

I'm off to Pakistan tomorrow. I have $1,000 to my name, around 100 books, one single backpack, and that's it. I have an incomplete education. I'm 20. I have no contacts and no friends there. I have no place to stay. I plan to convert my $$ first thing and get the cheapest apartment. I plan to ask my apartment owners and neighbors and random strangers for jobs. And try to make it. AMA. I'm the quintessential boy-genius turned burned out bum.

I'm hopeful for the future, lads. Wish me luck. Any advice?

finish your education.

Don't have children

Train to become Batman while you're there

Got kicked out of Community College. Started at a university at the age of 17, ended up at a CC, dropping this too. Maybe I'll return a few years later, but can't even now.

Pack toilet paper.

Why Pakistan?

Are you going to get a loli paki wife?

You gon get kidnapped by terrorists

I just want you to realize killing yourself is till a valid option

If you buy a bunch of guns in the middle yeast, pls post on /k/ so we can see, and make plenty of vids of you firing/tinkering with them

>no education
>no visa

you are even worse than mexicans.


There isn't work for the people of Pakistan and you think you can find work as an American? Are you retarded?

You will find out pretty fast that working 8 hours for $5 a day is far worse than whatever situation you are running from.

Why don't you just move to another city/state like a normal person?

>Any advice?
Dont go
Look for a job in the US instead

Oh, I didn't make it clear. I was an international student so I'm just moving there, even though I haven't lived there I'm still a Pakistani citizen. All family is in the US. But oh well. And once you get kicked out of college, your visa expires.

See your corpse in the news, friend.

you should convince your senpai to move back with you.

Aka, I'm an ethnically Pashtun Pakistani.

Which city ?

>implying he isn't mexican to begin with

Weren't you the person on /biz/ who said the same thing. Also, how do you blow off 250k of inherited money?

You have to go back.

Probably Lahore. Heard there's progress so my odds could improve.

That's coming a few years down the line.

Oh, in, that case it's nice you're getting out of AMERICA, you filthy paki.
>All family is in the US
You should tell them to go with you.

Lolz I live in Lahore .

Good luck, you will be more free there but probably won't be able to shitpost on Sup Forums.

Start a organized crime empire

Gimme a throwaway email

I keep tabs on all of you guys that I can in the event that I make it financially and can use you to help me take over Somalia

Where in the US did you live?

Lahore's a decent place how's your Urdu/Hindi?

Die shitskin

this will skin you alive slowly to the chanting of qoran for your 1000 dollars.Before that about 5 men will rape you.

Dont overdress making yourself a target I guess. Good luck shitskin-kun

Native-tier. Reading and writing is almost native tier, just needs practice.

My conversation skills are above average I'd say. So I could run a dhaba or ریڑھی selling gol gappay.

Sell Amrood (Guavas) and Keley (bananas ) on a hand cart. Its the best business in pakistan.

Yeah, there's no chance of that. When I visited Pakistan, a few years ago, I exchanged my clothes with those of the house servant, so I'd fit better in. Win-win for both. My frugal/minimalist lifestyle prevents attracting unwanted attention.

KYS senpai

go fight ISIS

>house servant
So your family is loaded?
You dont sound like a social butterfly and can cut it without being around many people in a city so in your place I would save amerifat currency until I can afford some nice secluded farmland to buy.

No, servants are just cheaper than animals. Think Africa-tier poor, that's servants.

Fuck I'm so excited/nervous. It's finally happening. Any Lahoris here? What would you if you were offered a reset on life with a 100k PKR? How would you 'make it'?


>I haven't lived there
>but I'm still a Pakistani citizen
>all family in US
>got kicked out of college, visa expires
something doesn't add up here. where were you born?
where did you live prior to moving to the US on your student visa?
why didn't any of your family sponsor you?
are they all on worker's visas?

We all know why

Go to India. If you go to Pakistan you will be on the net having your head cut off with a kitchen knife before too long. No one's parents deserve to see that.

good luck i guess. your probably going to die. why not go join isis?

you're going to get yourself killed OP, there are areas in every Pakistani city where you'll be kidnapped for being American.

Everyone will think you're a spy. Nobody will give you a job. You don't even know the local language?


You should be castrated, scum. Bet you jerk off to poo in loo films ya fucking wanker

Born in Pakistan, raised in a 3rd country where parents worked, they got their green cards but hadn't applied for mine because long story.


Post a pic of yourself here user. That way we can help the state dept identify the person being beheaded when ISIS posts the video online.

Don't worry, your death wont be in vain. We'll avenge you some day.

Read the fucking thread as swipe. Op's is a paki

You'll get robbed right outside the airport. And then you'll contact your embassy and wait. They'll pick you up if you don't get kidnapped in the meanwhile.

Hurr hurr. Da kam zai ye? Pashtu di izda da ka na?

i hear kashmir is nice this time of year.

Go to germany instead, that is where all the pakis went (seriously they have tonnes of jobs)

And thus the Paki homo romance was born.

is it nice there?

youre not gonna find any job there and youll end up on the streets op. you coming from pakistan to here with only a thousand dollars to your name goes a long way, but not the other way around.i dont know what advice i can give you honestly, just good luck man, keep us updated if you get access to the internet.


if youre well off, very nice, you can live like a god, but if youre poor your life will be living hell. that is for guys like you and me though, most poor people over there dont have any dreams or aspirations and their main worry is just getting to eat 3 times a day,other than that they dont stress that much

RIP in pieces


Fuck off, we're full!

I'd rather sneak into canada than get shipped off to a south asian shithole.

or marry a desperate fatass burger.

also you're not a quintessential boy-genius if you failed in college, then failed (kek) community college. a boy-genius would breeze through undergrad with minimal work.

Learn to suck dicks and jerk off goats now so you can more easily assimilate into the local culture. Also, the only meat you'll have in your mouth will be dick, since Pakis are all vegetarian. Prepare for disease and death. Try hard to make many goat children. Then kill yourself.

>around 100 books
>one single backpack


servants literally get paid $5 a month.

if you had $100k and went to pakistan, you could literally live like a king over there, the difference in currency is immense

pakistan has underrated nature and landscapes, especially in the north. there are snow mountains that are said to be better to ski on than the swiss alps

the government could make it a profitable skiing resort except for the fact that the pakistani taliban are near that area

Stored in a box to be sent to me when I get an address.

also OP, look up bahria town


fuck off, we're full

Regarding what?

Also, you gave me a good idea. I could potentially start a travel agency, where I take people up north. I'll start with an impeccable website and fill it with pictures of random strangers I asked to be in them so it looks like we can actually afford guards, SUVs and shit for the travel, and when they pay me I actually go out and get all that shit.


I have new information on a particular individual attempting to join ISIS.

>Check out this Sup Forums post, Dahnald.

>in pakistan

>getting your news and worldview from r/the_Donald

Your mother regrets not aborting you, doesn't she?

Join the military instead.

Pakistan isn't known as the land of opportunity.


Go to a better country in Eastern Europe

Pakistan is horrible

>Not in Pakistan

Really? That same country that hosted Osama for years and years...

Al-Qaeda is sure as fuck there...

Meditate - it will help frontal lobe blood circulation, hence will improve your long term planning and intellectual capacity.

If you climb up a high mountain just for fun and only with good hope it may wear and tear.

If you are looking for enlightenment you may choose your destination wisely.

1000 us is about 104920 pakistani rupees. Which seems like a lot.
I would check around to make sure you get the best currency exchange rate. Sometimes places like to shortchange you a bit.

>I'm off to Pakistan tomorrow

This, so much

fuck off, they are full.

>Pakis from Pakistan talking like Brits now

the great swappening

>moving to pak so that I can get bombed by Indians.

You will never get your ass on khyber pass ever, or survive for a year, go somewhere else, like china.
listen to me you wont regret it.

Will you livestream it when you get beheaded?

Al queda, the dudes that fought isis you mean?

it is
you get a lot of oppurtunities to get blown up by an angry pajeet

Good one, Leaf. Snotted out a little coffee..

One of our American citizen was captured by terrorists, he went off to Pakistan. He had $1,000 to his name, around 100 books, one single backpack, and that's it. He had an incomplete education. He's 20. He have no contacts and no friends there. He had no place to stay. He planned to convert his $$ first thing and get the cheapest apartment. He planned to ask his apartment owners and neighbors and random strangers for jobs. And try to make it. AMA. He's the quintessential boy-genius turned burned out bum.

He was hopeful for the future, lads. We will wish him luck. If you any advice contact us.

how stupid are you to get kicked out of community college