Japan is an ethnically homogeneous country with no immigration and higher IQ than white people

>Japan is an ethnically homogeneous country with no immigration and higher IQ than white people

>their economy has been i the shitter for 20 years

>their demographics are leading them to extinction

>their culture stop them from enjoying simple things like having a gf

Really makes you think doesn't it ?

hard to make society work when men would rather masturbate to cartoons than have sex with the women.

weewee they need more diversity

>their demographics are leading them to extinction

But importing foreigners just speeds up the extinction times 2. A homogenous nation can pick itself up but a mixed race one cant.

japan has its own problem with degeneracy. The less degeneracy the more children.

>their demographics are leading them to extinction
Massive lie.

>economy in the shitter
How much jewish propaganda do you read on a daily basis?

Their economy being in the shitter has nothing to do with their non-admittance of immigrants. Whatever is plaguing Japan is a matter for the Japanese, not Africans or Muslims like you, frenchie.

Yup. A mixed race nation is a joke. I feel trapped in my own country. My country is becoming Brasil.

>>their demographics are leading them to extinction
Daily reminder Germany and Spain have even worse birthrates than Japan.

>their economy has been i the shitter for 20 years
>their demographics are leading them to extinction

These are lies and you know it


Indeed, they need to import somalians en masse right now. Taste that diversity.

The good german goy rather work to pay their tax than have a traditional family. Hitler would throw up and die again if he saw his country today.

kek. as if the US was any better.

>pic related
only the mormons are worthy of praise.

What are you suggesting, user?


All lies.
t. Achmed Ibn-Jihadee Al-marseille

japans population drop is lower than americas over the next 30 years.

the united states allegedly will end up 1/3 its current population

interacial love is so pleasing to look at, its like the modern romeo and julia.

because japan has pseudo-capitalism
also their work-culture is pretty shitty when you compare them in efficiency

she will pay the toll

population dynamics are cyclic

"love" not fetishizm for doing something bad.
Next you will tell me that women who fuck dogs are in love with them

japan GDP is at the level they were 20 years ago, and they still keep falling in recession

USA's gdp grew 3 folds in the same time

woman must work in workplace like men
woman work is good for gdp

don't forget that this graph is not adjusted for inflation
there is a reason why japan has a demographic called leaf eating males

You guys were the same in the 19th century

France was once 1/4 of the entire euro population and you guys just stopped breeding, and only just start recovering after WW2.

Im sure the Japanese can fix their problems with the right cultural movement, but in all honesty they probably do need the population growth to stagenate, there's certainly enough of them on their tiny islands

It is preferable for the castle to collapse from age rather than fall to the enemy.

Hmmm... maybe exploring the reasons why that's the case will lead to some insight?

There is too much coddling of females in every developed country, Japan included. They are given economic security and legal protection by the government, to the point that they have no need for men beyond the tingles, and can fuck any man over at any time when she decides she's not happy.

Governments need to fuck off out of human sexual relationships, which means cutting off the gibsdat so that women are actually reliant on men again. But that will never fucking happen before the revolution, so the entitled cunts can fucking rot for all I care.

>their demographics are leading them to extinction

I thought Sup Forums new better than to listen to the Luggenpresse.
Japan's birth rates have been increasing since 2007. Funny how they didn't "need" immigration to save them

its no mystery. investors flocked to japan in the early 80's while it was on the rise. stocks became way overvalued. they reached their peak and investors fled. been flat ever since. japans reached its full potential the end

no it doesnt you fucking cuck.
Why did you put red and blue on your white flag? Stop trying to copy us and england.. get back in your cuck shed before hanz lets ackmed fuck you up the ass again.

>Get the women out of the workforce
>Get men back into the workforce
>regulate the banks, dont borrow more
>People come before economic growth

easy said but cant be done in todays poltical climate, gotta wait for some depression or war, then take over the politics

hear, hear!

it sure does

>I take all my information on foreign countries from fucking Vice.com: the thread

top kek, Japan is doing fine

Murder rate: 0
Unemployment: 0%
Highest wages levels they ever had

>hurdurduop muh GDP muh GDP

japan lacks "economic growth" which is a Jewish meme. Japan is a 100 percent nicer country than basically anywhere in South Asia, Africa or South America

Japan is the best country in the world, frankly

Everything there is top notch

B-but gdp

>their demographics are leading them to extinction


No, their democraphics are not leading them into extinction. Japan is largely overpopulated (like most countries btw). Their current situation with natality is kind of a normal regulation.

Thinking that human population must indefinitely grow, whatever the country, and whatever the reasons (elderly pensions, GDP...), is utterly stupid and short-termist.

See it in the long term. You cannot limitlessly increase the number of inhabitants inside a delimited territory. Newborn natives or foreign immigrants, it doesn't matter, you would ultimately reach some kind of breaking point.

So, great thing for Japan, they will suffer, but it's necessary. The danger, however, are retards who think immigration is long-term a solution.

>I'm sure the Japanese can fix their problems with the right cultural movement

What? Japan's two biggest problems are an aging population and a declining population.

Japan's population is aging so alarmingly because Japanese people have the highest life expectancy in the world. Probably a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors, but that's the way it is.

Japan's population is declining because it's a wealthy, industrialized country, and that's the trend in all wealthy industrialized countries except for the US because of its Hispanic population. In wealthy industrialized countries children don't make you money they cost you money, and to fit into the economy you yourself have to be doing more things for yourself than having children. Not the case in poor countries.

None of this has to do with a "cultural movement".

>There is too much coddling of females in every developed country, Japan included. They are given economic security and legal protection by the government

What does this even mean.

I canno see thread

Industrialization and resource management by corporations and government have made men optional instead of necessary for women. So they're all completely insane with their expectations, whereas before her options were to shut the fuck up or starve to death. Pretty simple really.

But yeah I don't know exactly how things go down on your tiny little island except when there's a camera filming the mushroom cloud so you'll have to fill us in.