When will Sup Forums stop using "degeneracy" as an argument...

When will Sup Forums stop using "degeneracy" as an argument? It's literally the alt-right's version of "muh feelings" that is used by liberals.

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Never, they like to use it on whatever they don't like without realizing there's nothing as degenerate as being intolerant of someone who doesn't impact your life in any way

>Hurr durr gays are degenerate

We don't use it as an argument but as a label. If you are labeled degenerate, other people know not to invest time in you because you're not worth it.

You're a degenerate too, kys.

Just like with SJWs and calling people 'racist/bigot/homophob'. It's trying to shut someone down and avoid actually talking about it.

God, Sup Forums is just the fucking mirror of Tumblr.

We still talk to degenerates, we are not the mirror of tumbler, no matter what we think we will always give you a chance to spit your mind. But if you are doing degenerate shit you're just a degenerate. Whats so hard to understand? Please go in tumblr and show me factual proof that we are completely alike. And if you don't like it here, then get the fuck out burger.


>anyone/everything I don't like is degenerate according to my own extremely arbitrary definitions

Yeah, you sound really mature namecalling like that.

Fucking random men and women in hookups, dressing like homeless, trying to make yourself special and exceptional by making your appearance ugly through tattoos, piercing or bright hair colour, nothing degenerate at all!

Leftists are trying to shill the whole "people saying degenerate are just as bad as SJWs!" meme because the word is powerful and strikes deep

because degeneracy is a real phenomenon that is occurring and destroying our society

and you can't monetize of creating "degeneracy" as a weaponized word, like racism and sexism are by the mass media

It is not like that at all. Its not because i don't like or agree with your views that i will call you degenerate'm. It is a certain relay of needs, wishes and actions that partake in in order to be degenerate. I'll give aan example for you dumb fucks.

>wanting multiculturalism
> fucking a different guy or girk every 2 days
> only reading and believing facebook news posts
> saying the '90' were the bedt years
> wearing clothes whixh are torn on purpose
> etc...

You faggots are just mad because some kraut called you degenerate.

Remove yourself from the genepool in the modt violent way you can think of!

You're that fag I saw posting in a trap thread, hopefully you will kys.

No body says the word degeneracy is an argument.

Spot on Enda

>having sex for fun is degenerate

>implying it isn't


yeah that was the implication yes

the board isnt for you boring people to spam the same troll attempts day after day.

>you didnt waste time and effort on replying to my bait youre tumblr

Literally who even cares about being degenerate so long as you aren't killing yourself in the process. Let the relics of another era cry.

i would have casual sex with even a moderately attractive strange woman right now and enjoy it.

Eh, there's a difference between them. 'Muh feels' just means that the observer finds it personally disgusting. They don't like it, and so they rally to stop it. It shows a relatively shallow line of thought in political philosophy.

Conversely, degeneracy is something more along the lines of a virtue ethics kind of proposal. Some people use the word degeneracy as "I don't like it, so it's degenerate", but usually the idea is that the character traits you have or certain behaviors you partake in reduce you as a person, and hurt yourselves, the observers sometimes, even society as a whole. In this case, it's not about reducing the amount of discomfort as your highest end, but rather about finding traits that you feel are inherently or generally good and calling out those that fly in the face of it. Maybe that distinction isn't important to some, but conflating coddling your emotions with wanting people to aspire to some virtue or higher self is bullshit.

Disclaimer, I don't thing virtue ethics is all that good a system. That, or at the very least, it's incomplete.


I think that degeneracy is a perfectly good argument when justifying your personal distaste for something, as people can have dislikes over whatever they want, but it shouldn't be a relevant argument at all when it comes to feasible, legal change in society.

Basically, what said.

if being this shift to the right means i cant fuck random chicks i meet at bars then im out sorry

>I'm all for saving this society but if that means putting a stop to one of the most destructive, harmful parts of it then I'm out

Good goy, don't bother with these brainwashed sheep.

Actually you can make an objective criteria for what is, and isn't degeneracy, based on how harmful it is to society.

Feelings are only incidental, so fuck off huemonkey.

>newfags bumping the thread

degeneration is decay of a society
a degenerate is someone assisting said decay

it's objective truth

am i supposed to build a giant cross with this money trump is giving me instead of using it to ply women with booze at hipster bars whats going on here

Of course you can. There's only a problem when (((they))) are influencing the entire nation to do the exact same.

What constitutes decay? Societys change, and they have been changing for a long time now. They only way to enforce a society to remain the same as it has been would be to limit the freedom of the people.

>what constitutes decay
I will give you some examples:
>Germany - rape number increased with influx of foreign hordes
>Austria - kids who do not speak their own language

overall, decay means here change for worse
Sup Forums is decaying with all those fuckin newfaggots who think they can outjew the Sup Forums

trump literally fucked his way through super models and brags about fucking married women in his biography. i am emulating the man to the best of my meager abilities.

You need to provide a criteria, or else it's just whatever shit you feel is degeneracy. The reason degeneracy lost its weight is because shitheads don't qualify it to some external standard. If you can't do that it is nothing more that you making your moral judgements moral law, and you sound like a faggot for doing it.

well fuck nigga go right ahead go for it

god speed, user

fuck off degenerate, for I have achieved triple repeating numbers at the end of my post, and they automatically prove my point without need to resort to any arguments

fuck, you're right.

my b.