At least 160 killed as crowded church collapses in Nigeria


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Kek took them back. He has other plans for them. They were too amazing for this world.

May Kek's mercy be on us all.

those were churchgoing blacks, not niggers

why can't Sup Forums tell the difference? it's as dumb as being happy about what dylann roof did

When a Sup Forumslack lives such a cloistered life that he has never seen a true nigger, the confusion can be understood.


>not niggers

they were too fucking lazy to build a proper church building

they are fucking niggers

it was still under construction

they were misguided, not niggers

>stupid as fuck
>not niggerish


>nigger pastor wanted to take their offering gibs ASAP
>not nigger as fuck

Will I be able to add the Nigerian flag to my profile picture on Facebook? The Nigerian community is very liked in my country. You only have to turn on the TV to find programmes such as "Miss Nigeria Ireland" for evidence. Rip friends


>no doubles yet

I may have angered KEK

What's that, a cuck manual for kids?

Nothing wrong in your pic tho. Both families have cute pets.

You have to spot the intruder

>still do doubles

I gave my wife's son the same book


Nigger is a slang for blacks you stupid nigger.


>ever calling niggers anything else but niggers

nigger is a behaviour not a colour

>le niggers and Blacks are different maymay xD



>not niggers
It practically has the word nigger in the name

you're unironically telling me this pioneering neurosurgeon gets dealt with on the day of the rope?


He'd be a valuable person in some other country

They view God as the great welfare check in the sky. God, please give me a caddy, an fie bucks, an sum bitches and shit.

/r/thedonald ruined the place

>A slang is not a slang

Niggers are so childish they want privileges on words now.

Let me call you coon then

Why do you think that just because we know what niggers are that we are going to day of the rope everyone? He can go back to Africa.

Nigeria will have 1 billion people by 2050.

And I know (((one certain))) kind that don't want to give them birth control.

i know a good niger. He played pro football and became a doctor. Pretty low





>still no fucking doubles

is KEK a nigger?


>nigger is a behaviour not a colour
both linguistically and objectively you are wrong. honestly i don't know what makes you leafs the way you are, but i can feel myself getting dumber with every post of yours that i read.

>blacks staying in their home, africa
>going to church
>autist on Sup Forums is happy when it collapses on them

As long as they stay in africa they're fine

that doesn't make them any less of a nigger

you do know Nigeria is going to have a billion niggers by 2050 right?

fuck that

>As long as they stay in africa they're fine
so them dieing in africa is fine too then, right?

perphaps he is just indicating this habbeding was not his doing

Mein goht.

>tfw you're so black, you have a blue-ish tint to you.

Not if the cuck western countries stop sending free food.The same happened with white populations in history when agriculture improved and they produced more food, obviously africans are subhumans and couldn't do the same, so the population increase is our fucking fault

>the comments

but what if KEK is an Egyptian nigger God and WE really WUZ KANGS

>still no doubles

Christians getting BTFO by atheists tbqh

>Told ya Jesus was a lame carpenter.

>The church is not a structure it is people. Try to actually do your research before you attempt to insult next time.

>so they died when people fell on them.

>still no doubles

check 'em

one more try for KEK to bless me

>still no fucking doubles

kek died along with the churchgoers


this thread will hit the post limit before any repeating numbers

>Oy vey there's so many shvartzas ova there in africa now we have to take them all in to this white country especially because you goyim won't have any kids!

singles and the dindus didnt do nuffin

can't let this thread die before doubles

doubles are trouble

These digits confirm Christians BTFO fedora fags all day and every day.

none of us will ever get digits, give up

there should be 6 doubles by now

there are none

no doubles

Great insight you spaz


inb4 Ghana's not Nigeria

You fags aren't even trying.

Kek is upon us!

This threadeth is not blessed (yethet).

>still not blessed


Can you describe that smell?


>still no doubles