Pol's hostile, wonder why, figured should talk.
From China, Let's talk
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Why do the Chinese people accept government censorship and partisan armies? Talking of Mainland China of course.
I would guess not all chinese people are ok with the 'elected' goverment, just like people in every other country
ching chong bing bong
what did i just say in chinese?
They never had a democratic revolution. They have never known what is democracy. They still view the gov as they saw it 2000y ago.
Because the government makes life better for almost everybody, so fighting it is not a (((good deal))) as the president-elect of the US would say.
Please fuck off from our country
Were your media interested in the US elections and if they were, how did they portray each candidate?
How do you feel about Tiananmen Square and the Panama Papers?
No idea...
Will gladly take it in the ass from an abo for the chinese in this country to be rounded up and shipped the hell off.
There goes all our doctors, high end uni graduates and Milk Bar owners. The Indians would replace the accountants though.
oh i thought random ching chong noises meant stuff in chinese. does ching chong even mean anything?
The central media don't take a side on the US election, and don't really spent a lot of time covering it. Most of our news are just news with very little comment, saving time for a bigger varity of issues.
Most movements started by college students are irrational and is no good for everybody. Looking back from now, the government was not wrong for shutting it down.
At least not in mandarin.
From where I am from t is seen as cowardly for a person to cover up their mistakes rather than admit to them. Do you agree that this is what the Chinese government has done?
how do you say "please pass the big black cock" in mandarin?
Historical reasons. The big baddie of China was also the monarchy, like in Britian. But the savior was communism instead of democracy.
We will always be the enemy of China so long as they do not let their citizens speak freely
Plus chinamen have no souls
oh dear.
No. In truth nobody really cares about Tiananmen today, people are just busy making life better.
So your like Tiananmen square and what happened there?
I'd like your comments about what occurred there in 1989.
Here is a link to assist you....
No, let's not.
Americans hate china because they are afraid of it, economically and militarily.
Why bite the hand that feeds you? I believe that in a large multiethnic country like china, censorship is important to keep order and prevent unrest
I'm not hostile my dude, Sup Forumss big enough for everyone.
So hypocritical, you don't care for chinese people, yet you care about our right to speak freely....
Do you see the riots by college students in America after the election? College students are stupid but thinks they know everything. But we cannot really say mean things about them, because they are our parents now. And we also shouldn't really praise the government's violent machine. So most of us don't really care about it.
But Panama was so recent and your government was so paniced about it that if anyone even searched it up there was some kind of trouble. Your government was shutting the electricity to the homes of people looking for answers. Are you that subservient to your nation's totalitarian regime that you don't care about the crimes it commits to your own fellow countrymen?
Americans and Canadians hate China because it is a fascist totalitarian regime where they have execution vans that do organ harvesting.
The Chinese people need to rise up and over throw there government and put in democracy.
The Chinese people hate their government and need to grow a spine and over throw their government.
The Chinese people should look to the country of Taiwan for guidance.
>Americans hate china because they are afraid of it, economically and militarily.
>Being afraid of a country full of literal non-humans who are only allowed to exist because the rest of the world isn't done treating them like slaves
When eating out why do you clean dish with first cup of tea?
Very far from the truth.
We recognize their better qualities of duty and work ethic but we know they are amoral pigs and no Chinese national deserves to ever step foot into a western nation. Thhey are literal subhumans and making 50k a year the average amaerican has more purchasing power than 98% of them.
Also gommies :DDD
Are you from mainland China or Taiwan?
Stop getting into our face about talking to Taiwan. We'll talk to whoever the fuck we want to talk to. If the Chinese government doesn't like it, they should march into Taiwan and take it back. Trying to control our actions re: Taiwan while your government is too weak to actually move on Taiwan itself, makes you look like a retard country. If Taiwan is a "renegade province" like the Chinese government says it is, then move on. If not, then shut the fuck up about who we should or shouldn't talk to.
Also stop devaluing your currency, you slant eyed little cheats.
But censorship simply shutting out the opinions of others so that an entity can claim it's totally and absolutely correct and nobody says otherwise. Dictatorships might be apparently efficient but they oppressive and incendiary.
when are you guys gonna tell china to fuck off?
We've had such long history that we know that development is the ultimate answer to everything. As long as there is a system for poor people to get successful, and to take care of our young and old, we are more tolerant than most other people.
Americans are hostile to China because China represents a new challenger to American hegemony.
Germans are hostile to China because China is an export competitor and Germany probably can't compete with China in a post-EU world.
Environmentalists are hostile to China because the industrialization of China represents a cataclysmic addition to fossil fuel emissions.
Fascists are hostile to China because China is at least nominally Communist.
Communists are hostile to China because China is at least nominally Capitalist.
Sup Forums is hostile to China because of China Strong threads.
I'm hostile to China because your leaders are massive tools who are essentially engineering a trade war with the US by having forced an artificial depreciation in the Yuan from 2010 to 2015.
Really shouldn't debate a pinoy who is dick riding China m8.
Very easy to tell he is a shill or a straight up autist.
Pinoys are the Mexicans of East Asian, I know a haifu amd she just looks like a tanned nigger not asian looking at all.
I guess he is using Taiwan VPN
Says little china.
It would be refreshing to see more Chinese here, but I'd bet they are all literally commies like this guy. Our movements of dumb college people are agitprop not for the right of freedom of expression.
China should be boycotted until they overthrow their government and have democracy.
No doubt the Chinese people want to overthrow their totalitarian fascist regime however do not have the balls.
The Chinese people should look to the Country of Taiwan for inspiration.
Chinese are seriously the dumbest peopld on the planet. They soak up anything their government feeds them or is trending on weibo. You talk to one you have talked to them all.
You do know that China and the US signed pepers over Taiwan right? Why do you care so much anyway? How's caring about this improving your life and your country's future?
Lol oh boy why care, people were right about you. Fuck out of here China, doing well for yourself is not a meme, I do it in spades and I'm still here.
We sign lots of papers. Ask the American Indians about the "papers" we signed.
And I care because I do not like the idea of a country -- any country, much less an ostensibly communist one -- telling my government what it can or cannot do. It subverts our sovereignty. And the fact of the matter is, Taiwan is is a natural political ally of the USA, and we should not be forced to sit in the corner and watch China talk out of both sides of its mouth about Taiwan until the end of time.
You can't claim Taiwan as a province and then sit on your asses for generations doing nothing about it, and expect world powers to sit there with you. It's a nation-state of millions that is lost in political limbo and the American government is not required to play this little game with you.
While those American college students promote ideals that Sup Forums finds extremely disagreeable at least they have the courage to take a stand for something. Americans, whether they believe in pro-immigration or the preservation of a fetus, know that they have the power to speak out against their government. Even though these protestors spark a level of a disgust among the Chinese, at least your elders fought for something they believed in rather than preach some idea that "development is the ultimate answer to everything"
"democracy" is a joke made up by ur brainwashed government, kek, you need read more book, kids
>Why do you care so much anyway? How's caring about this improving your life and your country's future?
You must be great at parties.
I disagree.
Chinese grasp logic faster than any other group I ever taught. You never haver to explain something twice.
But I agree with you that they seem to take everything you say for truth instantly. They also ask for instructions a lot, not questions but really step by step 'how do I do this, teacher?'. They don't stop untill they get it exactly right, completely focussed on their task.
They're a very different kind of intelligent than westerners.
On the point about improving life, that's good, but too often this comes at the expense of others via cheating, stealing, and exploiting others. Chinese before used to value hard work and virtue, now because of rapid economic growth, it's about getting ahead by any means necessary by plagiarizing and screwing people over.
hello asian user
How do you feel about trade route called "new silk road" starting in China and ending in Poland, focused on trade between China and EU?
Can we be friends?
Why do you have so much faith in democracy? Because it's doing magic for so many countries today?
Why so angry?
So papers don't mean anything to you and that's good because? I don't want to get into the history of Taiwan with you, since, you don't really know much anyway. But I am going to tell you that china has a much more stable foreign policy than the US. You are so drowned in your talks about "interests" that in the end, you have no honor. Because of this, your allies won't trust you, and your foes won't fear you. Whether or not you like that, is up for you to think about.
Then I guess you're "educated" upper-middle class and living in a city if you have access to Western websites.
>Do you think Taiwan is rightfull PRC's clay or a lost cause? Realistically do you see them joining the PRC by force or diplomacy anytime soon?
>What do you think of China's expansion in the South China sea?
>Do you think China will manage to become a consumer society (like the USA) before the "happenings" send the West, your best costumer, into a civil war? Should it not, do you think China will also be dragged into a civil war due to rampant unemployment?
>>Bootlegs, fake products, currency manipulation
>>counterfeit factories,vehement copyright violation
>>systematic cheating on University tests, stealing, cutting in line
>>aborting female babies, abandoning babies/denying them health care so they die from exposure, hiding female born from the govt
>>lies about controlling all 'Chinese people's regions because insecure
>>so clueless outside of their police state that their own govt had to scold them for behaving badly while touring elsewhere
Dude, cheating is in their nature.
There is so little to go around, if you don't cheat lie and steal you won't have any.
No god, commie party can't keep things together.
Of course the ethnicity-culture-nation has cheating from the bottom to the top in everything they do.
Just make our shit and stay over there.
lel. thats a lot of characters for that small phrase.
(((american))) indoctrination everyone
read a book instead of eating the shit they shovel at you in your "universities"
The power to speak means very little. Think about how the Clinton's have controlled your media this past year, if only they weren't so stupid you wouldn't have Trump. When the room is quite, one man's voice means a lot, the problem in many countries today is that the room is too noisy, and wisdom don't get their proper volume.
No one hates the Chinese here. Americans want peaceful relations with you. Why are you so intent on controlling the de-facto free state of Taiwan?
We know you want to do this to control the import-export shipping lines in the South China Sea so you can starve Japan of oil, and use it as leverage to make them kick American military bases out of Japan.
Understand from the 1996 Taiwan missile crisis that we are prepared to destroy the world over this issue.
Understand that we have no ill will or hostility toward you, we seek only peaceful relations, mutually beneficial commerce, and cultural exchange.
But if you continue to press this issue militarily to the point that you attack an American base, we will destroy every human being on your mainland.
So I'm literally begging you with tears in my eyes for the children of both our Nations...
(((french))) retardation everyone
eat a shit instead of reading all the book they shovel at you in your "universities"
Not an argument
I wonder if you know Japan used to copy and plagiarize stuff from Germany and America? And German made goods used to mean low quality shit comparing to British goods. I hope you see where I'm going with this. We long for high ethical standards, but it cannot be done in one day.
I hope we can. I really hope we can all have better roads and bridges and factories and trade can benefit us all. I believe in the long run that will be the case.
The government blocks sites in big cities too.
You say "let's talk" and then refuse to talk.
i was just shitposting. im actually part french.
Just give up. National pastime.
>> inb4 some history shit no one cares about
Fuck off and die communist traitor
At the end of the WWII, the previous ruling party of the whole of China, which was a dictatorship, took huge amount of wealth, meaning gold silver and stuff from mainland China to Taiwan. We see that as a civil war that's never ended, and tried to take Taiwan back since. Some time later the US decided to invade Korea, China wanted to take back Taiwan during which time. The US sent a fleet to block China from doing that, which was hugely responsible for our confrontation in the Korean War. The rest is all politics, but the wealth from the mainland did build a very solid foundation for the Taiwan you know and love today.
Any comments on big cities in China?
i like china.
i hate india and fucking africa and the middle east.
same. chinese girls are cuties too.
>Mainland laws make it illegal to stop for pedestrians
>It's also illegal to hit pedestrians
Explain this.
>>It's also illegal to hit pedestrians
Not sure what you are talking about. I drive and I stop for pedestrians.
>Not sure what you are talking about. I drive and I stop for pedestrians.
>Chinaman not following laws
Not exactly surprising.
Do the Chinese citizens hate the United States? If they do, do they hate the citizens or government? If they do, why do they hate the citizens or government?
top kekerino
> (You)
>At the end of the WWII, the previous ruling party of the whole of China, which was a dictatorship, took huge amount of wealth, meaning gold silver and stuff from mainland China to Taiwan. We see that as a civil war that's never ended, and tried to take Taiwan back since. Some time later the US decided to invade Korea, China wanted to take back Taiwan during which time. The US sent a fleet to block China from doing that, which was hugely responsible for our confrontation in the Korean War. The rest is all politics, but the wealth from the mainland did build a very solid foundation for the Taiwan you know and love today.
That's ancient history. You're not poor. But if it's really about money, reparations are fine.
Just understand you will not be allowed to retake Taiwan and choke off the South China Sea. If you think we're kidding about our stance on the issue, ask the Japanese.
What do you think of the CPC?
Do you still call the mainland "Red China"?
No we don't. Chinese are get-along kind of people. An example would be our attitude towards Japan, we are suppose to "hate" them more since they invaded us and killed so many of our people, but the fact is that many people travel to Japan, and many enjoy anime like people here. But there are backlashes when in cases of territory dispute and if they deny invasion history. We have far less conflict with the US, and you do have many loveable stuff, NBA is very popular, Hollywood is also cool. But in some occasions there are still backlashes, such as when you bombed our embassy.
That is good to hear, I've met a handful of Chinese people in the last few years who have all been mostly kind, and I've been kind to them.
What kind of advancements have been happening for the average Chinese person recently? A lot of media in the US is very anti-China, mainly only showing us the worst parts of it. I don't know who to trust about how the Chinese live.
The handful that were students staying at my house said they loved the clean air in my city and that the pollution was a big problem but I never really talked about China as they were more interested in visiting places in the US.
Been to China. It's a shithole full of shit people. I'm sure there's some good Chinese. I lived in Asia six years and never met one of them. China deserves its reputation as a shit tier country.
It's not about the money. Our final purpose is and always will be to take back Taiwan, any leader who doesn't try to do that will face serious fury from the people. It's technically a civil war that's never ended, we didn't sign any peace treaty or anything.
Also, we don't take threats. We did some serious damage to the US with far inferior weaponry. We have as much pride as you do if not more, you cannot interfere with what we see as a domestic dispute and expect us to BTFO right?
They are the government, nobody cares about the ideology, people judge officials by whether they are corrupt and whether they are doing a good job.
>Why do the Chinese people accept government censorship
That's rich coming from an Aussie. We're the biggest nanny state in the Western world.
so these chinese shills exist here
No we don't.
It would be a long list, but an interesting one recently would be the use of smart phones. Young people today carry very little cash since we pay with phones everywhere. I was in North America for many years, and it was like nothing changes in those years, where in China a couple of years could mean rediscovering your neighborhood. High rate of development does lead to pollution, and nobody likes pollution. I was in North America for many years, and the air the sea the wild animals were indeed, awesome.
I hope Trump will drop nuke on Beijing
I see. I kind of wish I would have had the opportunity to see change that rapid. What do the Chinese think about Trump? He has very openly expressed "concern" we'll call it- with the economic relations with China. Do the Chinese think he is against them, do they think he is/will be/won't be a strong leader?
I saw a lot of pic related in a rave last night
What issue to Vietnam have with China? We're not too familiar with Asian rivalries over here except for shit like India vs Pakistan, the whole China/Taiwan dichotomy, etc.
>What issue **does Vietnam have with China?
Sorry--I'm hungover from the alcoholic Jew.
This may surprise you, but there is a huge number of Trump supporters on China's social media. Few people really likes Hillary since we kind of smell the career politician in her. And we hate PC shit as much as many of you. Most of us see the tough China talk as campaign talk, since it's always been the case in the past. We don't know if he's gonna be any good to us in the future, but most of us believe that smart rational politician will not be bad for us.
>We don't know if he's gonna be any good to us in the future, but most of us believe that smart rational politician will not be bad for us.
For some reason, I get the impression that Trump would just let you take Taiwan for the lulz if the USA could financially benefit from it in the long term in some way.
Why is China so shit? We get more Chinese refugees here than from any other Asian country (including Arab ones).
I have read articles on the past linked on Sup Forums saying that the Chinese like Trump and dislike Clinton so I'm not really surprised, but I didn't know if that was really just Sup Forums.
Last question: What do you think will happen when the living standards in China get much closer to the US/Western Europe? If wages and regulations begin to become too expensive for products to be produced in China (much like in the US) what will happen? Will the CPC try to maintain the lower standards to stay economically competitive or will they keep going toward a modern serfdom slump like we have in the US currently?
That would be very interesting.
Not sure if Trump is really as good a deal maker as he claims, but deals that's multi-dimensional is always interesting.
Another Chinese massacre by the Japanese when?
I think one of those words means penis.
For you.
Hello chinaman, I hope you'll remember that Sweden was the only western, non-soviet state that supported your communist regimes in Asia. So when you are our new overlords don't nuke us and instead fire your missiles towards the norweigan oil-jews to our west.