College professor Calls Trump Supporters Terrorist

so this is what the next generation is learning,

>implying they're not

build wall paco

Imagine if it were a white person giving this speech, it'd be labeled neo-nazi.

>democratically voting for someone in peaceful election is terrorism

What did she mean by this?

pick one bong

God damn faggot sympathizers

The more I think about it the more I realize the Westboro Baptist Church has the right idea

Shes teaches a "human sexuality course."

Chinga tu madre puto

The teacher's union at the university is trying to get the student who recorded this expelled.

>disgusting middle aged women rambling
Who cares?

>mfw this class is filled with "educated voters"

Is this how all educated voters think

how can we get the teacher fucked?

One of my comp. sci. professors:
>With Trump you know what he's thinking, the guy's an idiot. But with Hillary, well she's too much of a politician, so you don't really know.

Was he trying to redpill my class? One of my classmates was an American transfer student who could vote.

Calling Trump an idiot seems like a weak insult, almost like he's doing it so none of the students can claim he was trying to push an opinion of either one.

She didn't say an entire fact during that video, just spouted opinions and feelings. How the fuck can your universities be that bad?

Why is the university funding academic professors who can't relay facts? They are literally just saying pointless things for an hour.

Retard, it's a democratic process, despite the Republic we are.


there are only 538 people whose vote matter when electing the president

how is that democratic?

>democratically electing people I don't like = terrorism
>Muslims blowing people up = not terrorism

what did liberals mean by this?

Those people have also been appointed democratically and take into consideration the votes of the entire country.

>take into consideration
yet they can completely disregard it, as several of the current electors plan on doing very soon

Lol @ the mexican kid in front

> When does the marijuana proposition come into effect
> You can smoke now
> O-ok

They won't leaf, go back to getting fucked by a moose


Please elaborate

Did you not see the elector on Fox talking about how he and others will likely be voting for Kasich?

He'll get his airtime, and when he submits the vote, it will be for Trump. 100%.

Teachers and professors shouldn't be allowed to voice opinions on politics during class. Children and adults should be able to formulate their own ideas and opinions about politics. Last I checked, teachers were there to teach how politics worked, not why the Democratic or Republican candidate is a better choice.


yep I've heard alot of this, even used it before as an argument to get my voice heard, and not dismissed as a "crazy trump supporter, not even in touch with reality" well look who won bitch. I think the fact I heard this exact argument reflects the outcome very well, and explains why trump won in part. No one wanted to be made fun of, delt with the relentless bullying, so they dismissed him with insults, but in the voting booth it all changed.Good on your compsci teacher, theres too many bluepilled teachers, plus what he said isnt blatantly for either one and can be taken both ways.

The modest fence expansion just got a few feet longer, Paco

>>man I sure am glad I paid for this!!

>Breaking news as literally dozens of unfaithfuls and their families are pulled from their homes and shot in the streets

Not very nice. She is clearly emotionally compromised.

Do we know who the electors are?

>we're going to overturn several centuries of democratic tradition to totally invalidate an election because a rival party won

Enjoy the civil war.


If they think liberals are mad now

Oh wait Kasich is a Clinton/Bush plant so liberals won't care.

>we're going to elect someone we believe is completely unsuited for the job even though we have the opportunity to elect someone with experience who can actually implement legislation

>teacher basically telling students to prepare themselves to fight a civil war
what the fuck

fuck off, we're done with the same old shit. Hillary would've been eight more years of pansy bullshit, she was bought and paid for, and is slimy and two faced as fuck.Trump is a catalyst, let what ever happen happen. I have participated in the meme war and got to see the election of the god king, I will gladly watch the world fall apart like it did on the election night.

And if even as much as 10 of those people would not vote for the people but for their own interests there would be riots and those people thrown out.

People keep saying that but its not like they can just up and change their votes whenever they please
Yeah single faggot decided that he will vote someone else to protest or something but thats just it.

I cant believe that it is so fucking normal for clapper teachers to inject politics into their class randomly, especially when they teach a class that doesnt have anything to do with it

here it would be considered very unprofessional and there would be complaints

Who forces them to do this shit?