMITED POWER!" while doing electricity thingo
i have no idea who that is.
trannies and nose rings are degenerate though.
You're not fit to be here, go back to your containmentboard
Finite State Machine
>be gay
>do gay shit
>get confused when people think you're obnoxious
People who like traps and that gay shit needs the zap!
Also, people who thinks that more than 2 genders exist needs to talk to a doctor
Those hormones better be some Pimozide, boy.
ummm back the fuck off??!!!???
>tfw i admin a trap fb page
Gays are still degenerate tho
it's a Fucking Time Machine obviously.
Girls acting like feminine boys is kinda cute and can always be undone once they grow out of that phase
Guys cutting off their cocks? Not so much
they don't do much
Take all your medication at once so you transition faster.
Anyone have more pics?
>kinda cute
It's always a leaf
You're obviously ignoring all the (it's not gay if it's a trap) burgerposters
ummmm kys?
They're faggots too, happy Canacuck?
This, LGBT needs to neck themselves already
Faculty of Travel Medicine.
Why waste your body away when you could become a based next-level superwoman with a powerful male ego hidden behind a veil of feminine sensuality ?
I saw what you did there.
One of the biggest cornerstones that is bringing society down.
>talking about being a degenerate on Sup Forums
Degenerates have three containment boards.
Pick one, you're not welcome here.
Leave /mlp/ out of your shitposts, we'll post ponies when barney fag comes around but we want to sit and enjoy the actual bait threads that are at least some what on topic
>having this saved
Hello Barneyfag
short haired qt thead ?
(only the ones that have a vagina from birth)