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>germany not consumed

More commie blocks?

Pretty good wall, keep the shitskins out.

Why would you build a wall around Kamchatka?

>muh non cylindrical map of russia
oh noes its big bad russia with their vast uninhabitable tracts of shitland

>has more land than most of the world
>everyone is still poor and stupid

It's just one big empty hole that keeps expanding.

>yfw Albania will be celebrating Christmas soon

i kinda like the way that looks

I'm okay with that

>taking finland

>Israel still exists

Not interested.

i want to become bundeskanzler just to build a bunch of fat walls desu
would be pretty cool
i like walls

>implying russia is stronger than the EU

I am 100% Ok with this desu

if this happens i'm becoming a terrorist.

>t. Russian rape baby

>he thinks the Bundeskanzler has the power to build walls

>german education

Eastern Germany is rightful russian clay.

who said that im a kartoffel?
Ill be the first syrian Bundeskanzler (muslim)

So are you

How's life in the Ruhrgebiet, Mehmet?

take finland out and give half of germany and half of japan, then you got the map


fogd be a pofád bede marci

And you. Brave comandante Zaharchenko will kick your ass.


From what I know Russia is in favor of a polypolar world order, on the other hand UN and USA are in favor of a monopolar world order.

Wow Russia saves Finland.

How nice.

north east of your country is also our clay, we have not forgotten about Arkona.

pls based putin make sweden great again too

What happens in that big empty part in Russia? Is it mostly Eskimo types?

Who cares, euro is not our problem, our job of maintaining peace after ww2 is over. If the combined army's of Europe can't stop Russian expansion, you deserve it.


thanks, Donald

>Giving Japan back the Kuriles


Just leave Istria and Dalmazia to us and we will be happy to welcome our russian overlords

why does russia want to take over those countries?

>thanks, Donald

As long as they leave Funland, Estonia, Pooland and the Czechs alone, I couldn't care less.

Kazahjktan has no right being that big.

Let Russia annex it.


You seem to have misplaced Finland on that map, I demand that the error is fixed forthwith




Is this real thing? HAHAHA

>le russia is still le bad le
>le flippy un sign simpsons joke loleing rn tho
but yeah no china is great and we need to cater to china and buy lots of cheap shit from china like kitschy knickknacks and textile products off alibaba and ignore the interior regions of china and postulate about wonderful prosperous china and the china boom and how cool and prettie their showcase cities look from a distance

I literally jack myself off with rolled up issues of time magazine. stevie colbert is my "tv dad" and my real dad is a faggot fuck em.

>tfw you're not liberated


...I'm pretty damn okay with that map. The only actual loss in there would be Finland.

Someone han't been reading sputnik or RT lately.

Sorry amerifats, you guys are fucked up.

Keep believing the "Russia is poor" meme if that makes you ease your mind tho.

where the fuck are muh Kurils you shmuck?

why should i care

some places its warmer because of geysirs and shit, and there are normal villages. in the mountains theres snow all year and "siberians" which are descendents of gulag workers live there, the rest is permafrost and i think a lot of area is sealed off because the ground might collapse if it gets too warm

>Implying that the Ruskies would even dare invading Finland

The Russians would not survive all the memetic warfare that would come from that.


Eastasia to Eurasia Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.
The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principles of doublethink, this aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the Inner Party) is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living. Ever since the end of the nineteenth century, the problem of what to do with the surplus of consumption goods has been latent in industrial society. At present, when few human beings even have enough to eat, this problem is obviously not urgent, and it might not have become so, even if no artificial processes of destruction had been at work.

the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defence.
the Ministry of Plenty deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation).
the Ministry of Love deals with law and order (torture and brainwashing).
the Ministry of Truth deals with news, entertainment, education and art (propaganda).
he Miniplenty publishes false claims of having raised the standard of living, when it has, in fact, reduced rations, availability, and production. The Minitrue substantiates the Miniplenty claims by revising historical records to report numbers supporting the current, "increased rations.
Goldstein's book explains that the purpose of the unwinnable, perpetual war is to consume human labour and commodities, so the economy of a superstate cannot support economic equality (a high standard of life) for every citizen. By using up most of the produced objects like boots and rations, the "proles" are kept poor and uneducated so that they will not realise what the government is doing and they will not rebel.

You forgot our half of Poland.

>Implying EU will be still relevant after Britain leaves. LMAO.


They already do.


Most of Russia's land is uninhabitable. That's why their population is only 143 million, less than Bangladesh and Indonesia.

>literally no argument whatsoever
Do you have any idea how many circumstances had to conspired for Russia to annex Crimea, and how extraordinarily implausible it will be for the other countries in the near future to have similar circumstances?

I guess not. Let's create an EU army anyway. Actually, let's go a step further and invade Russia.

Literally can not wait!


Russia isn't even close to being our equal. They fidget over former territory and make friends with other thorns in our side.

But there is one super power on planet earth. And Trump is it's leader.

>>youre fired

I never understood this "X is too poor". Shitty economy is one of the most common reasons to start a war and you don't need money to build weapons.

God bless mother Russia and the United States, defenders of White civilization


said the country with 218430 quadrillion dollars debt

The department also details an Oceanian strategy of attacking enemy cities with atomic rockets before invasion, yet dismisses it as unfeasible and contrary to the war's purpose; despite the atomic bombing of cities in the 1950s the superstates stopped such warfare lest it imbalance the powers.
>this is your reminder we haven't used nuke weapons to keep the balance of power and endless war going

Fuck this shit, if this happens im going innawoods

But seriously, Russia doesn't want to annex these countries. They want them under their sphere of influence, like the good old days.


So the Kuril Islands are part of japan now ;)

yep, it's from Sweden's official site

Positive nationalism: Oceanians' perpetual love for Big Brother; Neo-Toryism, Celtic nationalism and British Israelism are (as Orwell argues) defined by love.
Negative nationalism: Oceanians' perpetual hatred for Emmanuel Goldstein; Stalinism, Anglophobia and antisemitism are (as Orwell argues) defined by hatred.

>Avoiding China so carefully
>No Constantinople

I KEK'd.

>Tryharding Eastern Europe

Good fucking luck with that boris, you will need it.

Not even the Germans want Germany anymore. Soon it'll be referred to as "The Deadlands"

Frenchmen will walk into it to die. It'll be glorious.

What is this? A map of countries idgaf about?

the u.s. spends over a third or russia's entire gdp on weapons.

russia gdp 2 trillion.

cost of america designing the f-35 was like 1.4 trillion by itself or something

good look, comrade.


Russian state debt: 18.7% of gdp
US state debt: 80% of gdp

source: wiki


>Implying America will start World War with Russia over shitholes like Romania and Estonia.Kek. More like they will sanction/boycott them.

>Sup Forums pretends to be anti globalization
>would let Russia annex half a world if given a chance
lmao at Sup Forums cuckies

gies are alike and that the public's ignorance of this fact is imperative so that they might continue believing in the detestability of the opposing ideologies. The only references to the exterior world for the Oceanian citizenry (the Outer Party and the Proles) are Minitrue maps and propaganda ensuring their belief in "the war."

Talvisota all over again

I-is i legal to agree with you? I can't be sure nowadays

In 1984, there is a perpetual war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, the superstates which emerged from a global atomic war. The book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein, explains that each state is so strong it cannot be defeated, even with the combined forces of two superstates—despite changing alliances. To hide such contradictions, history is re-written to explain that the (new) alliance always was so; the populaces accustomed to doublethink accept it. The war is not fought in Oceanian, Eurasian or Eastasian territory but in the Arctic wastes and in a disputed zone comprising the sea and land from Tangiers (northern Africa) to Darwin (Australia). At the start, Oceania and Eastasia are allies fighting Eurasia in northern Africa and the Malabar Coast.

It's a cashflow problem for Russia, not a debt problem.