Sup Forums whats a redpilled facial hair style? Been aiming for a goatee 2. Feel it makes you more badass and less beta. The numales ruined full beards
>inb4 dictator style
Sup Forums whats a redpilled facial hair style? Been aiming for a goatee 2. Feel it makes you more badass and less beta. The numales ruined full beards
>inb4 dictator style
If you think facial hair matters then I pity your existence. This is the sort of thing that women worry about. Try to focus on achievements rather than appearance and you will see more success in your life.
Only retards and old, physically unfit men don't shave. Hair grooming is one of the basics of being a proper man.
yeah confirmed, chinks can't grow beards.
You only say this because your country has been fucked by men with facial hair for centuries
I'd say that each beard type is relative to what country and community you live in and also somewhat in coherrence to how you dress.
Chinstrap is okay in Amish but not anywhere else unless you're a faggot numale/neckbeard.
Facial hair is degenerate and looks like shit no matter who you are.
Stop trying to hide your weak looking faces with homeless hair.
t. Faggot who can't grow a beard.
Just let it grow, who gives a fuck burger face
Right mate, whatever.
What's next - asking what colour hairdye is the most redpilled? Which pore cleanser leaves someone feeling the most masculine? Jesus Christ, it is like nu-male heaven in this thread. This is why your country is doomed and Russia and China are leaders in the new century.
I want a full beard but I can't fucking grow it.
>I work at a job where sheckelstein boss says facial hair is bad and I should be good goy and be clean shaven bitchboi. I wouldn't want to piss off my jew boss gotta be a good goy.
This you user
It's harder to groom any sort of beard than to simply shave it off.
Only highschoolers do this kind of shit
>facial hair
fuck off
Moustache = It's 1978 and my ass is hungry for cock
Sideburns = I will never have sex with anyone outside my immediate family
Beard = I'm a hipster/numale/400 pound hacker/terrorist
You realize the only reason why you're alive right now is because of America right? Now how about you grow a beard chink.
I can grow a beard but shave daily because beards are for people that have week chins and/or ugly faces
>Just wear a leather thong in high heels, who cares?
Your dissapointed father who's about to commit suicide does.
The face pubes meme needs to die. It's fucking disgusting and only the most insecure self conscious beta bitches have beards.
>I'm a hipster/numale/400 pound hacker/terrorist
Which of these is Sam Hyde?
Your penis is the smallest penis there is and the ugly unsightly pubes on your face will NEVER make your little baby carrot any bigger. Grow the fuck up you pathetic loser.
This is why I'm aiming for a thick goatee. If you have dark hair and a slightly mean look it makes you look more serious around people.
Not a single clean shaven in this photo
I wear a Balbo but with classic curled up stache
Wrong for two reasons.
1) I am not Filipino.
2) The Filipinos are alive despite the American atrocities after the war of independence against Spain.
3) Fuck you, go back to grooming like a woman you retard.
Dying your hair is always gay you fucking faggot.
Come to Denmark with blue hair and see if we're going to beat the shit out of you gay asian ass.
>t. can't grow a beard
why are you lacking in testosterone, pooland?
I'm sick of these metro sexual faggots sculpting their facial hair like a bunch of pampered poofs
Your Viking ancestors would be ashamed
I mean, you're pretty bad ass taking a razor blade to your face everyday, but you know whats even more bad ass? Spending more time with the razor on your face to shape that shit.
How does it feel being so low test that your fat greasy skin can't grow a beard?
Clean shave it or full beard/gorgeous mustache if you can pull it off. It's really all about if you can pull it off but most look better clean shaved.
I'm talking about the fact you would be China's bitch right now if not for us.
You guys were better off as part of the union anyway.
>metro sexual
>facial hair
pick one
Yeah no shit. English not your first language right? I was literally saying that dying hair is gay and you get pissed off with me because dying hair is gay. WTF Denmark.
>Beard = I'm a hipster/numale/400 pound hacker/terrorist
At least I can grow a beard.
Did you get cucked by someone who has a beard? You seem awfully salty about such a trivial thing that doesn't really affect you.
I work as a partner at an accounting firm, and I can tell you that people will treat you with less respect and trust if you look grow a beard like a nu-male garbage man who sniffs glue.
Because poland is the vermin of europe. Poland is basicly nothing more than parisitism.
Every single time people with beards get told they are unattractive they always get so triggered and think it's just people without ir who think that. You kissless virgins need to actually date a girl once in your life, they constantly complain about your beard if you have one.
Girls love to look at it but they do not want to be close to a scruffy faced shithead. 100% of you here trying to pretend like the people just can't grow the hair have never had a girlfriend otherwise you wouldn't be bragging about how she constantly hints for you to shave that shit off.
You have no idea of Filipino history in the Pacific. You are embarrassing yourself and your flag. Wake the fuck up.
>full beard
>friendly mutton chops
>the zappa
>mutton chops
>cop stache
are ok in my book. everything else just looks tacky af
Jealous because you can't grow a decent beard?
How long does it take to grow a proper beard?
You obviously don't know what that word means you third world looser.
don't be fooled. only a wannabe barbarian or a numale hipster wears a beard these days.
patrician look is clean shaven.
What if you can't (yet) fill up the space between the stash and the beard?
Friendly muttonchops are the most redpilled
Friendly mutton chops is actually called the doom rider.
This is whats wrong with society today. 19th century men had facial hair, and guess what? Back then the jews and women were kept more in check. Now the fucking nu males are mocking society for having facial hair, don't have one and your mocked by the jew and pussy. FUCK the 21st century. On day of rope they all go.
>t. savage
Wearing facial hair as a fashion statement is one of the most metrosexual things a man can do
You might as well put on guy liner after you're done looking at yourself in the mirror, princess
Kind of ironic, cause archaeology has suggested that vikings were actually very meticulous in their beard grooming and styles.
That was probably after they got mad rich though
Jealous because you can't have a nice long straight hair like mine? Jealous because you can't have long legs like mine? Don't you wish your girlfriend was HOT LIKE ME
Of course I don't cause your history doesn't fucking matter.
All you are are a bunch of chinks on a island who got blessed by the presence of Spain then America.
Meanwhile you're pissing yourself cause asides from your small penis you can't grow a beard while getting penetrated by China.
Is all of Denmark as fail as you? I saw the Little Mermaid once and that was pretty shit. You seem pretty shit too. I can detect a pattern here.
>most look better clean shaved
I disagree, unless you have great genetics, full beard (not too long or you look like a hipster nu-male) is easy mode to be better looking and more manly.
Please fuck off with your leaking estrogene you beta numale.
>patrician look is clean shaven.
are you a woman, lad?
men grow beards
>t. manlet
I'm jealous of no man who spends more than 30 seconds a day looking in the mirror
Who here /folliculitis/?
>beard hair is like curly pubic hair
>shaving results in pic related
>not shaving results in pubic hair beard
There's no cure either. I've had professional shaves at barbers with a straight razor plus moisturizers and used special prescription creams. Seems nature just wants me to have a beard.
Too bad you can't decipher what "literrary" or basic economics means.
So you either don't brush your teeth either or brits are so poor they can't afford mirrors
I'm going with the former.
Penetrated by China how? By dramatically increasing trade? By increasing GDP above 7%? Unemployment at 5%? Where is the US GDP right now? Exactly. Bitches whining about hundreds of thousands in student loan debt after getting a masters in massage therapy. Lol. Say what you like about the Filipinos. At least their culture isn't dying behind the weakest generation that ever existed.
Friendly muttonchops are inordinately popular in the hardcore gay culture here in the states, just fyi
I have this, but not nearly as bad as in the pic. I have found beard oil and beard balm really helps minimize ingrown hairs and softens the coarse, pubey feeling hair.
If you're not using some sort of product in your beard, chances are, it's gonna be gross forever.
19th century men lived like piece of shit animals. Most of recorded civilized human history the men shaved their facial hair. Why do you think our founding fathers kept it smooth? They actually wanted to get pussy. Those 19th century men were just faggots surrounded by other dudes out West so of course they got lazy and didn't give a shit.
Clean shaven always and forever. Facial hair is for ugly men
>not listing handlebar mustache
son i am dissapoint
t. scandi numale hipsters
The neckbeard.
>tfw too much thick cheek, muzzle, and sideburns hair to grow a convincing neckbeard
Keep pushin' that slave mentality. Daily reminder slaves and peasants were forced to shave their heads/facial hair because they were too poor and stupid to stay disease free. Meanwhile the nobility had long hair and neatly trimmed facial hair, because they could afford to. Shave or not who gives a fuck in modern times but letting some kike in a business suit tell you how to wear your hair makes you a slave.
hahahahhaha - Sup Forums on beard care tips.
>19th century men lived like piece of shit animals
numale fag detected, 19th century America built this country you cunt
>t. has to hide lack of manly jawline
I don't have to hide my inferior genetics, you cuck.
That's because clean shaven men are low test pussies
And what, exactly, would the Mexicans of Asia know about body hair?
Pick one you pathetic dope fiend.
Why do you look in the mirror when you brush your teeth? Struggling to locate your pie hole?
>mfw all these beta males who can't grow any facial hair
>19th century men lived like piece of shit animals. Most of recorded civilized human history the men shaved their facial hair.
you've got it the wrong way around you cunt. Until the 19th century men would shave BECAUSE they lived like piece of shit animals. As hygiene improved, having a beard became a reasonable option without being gross. Having a beard (or semi-long hair for that matter) is a sign of being "wealthy" enough to afford good hygiene. Short hair and no beard is for dirty savages, which is why in the army or in prisons they cut off your hair, so you don't get lice.
Really? Are you """literrary""" sure about that?
Posting the one and only advice in every of those threads.
buzzing hair+beard to half an inch, there you have it.
High quality banter boys. You really showed me the way.
Disgraceful .
Full beard, but keep it well groomed and trimmed, don't wanna look like a muslim.
Wasted get.
as much as i hate having to shave, i still do it every day, because i don't want to be mistaken for a hipster faggot.
Is it """"literrary"""" disgraceful?
> WE
It belonged to MISTER DAN, fuck you
>not doing X because hipsters do it
that's some next level cuckoldry my man
how does it feel to have all the downsides(low EQ, manlet, nonwhite) of being asian but not the upsides?(IQ)
Just because shitskin terrorists like to grow a giant ass beard it prevents you from having any facial hair at all? Or did your girlfriend order you to always shave?
WTF are you rambling about retard.
Recap of the thread:
1) I say dying hair is retarded.
2) You call me a faggot because dying hair is retarded.
3) I call you a fuckwit because English comprehension. I can do this as a native English speaker.
4) You spend 4 posts saying literraraarararyyy like it is the funniest joke ever even though it is irrelevant because I am not even Filipino I am just living here.
5) You look like a cock.
You are a complete wrong un mate.
I have a full beard and my wife just started calling me "daddy" in the sack
Your move
The only time Mexico was ever great.