/pol will try to dispute this and fail
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other races like white people
no one likes jews
I don't agree with the jews methods of banding together, engaging in nepotism, helping their fellow man, in fact I wish whites were the same in their cohesiveness
But you are our enemy, we are simply on different teams so you will be crushed
I do agree with*
People hate your diaspora because they're nation-wrecking parasites not because they're successful.
usury via fiat banking is the source of your power
without the federal reserve/deutschbank/etc, you'd be in the same condition as arabs
I dont hate jews,I LOVE JEWS!
>the jews are just naturally successful, you stupid jealous goy!
Go study economics
You sound mentally disabled
>implying money=/= success.
Non argument
Jews aren't a race you retarded cunt.
I didnt imply that at all you low IQ jew mongoloid. Why dont you try exercising what little neurons you have and look at the attached image
What do Jews produce?
>Go study economics
>You sound mentally disabled
Actually, that was an argument, and it completely blew you the fuck out. Nobody is upset that Asians make more money than white people. The reason people hate the Jews isn't that they are more successful, it is that they actively destroy civilizations.
>actively destroy civilizations
I can think of a few I'd like to wipe out
Tbqh i'm probly gonna try and marry a jewess. They're smart, sexy, often pretty racist and well-bred, what's not to like?
I don't mind other civilizations being destroyed if I'm in the winning one
Jews are way more greedy than white people.
Not all of us are obsessed with wealth.
Hope that works out for you.
But Israel is an impoverished, low IQ hellhole. Despite being more jewish than America is white, and despite having far fewer niggers.
Usa is how old? 300 something?
Alright, when your nation is 6000 years old we will count the times shit happened to you. :)
>Implying Fillon isn't jew controlled
>implying Trump isn't jew controlled
I live in america so I think I'm fine here or there
Jews have always been sort of miserly, this is true. But never before in history have they been this in control of power. Look at Hollywood and the media in general. It's not even fair. America's "waking up" just got elected a president who literally considers himself jewish
Your nation is younger then ours you can't maintain a civilization all you know is wrecking them
Are you serious? This is coming from Israel?
how old is israel? ;^]
how old is the white race? ;o}
Yes Jews have a lot of power and influence in the good times.
However history has shown that when things go sour, the Jews tend to get the blame whether they deserve it or not.
There are plenty of people in America talking about Jews, you know.
Your nation is the current favorite Jewish plaything so we all know which nation they will destroy next!
We hate Jews because they're always the ones pushing leftism on us.
Pretty much all the communistic revolutions in Eastern Europe were led by Jews.
And now Jews are pushing immigration and multiculturalism on the US and Western Europe.
>Usa is how old?
>posting as kikeland
shitty bait
Western Whites tripled the global pop. in under 70 years, if other races are so successful why couldn't they produce a pop. boom like us?
(Yes, I realize tripling the pop. was a mistake, but with Trump we are correcting the record.)
Well played, Israel. I am going to visit your country and fuck some female IDF cuties. Thanks for their service.
The original argument had Jews treated as one group over a prolonged timespan.
I took USA as an example of a group.
Doesn't have to be a country you autists
Hey kikes how do you rank your Jewish playtoys?
We all know America is No1. But what other toys do you like?
I know you like stuffing Sweden full of Somalians so it's probably No2 right?
Isn't it funny how kikes like abstract things like no boarders while whites like nice boarders that follow the terrain.
Sweden loves everything Israel hates.
Absolute political polarity.
>I took USA as an example of a group.
fucking hell i thought jews were supposed to be smart
You retard Israel gained independence in May 1948
Explain what part of my metaphor your little brain struggled with
His image shows Jewish history before the state of Israel.
Give me a full list of how you rank your playthings.
Everyone already knows America is your favorite plaything.
Whats next, France? Germany?
That means your nation as a whole exists since May 1948.
>European Americans
But his original argument that Jews were kicked out from places way long before Israel was established. Are you slow?
Really what this user is saying about diaspora.
Noone gives a fuck about Jews, just their resistance to adopting to the dominate culture and subjugation of it.
So what's your point? You have a ideology that has survived for thousands of years and lost all lands claimed to it be its own. Aside from monotheism you haven't done much for the world.
t. athiest
Jewish culture is too strong and it survives inside of its 'host'. Soon their nepotism allows them to control entire industries and political structures.
This is when the parasite grows fat and starts to poison its host with the shit it exudes. Leftism, degenerate culture, all of this poison is designed to allow the parasite to grow even fatter from its dying host.
Eventually the host will try to remove the parasite but it is so weakened and the parasite so strong that the Jew wins out.
With the host nation dead, the Jewish parasite moves onto a new nation to feed.
My point is that his image is incomparable to anything else we know.
In 6000 years we don't know how many times ''Americans '' will get conquered/banished.
They will probably not survive as long as a group.
Nobody will ever survive as long as the Jews.
Next time we will wall you all up inside Israel and flay people alive if the attempt to interact with you in any manner.
Actually I 100% support the jewish effort to secure a homeland for their people.
It's the subversion of MY homeland that makes me dislike them.
Non argument