Post your cripplechan bans

post your cripplechan bans

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Who is that?

what the fuck are you on about?

>try to post on 8pol
>same retard gets our mobile IP banned for shitposting every single time

I switched phone carriers to avoid it.

Hotwheels is dead

Post pucci

I remember some guy got banned for being a shitskin. That was funny.

>post your cripplechan bans

Enjoy your lack of replies lad, nobody goes there and you should fuck off back desu

He's imkampfy aka learningcode, the most active (neet) and autistic mod on cripple. He's pretty much the acting board owner by now and has been on a banning spree lately.

checked. jews demand it

Literally who is that.

Didn't they get shut down

You get banned for anything over there. Worst of all is everyone yells at people for formatting their posts wrong and there's no humor anymore. Everyone sounds exactly the same. I think it's a chatbot and there's not even real people posting. Both Sup Forumss suck but for opposite reasons basically.

The fucking leftypol mod that everyone was freaking out here about because of a supposed leftypol raid.

Better resolution pls

I got banned for Bezmenov posting they couldnt handle the bantz at lefty/pol/

I gave never been banned on 8gag because O am not a bluepilled kike loving shill

I wish Sup Forums had the same moderation maybe 50% of the threads wouldn't be absolute trash

I got perms banned there for "disinfo" for starting a thread about Steve Mnuchin right after he got appointed. They eventually allowed threads about him and the other Goldman jew but they were just 500 posts of people calling each other shills, because literally any viewpoint on that subject makes you a shill.

It didn't used to be this way. Many anons who got permabanned are now on endchan, and there's speculation that the mods sold out to Jared Kushner

Oh I know, I just came back here this year and cripplechan used to be a lot better but the mods just went insane and half the catalog is stickies, no humor, constant bans, everyone calling each other shills..etc.

I don't know why it's so hard to have a decent image board.

>Your ban was filed on Sunday 27 November, 2016 and expires 2 weeks from now, which is on Tuesday 27 December, 2016
The post:

I'm a le redpilled Zionist (Kahanist/Fascist) who changed teams after being a self-hating half-ashkenazi stormkike for a few years. I'm so Jewish that I see Soros as a completely degenerate, nationless, atheist cuck who's trying to extinguish my nation and must be stopped.

>the punchline: I didnt write it.
What the literal fuck. i literally (literally) got jewed.

My friend told me somebody got banned from Sup Forums for using Internet Explorer

none of these boards are going to be any fun for a very long time. There was sort of a golden age right when jew moot left and gook moot was taking over that it was only true autists with genuine grievances.

From Paris to Brexit to the Clinton leaks. Now the bubble has been popped and it's just assholes or would-be edgy teens who read about the place in the news.

this is why I dont go to cuck chans, is just a self righteous pissing match.

You haven't been there in a while, have you? They now bumplock book and self-improvement threads , and then permaban you for complaining

This is why I can never learn Sup Forums, moot cared about about not having shitty moderation, and actually gave talks about it.
I hope japaense moot does the same

>I don't know why it's so hard to have a decent image board.
Because mods always end up being autistic neets who have nothing better to do, who easily sell out for a few shekels

>self-improvement threads

Good that inane lifestyle crap has no place on a political board

Also do all these shitty boards really just copy Sup Forums names? Sup Forums for Sup Forums? They do realize most of the old names were picked just squad lily right?

All those other boards are Sup Forums imitations, usually created when some anons get pissed off with the moderation here i.e. gamergoyim

Threads about frog worshipping and imkikefy's Maddowposting are fine, right? You don't get it. chan style imageboards can't work if they're overmoderated. Especially when rules aren't clear and mods treat the board as if it was their own personal blog

The board everyone uses for technology is /tech/.

You got to take the good with the bad, otherwise you don't have open discussion.
The only thing I care about is not having every board taken over with porn

>mfw I get my entire college banned from 8cuck by using the IE only computers in the library

>he doesn't know the oldfag boards

feelin sorry for you right now

he's alive and fiddling children in the Philippines with his criminal employers

no such thing. there was a time when it was just enough out of the media that you could plot sit on infinit and speed it with useful idiots here. Can use Tor or whatever to find an unregistered board or the other ones. But between this and infiniti it was actually useful stuff that was driving the Jews crazy. that fun is over now.

>mfw I got permabanned from KrippleKikechan for not properly formatting the link to a news story

Seriously, fuck that place. The only good thing about it are sound webms and no captcha.

I got perm banned for calling out kek bullshit spam being cancerous. Fucking retarded ass mods on crip pol

I'm sure it wasn't your Mexican IP address, border hopper

you need just the right dynamic of oldfags and new people who, at least to an extent, know what they are doing. they come and go. When normal people get bored with politics, it might get fun again. Just too many useless idiots here now and not enough anywhere else.

when do you guys post? whenever I go there it's dead

It is dead, just a few people circlejerking.

Awesome merchant, I'll be sure to use that against imkikey in the future.

I've been banned several times by the kike mods (imkampfy and therealmoonman) on cripplechan for shitty reasons like discussing Evalion, criticizing catholicism and shitting on MRA/MGTOW retards. The board has been completely co-opted by shitskins/kikes and there is no freedom of expression there at all, any more. 8/pol/ has turned to shit. Even cuckchan is better for meaningful discussions nowadays.

You're part of the problem, shitskin. You and imkikey have the exact same, retarded mindset.

>criticizing catholicism
See pic related. Anyone and anything that even slightly deviates from kampfy's own views trigger him to death

>You either stay in the chan that is slowly getting invaded by retards all over the internet while the mods and Hiro don´t give a shit about the shitposting or even encourage it
>Or go to the half dead chan where mods create the circlejerks themselves and ban you if you don´t suck their dick
why did it have to be this way?

I know. He literally bans anyone who disagrees with him. No wonder the board is so inactive now compared to before. And those completely meaningless stickies (most of them)...

Did he get permanently banned from /asatru/?

Jews. They destroy everything they touch.

Ur ideas, opinions, and viewpoints don't even hold up against retards that pretend politics in their free time?

How cucked can you be?


Talk about a dead board. There's threads there from 2014.

Actual debate is drowned by the mass of shitposting and memes

If that's true about Kushner he's a genius.

It's an extremely niche board, sorta like /po/.

What are you even trying to say? Its not a matter of firm ideas you autistic fuck. its the same bait threads over and over again still reaching bump limit, its people so far up their asses that they will ban you for nothing, and its people tolerating any of these things, keeping the whole joke alive
At least if Sup Forums died at last, maybe something less shitty could be created from scratch, but the gook seems to be able to get away with everything, and the old userbase is too loyal for their own good, while cripplechan is apparently fine with having "won" without caring what happens next

I'm honestly worried that the fucking kike has more influence over Trump than we think. He's probably trying to control him through Ivanka

I think he had a psychic break, because the CTR shills, even there were so bad (and people were doing real work on the emails) that you couldn't get shit done. It was useful for serious shit. Not sure what use it has now. No one actually expected Trump to win, now "we" (we wuz kangz!) got we want, now what do?

Yeah I used to post there a lot but it's like Sup Forums now.
>"My grandmother was black but I look white, can I still practice asatru?"
>"there's nothing wrong with being gay and being asatru"
>"can mestizos be asatru?"

>without caring what happens next
nothing is really going to "happen," this was a once a generation, maybe once in history. Trump will fuck everyone, and everyone here will be unhappy or else why come here? the only real lasting benefits are the election night tapes, and that was it. In reality, how many were rounded up and hanged or synagogues went up in flames? zero. the Jews got some graffiti, that was it.

Take this with a grain of salt, but apparently Kushner financed his own CTR (only pro-Trump). During the election, there was a Trump ad on 8/pol/ that directly linked to a donation page. I wouldn't be surprised if he bought the mods.

I´m not talking about the election, I´m talking about the GG and the chan wars in general
cripplechan aways looks down on Sup Forums for not leaving with them, boasting about how we still take the mod cock when their own place is turning into such a circlejerk
The opinion about what happens post election is a little too divided to call it a board or a chan opinion. some people still care about Trump´s policies and future, some people came to get one over the SJW and the PC culture and others just wanted to fuck with people.