really makes you think.
they are not stupid. All they do has to be understood as crafting some new useful narrative thread.
They are not wrong.
Islam is as right and conservative as you can get.
BLM are a mirror image of neo nazi, except with a victim complex. They should be seen the same way.
But they're left wing terrorists.
Guess it's a good thing that SPLC has about as much clout as a pile of shit.
The nigga had nothing to do with BLM and was a gun supporter, on point with the right wing agenda.
Islam is against women's rights and pretty much anything progressive known today.
How is it hard to understand they're rightists?
because they aren't. they aren't right wing nationalists. right wing is always associated with white nationalism. are they gonna change the definition on us?
They are only half-correct, then. But they are still trying to paint a bad picture about conservatives rather than acknowledge Islam's faults.
>BLM are a mirror image of neo nazi,
You arent even trying..
>Right-wing terrorists
Actually, Islamism IS a radical right-wing ideology.
As the population shift occurs whites slowly die out, blacks, muslims and whoever has the most power will become the new demon the jews paint red.
FYI SPLC is a jewish organization.
Islam is radical religious terrorism. And the Left endorses and supports said religion
BLM is communist and marxist Terrorism and the left supports BLM.
This is that whole if you tell a lie big enough long enough it will be true. The Left lies always.
Islam is a radical religion and it 's support had over hills by the Left unanimously. Fuck off Communist.
It's impossible, if you are looking for logical Aristotelian truth. Think what the SPLC-Jew wants.
It wants to blame everything on the white people. It wants to use everything against the white people.
If the right-wing defends the interests of the white people, then they want to smear the right-wing. Therefore calling non-white terrorism right-wing terrorism serves their interests.
Their actions of the Jew-Left become much clearer when one looks at them from the POV of them being simply anti-White.
Because right wing is about preserving tradition European/white culture, not Islamic.
America is still at the point where the left wing represents Muslims goals (mass immigration) and blacks (more welfare).
Once Islam gets big, they they will effectively make a third party, an Islamic party, this will most likely not be a new party but hijacking the Democratic Party.
It will then become "decomrat"/islamic party vs conservative/libertarian party
What can throw a spanner in the works is if and when Hispanic catholism finally butts heads with Islam. South/Central Americans will not take shit from Islam, just like eastern euros
>If the right-wing defends the interests of the white people, then they want to smear the right-wing.
fuckin checked, praise kek
I'd like to note that things like unions on the "left" were implicitly pro-white and kikes were against those as well. I'm not shilling for unions but it just shows how reliable your theory is.
>BLM are a mirror image of neo nazi, except with a victim complex
so they're the mirror image of neo-nazis then
>southern poverty law center
>run by a fucking kike
i hate jews so much
the muslim was a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT WHO VOTED DEMOCRAT you fucking shitskin
>the muslim was a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT WHO VOTED DEMOCRAT you fucking shitskin
The only reasonable conclusion from that is : Democratic party is a neo-nazi organization
>BLM are a mirror image of neo nazi, except with a victim complex.
If memory serves, didn't the actual nazis begin by portraying themselves as victims? It's the oldest trick in the book.
The left has been sucking Islam's dick for the past 15 years. When people say "right wing" they literally never mean Islam and Muhammadan.
Plus Islam is full blown universalism.
>didn't the actual nazis begin by portraying themselves as victims
yes they did this is common with lefty violence the commies who murdered the russian royal family did they exact same thing before they slaughtered the tsar and his family
this is extremely common in socialist and communist history
Leftists are for peace and love. So technically 100% of violence is committed by right wingers.
>welfare causes most of the black community to remain in poverty
>keep portraying BLM in a positive light, which causes no-go zones
>black on black crime rises
>abortion is a woman's right. Black women abort over 50% of their babies.
>Colleges ban "Black Unborn Lives Matter" but stick with "Black Lives Matter"
The democrats are completely racist through subversive means.
Jews use all political sides for their own benefit.
Back in 1917, they used Bolshevism to take over the resources of Russia for themselves.
They used the left to get the 1965 mass immigration.
They used stupid Bush to destroy Israel's enemies.
They use the conservatives to get lower taxes for themselves.
They used both sides to the the Anti-Semitism Act.
Jews have a high verbal IQ and it's ALWAYS used to find a rationale to convince the stupid non-Jews to do something that benefits Jews. Always.
Why not differently? Because humans decide first on a goal that emotionally feels good to them and then use logic to get there. Doing something that is not in their own interest feels painful to the Jews, which is why they can't do differently. They only choose the thinking paths that feel good.
This is their dowfall, because as history has shown hundreds of times, EVENTUALLY the stupid cattle, that the goyim are, wake up.
So the jews are pushing the muslims on us to get us to eventually kill all the muslims? based jews
Isn't the mirror image of the right... the left?
An attempt of source
theft you fucking white nigger?
Racist little bitches like you will make NO
babies u pathetic little bitch
Holy shit this pisses me off
herp derp ther exactly da same lol
Extreme right and fundamental islam are essentially the same though. See women as inferior, don't tolerate dissent, hate diversity etc.
Right wing is less state and more individual freedom
Left wing is more state and less individual freedom
Religious authority sounds like left, doesn't it?
thank you for sharing your opinion without any merit or really anything else really
we really wanted it you shitskin ooga booga
Extreme right is libertarianism (or anachy)
>everything right is now wrong
The thing is, religious theocracy is left wing
It gives the state control over the behavior of the individual; it doesn't matter if it's legislation or scripture. All that matters is less freedom
And fascism grants more freedom?
You're welcome
Into the trash it goes
White Women are disloyal skanks. What else is new, did you guys get your new king yet?
getting a bit sick of these leftist jews desu
>So the jews are pushing the muslims on us to get us to eventually kill all the muslims based jews
no, only to divide a strong nation into ethnic groups that are hostile to each other.
You would think Jews would be logical in their self-interest. They would want a strong white protestant America which is a loyal ally to Israel.
Jews behave like parasites. On one hand, they use the host. But they also poison the host.
Which is why Jews decided to 1/ use the US to destroy Israel's enemies in the Middle East, 2/ then also poisoning it with hostile immigration and 3/ they are already planning to dump the dead body of America and to jump to a new host.
They are already writing about 3/. Who will be the new host? Europe? India? China? They will probably be attracted to infiltrate the strongest power that develops after the USA is weakened. Probably China.
>right wingers hate muslims and blacks
>blacks and muslim terrorists are rightwing
Does the SPLC have anything fundamentally to do with the South, poverty, or law?
does anyone have a link to where the splc actually says that?
this is how they fake stats about "right wing terrorism out numbering muslims"
>muslims aren't conservative
>Right wing is less state and more individual freedom
>Left wing is more state and less individual freedom
What about National Socialism then?
No, they don't.
It didn't happen which is the point.
Breibart is run by a Jew and is now in the Whitehouse.
Should be entertaining, but hey there will be bantz right up until Trump says he is taking the position seriously and the accounts are passed off to the media teams.
lol indeed
how are ppl supposed make informed decisions about anything if everyone is lying about everything all the time?
Rubs the sodium channels doesn't it?
All the sources that you're told to listen and believe on lie, and constantly demonize the net prescence.
Perhaps the answer is the same as before, stop listening to anyone over 60.
Well no shit ISIS mudslimes are far right traditionalists.
Someone calling for preferred treatment for European-descent people (regardless of their merit) wouldn't be represented by the man on the right
Who'd the Hillary people get?
And who did it, cause I'm suspecting false flags.
Liberals are too whimpy to use their hands to kill, and don't have guns, so anybody who does die would be because the universe decides its their time.
>nat soc
They called Maajid Nawaz, a muslim, an anti-Islam extremist because he runs a counter-extremist group.
I've noticed a lot of news is suddenly coming outta wingnut websites that I've never heard of. and they all share links to each other like op's link from breitbart
SPLC and all those other for-profit "non-profits" are such a joke. Private organizations get to set the narrative on who are evil nazi racists.
How many riots have any Neo-Nazi started themselves?
Really makes your brain cells transfer information around the brain
Looks like a couple of typical fucking white males to me.
Why can't all these radical white nationalists just stop terrorizing all the innocent blacks and muslims?