Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a containment board for the dregs of society.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a containment board for the dregs of society
Hey, Germany did you hear who won the election in US?
I missed the news. Who was it? Can you tell me?
how will I ever recover?
Don't see too many ooga boogas posting though matey.
Why won't anyone tell me who won the election?
>the dregs
How is argumentum ad hominem working out for ya? (Protip: it didn't work for Hillary)
A Wall Street billionaire that stuffed his cabinet with other Wall Street billionaires.
The "anti-establishment".
lol why dont you kill yourself you dumbie
lol you live in germany, I could even tell you in your face to kill yourself. I would love to bully you to death.
Kill all niggers, jews and mudslimes lol.
Who? Was it Hillary or Trump? I don't know.
Was it your gal madame Hillary?
This shit again, oy vey.
>your gal madame Hillary
You must be over 18 to post here.
Trumptards racist,sexists and trandgaydogfuckingphobic, everyone hates them!!!
>pol on suicide watch
A containment board that altered the US presidential elections by summoning an ancient Egyptian God of Chaos
so get out, dont be a dreg
don't reply to this lads, we don't want to turn this turkroach into a dreg
Why does no one just tell me who won?
People like you are irrelevant and will remain so for the remainder of your life. If you are a woman, it goes twice. Your effort in media does not reach us, and we can recognize low IQ speech. Your effort in art, in marketing and other places also has zero impact on our lives.
I do not consume, or require female industrial/economic help. All of my choices exclude your gender by conscious effort.
The only value that you have is making children.
And if you are a guy, well you do not even have that value, you are more or less just completely useless lol. Kill yourself.
It is, and it's leaking.
Normies get ready. Re.p
It's like in Megaman Dr. Wily created Zero but Zero joined Megaman's team later on.
thx for typing all that. not that i read it, tho.
FC Bavaria Munich 5 - 0 FC Wolfsburg
Its more like retardation.
lol and whats even more delicious is that your kind prizes itself to be oh so apt at psychological things, yet you cannot deal with subtle chan culture/speak.
Its delicious. We hate you, we do conscious effort to do you harm in real life, and we are not ashamed of it, we actually feel pride in making you be worse off than us.
Wait a sec, did Donald Trump win?
Am I hearing that right?
I'm curious as well, Germany. I missed the announcement because I was out of the country for a bit, I still have no idea who won. Why don't you tell us.
Trump is Megaman.
lol I am actually /fit/ and even have a kid, not all of us are neets here you tard. My economic choices are very specific and aimed to discourage female and nu cuck male participation in the economy.
Every penny that a woman or a nu cuck male doesnt get, I get a raging hard on. I delight in the thought of some depressed nu cuck male, or female sitting alone in her/his room, not being able to have thoughts of "you can be anything" because of me.
I love shitting in your hearts.
Trump is retarded.
Good thing Trump didn't win the election then, right?
I still don't know who did. If it was not Trump who won? Was it Yeb?
Someone please tell me.
I'm a far left liberal who posts here almost daily and I agree
wow if youre serious youre literal cancer.
Abdullah, just go back to your shitskin country
>t. The rest of Germanistan
This, Germany needs to answer. I didn't see who won either. Did Clinton win?
Nethercucks realizing how fucking autistic they are online 24/7
You guys are cringing at that user but that's how you all are online. It's fucking annoying kek.
yoour post are so stupid, i thought for a moment you are mastermind troll. Unfortunately you are a fag, but that okay because you are German and i regularly see germans being the worst posters. Whats even more sad, you do it unironically
Yeah, I wonder why it's so hard to answer such an easy question. It's almost as if Germany is very emotional. Almost as if he loves the candidate so much he just chokes up whenever he hears their name.
Now I really want to know who won.
If you are a nu cuck male, and I see someone offering a product or service similar to yours who isnt one. I will chose him, even to about 20% of the price.
it even goes so far that I can now focus intensely on the voice on phones, that I can somewhat guess the test levels and race to about 40% accuracy.
Basically it goes like this
strong white male in his 30's > Close to ethnicity to whites (like a slav, or italians or something like that) strong male > Older white woman who seems like she knows her stuff/married woman in service of husband (who I probe a lot though since women are generally inferior) > shitskins > average white women/ nu cuck males
I always try to give money to everything that is even remotely healthy, strong and right wing. These other elements do not deserve the spoils of the white mans industry/science.
>[Autistic Screeching Intensifies]
>because you are German and i regularly see germans being the worst posters
whenever reading your own posts?
So, who won the election? Clinton? Me and Latvia are dying to know.
lol you mad.
I am outta this thread, too many uncoolies here.
Am I a coolie?
the wall street candidate, fgt
i try to discuss some topics, while i see a lot of shitheads thinking they are so intelectually superior. They just say shit like thisbut dont really back it up and dont even try to back it up because they think they are right anyways and if someone doesnt agree hes just stupid.
unfortunately a lot of these posters seem to be germans, which ashames me, because i thought we would be better like this.
the one that cant get corrupted because hes already so fucking rich and doesnt owe anything to anybody? yep, that´s /ourguy/
>this thread
>dregs of society
You're right we have many niggers kikes and goatfuckers here
Daily reminder that Germany is the dreg of world society and nobody takes you seriously because you are an American vassal state.
Seems like everything is working as intended to me.
burgerfag coming to give his shit tier opinion 24/7
you guys are annoying
> implying you are not?
Sup Forums is the "containment" site, but we're hardly contained.
Didn't know Latvia was so based.
> uncoolies
jesus christ..
Why do you people come here to trigger yourselves? If you can't handle the bants, don't come here faggot.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is one of the last bastions of traditionalism
i think he couldnt handle the banter
he just wandered into a delirium.F