>the smartest guy who ever lived was a socialist
>the low IQ cattle of Sup Forums would have gassed him
Really makes you think... or, since this is Sup Forums, maybe not.
The smartest guy who ever lived was a socialist
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>>the smartest guy who ever lived was a socialist
>>the low IQ cattle of Sup Forums would have gassed him
>Really makes you think... or, since this is Sup Forums, maybe not.
And yet, he fled Socialism and ran toward capitalism.
Really makes you think, Uh?
Really makes me think
isaac newton wasnt a socialist, what are you talking about?
I didn't know Euler was a socialist.
Einstein...smartest? Try again
The smartest guy who ever lived made you believe he was a socialist
Who could have known?
...then why did he flee to a capitalist society?
>invented doomsday weapon
>tried to advance child sexuality
>Fled Socialism
He was offered the presidency of Israel. He declined, saying he "had no head for human matters," or something of that sort. He was not a politician, or even a person incredibly interested in politics, so do not attempt to paint him in that way.
Actually, most communists are mentally deficient, why do you think they begin hunting the intelligentsia the second they get power?
Because they feel threatened by people who can use logic and reasoning.
capitalism uses money to subdue socialist societies. it must be destroyed everywhere for socialism to work.
That's like saying feudalism is a great system because at the time, there were no other systems that worked as well.
no, in feudalism, class differences were even bigger than in capitalism.
socialism is the society where everybody is happy, but it's less profitable than capitalism, so capitalism has to be destroyed so socialism can thrive.
>socialism is the society where everybody is happy
>we can't compete with the powerful super-economy capitalism makes so it must be destroyed
You dumb fucks just denounce yourselves constantly.
>a physicist somehow has political authority
>1 post by this id
Look at this idiot
>the smartest guy who ever lived
You are a disgrace to the human race.
>smartest guy who ever lived
dont get me wrong he was really smart but not THE smartest
our point is not to make money even at the cost of other people's misfortune, like capitalism.
our point is to have justice.
how is a lassiez-faire system unjust?
This was another extremely intelligent man.
No such thing
>smartest guy
There are toddlers with higher cognitive functioning than Einstein, literally. MENSA has dozens of members with double digit IQ point scores over him.
He was also a degenerate, he married his cousin.
He was also a hypocrite, stating he wasnt religious but mandated a portion of his ashes were spread at the wailing wall in Jerusale, in his will.
Numerous "scientists" were working on the same theories and formuli as he was, at the same exact time. Many theorize he simply stole other peoples work and claimed it as his own.
>the smartest guy who ever lived
That's the worst picture of Ben Franklin that I've ever seen. Wait, I thought Franklin died before photography was invented.
Einstein was involved with Wilhelm Reich in "scientific" research into "Orgone energy accumulation". Wilhelm Reich was at the time seen as the leader of a cult of sex and anarchy and one of Reich's books was entitled The Function of the Orgasm. Moreover, the word "Orgone" (that does not exist in the English language) is a portmanteau of the words "Orgasm" and "Ozone". There can therefore be no doubt that Reich's meaning of term "Orgone" must have been a sort of "nascent sexual energy" and that the Orgone energy accumulator's purpose is to harvest this "source" of energy. Some typical picture of "orgone energy accumulators" can be found on orgone-energy websites, for example the following picture (warning: this picture is not suitable for on Sup Forums, so here only a link is given).
The "orgone energy accumulator" is some sort of box with metallic material lining the insides of its walls, that can accumulate "nascent sexual energy" presumably created by sexual acts performed in the "orgone energy accumulator". Common sense quickly rejects such things as quackery, pseudo science, and perversion. Not Einstein, however, whose collaboration with Reich in the field of "Orgone energy accumulation" was extensive and included for example correspondence and "scientific" visits of Einstein to Reich. Reich published in 1953 a book about his collaboration with Einstein, in a very limited edition. The Wilhelm Reich instute today still sells "copies" of this book, but it is well possible that these so-called copies have been sanitized by taking out the parts potentially embarrassing for Einstein.
Einstein, in his judgement of social and political problems, was a moron, and used his intellectual powers to exert a highly pernicious influence. The world would be better off had he never existed.
kys high schooler
also physics
>Many theorize he simply stole other people's work and claimed it as his own.
I refuse to believe a guy that the guy who derived the einstein-stokes equation wasn't able to derive E=mc^2.
Also, most research is performed in a way that several groups are working on the same thing at the same time, but he derived the equation first.
Not arguing that he is the smartest guy, but he was pretty fucking intelligent.
>>tried to advance child sexuality
First time I heard that one. More info/links pls
Socialist and a Jew, so I don't doubt it.
Bullshit aside, Einstein was a Jew. Jews are a people who haven't had a homeland in thousands of years, and have leeched off of other countries while refusing to integrate, and have subsequently been persecuted by the host population.
Now, with that in mind, can you possible imagine why a people that exploits the host population, holds a disproportionate amount of power and refuses to adapt to the local culture would support socialism?
He was a physicist not a political theorist. Socialism and Communism works in an idealist vacuum but we will never live in a vacuum or even an ideal world.
You just have to witness the BLM thugs absolutely walking over spineless professors in US universities to realise that maybe scientists aren't the best people to be deciding policy.
They are mostly cowardly and weak.
and he still was a hardcore zionist
He was also a filthy jew
>Really makes you think...
He also married and impregnated his cousin.
>the smartest guy who ever lived
was a plagiarist
which only ever amounts to violence
so you're pissed off because you fail at life
and your point is to chimp out because that's all you're capable of