Sorry, Britbongs. Better luck next time!
Remainers to WIN Supreme Court Brexit ruling
Britshits BTFO
It is not about remain but about British constitutional law. Should a PM be able to change laws with a stroke of a pen.
Do you guys actually know what is going on here? This just means that parliament will have to vote to trigger article 50, and they already voted a few days ago committing to trigger by the end of March, just like the prime minister planned. Even Labour says they will vote to trigger it. It's still happening.
>advisors predict
This old song and dance again?
The problem is the house of lords. You know that, right? Plus, the Commons may ask about Theresa's plan details which she does not want to present.
We'll see, Jerry.
If there's a single nation on Earth that perseveres, plays the long game and somehow finds a way to get what they want in the end, it's perfidious Albion.
We were jewing the world long before your country tried to take it over, and we'll still be here long after you've crawled back into your cuck caves.
>people who don't know what they're talking about take a wild guess that because the judges are split it'll probably end up in Remain's favour
Okay pal. Because government advisors have had such a good track record thus far.
Can you explain what this means? No more Brexit?
t. American
>britcucks in charge of not getting cucked at every turn
hahaha. No not gone happen. Brits will become pirates again. Fuck the EU, Fuck Germany
Just like they predicted that REMAIN would win in a landslide. Just like they predicted that Hillary Clinton had a 92% chance of winning.
Last I checked German tribes populated the British Isles mixing with weak Celts and other local monckeys to create the British people.
>If there's a single nation on Earth that perseveres
Will you look at all the perseverance!
I wouldn't trust a German to tell you anything about Brexit. They're European leafs
>They're European leafs
Guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilty :^)
Act of parliament already passed agreeing to the triggering of Article 50 by March m8
And now he wreaks a terrible price on your people.
> unnamed (((government advisors)))
Literally nobody.
This is just to determine if Parliament will vote on it. If they have to vote on it then they will vote for brexit anyway, as not doing so would be political suicide.
Wanting to kill your own people is weak, desu senpai. We know it from Merkel.
cucked by inbred hicks
>british newsarticle
>better make SURE to write arbitrary WORDS in CAPS in the headline and summary
Doesn't matter. Parliament is going to vote it anyway so it's academic.
> Conservatives are all "Brexit means Brexit".
> Labour are scared shitless of losing working class vote (hint: they've already lost it) so won't dare vote against it.
> Lib Dems will proudly stand for the 48% with all of their 9 MPs.
> UKIP will shout about every amendment or slight euro-friendly measure, cucking Labour and Tories into going for a hard, sweaty Brexit.
It's happening folks. Just depends on whether it's with a side of Frexit.
>Act of parliament already passed agreeing to the triggering of Article 50 by March m8
>agreeing to the triggering
How does it feel to be a liar?
At least we actually had an overseas empire at one point.
And Germans are the European arabs
It literally happened this week m8
You sound mighty white :^)
British Civil war when!?
What the fuck is wrong with Germany?
>Parliament is going to vote it anyway so it's academic.
Not how it works, Nigel.
There is a reason Theresa does what she does. She has been a staunch Europhile for decades. Her grand masterplan goes like this:
1. Get appointed (not elected) Prime Minister
2. Make a big fuzz about not triggering Article 50 any time soon
3. After a long time, commit to an actual timeline (end of March 2017)
4. Says no parliamentary approval required
5. Ohhh, big problems, a court case is coming along asking for parliamentary approval
6. Make big stink on appeals and appeals
7. Have media and people slowly sway the public away from the Brexit excitement
and now the grand master plan conclusion
8. supreme court votes against government and requires governmental approval
9. Theresa tells public she will then have to lay out the plan in parliament
10. Wait until February to lay out plan - also push back Article 50 timing
11. Debate in parliament over several days, massive discourse about all kinds or problems and big numbers what it would all cost
12. Public outcry about costs
13. Parliament approves Article 50 bill
14. Goes to house of lords, which stalls bill through amendments
15. Queen cannot sign it.
16. March deadline passes
17. Theresa announces snap election
18. In snap election she promotes her Brexit plan including staying in the single market for a "temporary period"
19. Theresa wins snap election
20. BRitain gets temporary period for next 20 years to remain in the EU
Everyone happy in British politics, banks happy too. Nigel dies of heart attack trying to fuck Ivanka in the White House elevator. Mossad behind his death.
All the Lords can do is delay it for three readings/1 year max. It's not that big a deal, Brexit is still going to happen.
>It literally happened this week m8
Again, how does it feel to be a liar?
"The House of Commons vote is not binding and the government is still fighting a challenge at the Supreme Court against moves to give parliament the final say on starting the Brexit process."
MPs already voted to trigger A50.
On Wednesday night Parliament voted to trigger Article 50 by march with around 450 supporting the motion and around 80 against with a bunch abstaining.
Fucking hell you krauts can't even get shitposting right.
Then there's also this little gem
Guys guys guys...
We're leaving. I know it's hard for some of you to accept, particularly our German "friends" but it's happening.
People will cry and kick and scream but nothing can stop it now. The people have spoken. It's time to say goodbye EU.
How does it feel to be a liar?
aren't germans supposed to be smart?
maybe its the language barrier?
You are never leaving this train. The train never stops. Haven't you learned anything?
Sort of plausible up until
>snap election
You've clearly never heard of the fixed term parliaments act.
The referendum itself was not binding. Why hold the vote at all?
>lol we'll all vote in parliament to trigger article 50
>then in a couple of months we'll go back on it
>that'll win us votes xDDDDDDDD
Face it Abdul (from Germany), you're grasping at straws while Mohammed takes over your country and Imam Merkel fools you all into re-electing her.
I thought it meant that to ensure the vote May would have to accept a bunch of shitty deals from Labour?
What in "non binding" don't Anglos understand? May cannot trigger Article 50 until there is a binding vote in the Commons and in the Lords.
>All the anti Brexit shills in the thread are German
Really makes me think.
>You've clearly never heard of the fixed term parliaments act.
Everyone will vote for snap elections post the Brexit House of Lords disaster of March 2017.
except they used the royal prerogative to join the union and it has been used on many occasions. Of course its constitutionally sound, the people fucking voted for it. I honestly can't wait till the EU is fucking dead.
Hi. We anglos sure do love our motherland.
Can't wait for the next ARYANDIED tbqh
May has threatened the lords that they may be dissolved if they do not pass it, they would literally cease to exist if they went against the will of the people.
It's over Hans. I know it's hard for you to accept but the European project is over.
There was an interesting article a German user posted yesterday about a high ranking German politician explaining why the EU had failed and, while it would not die completely, it could not continue to expand and must now change as a result of Brexit and recent events.
>All the anti Brexit shills in the thread are German
I'm a Pole you toothless cunt
F a k e N e w s
>May tables bill following judge ruling
>One-line bill with words to the effect of "Parliament recognises the result of the referendum on June 23rd 2015 and asks the government to notify the European Commission of the UK's intent to leave the EU by enacting Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon"
>Passes house of commons with no amendments and at first reading, only libcuck dems vote against (lol irrelevant party)
Then either a.
>Lords votes it down
>Parliament act rams it through because it's primary legislation
>House of Lords abolished in 2020
>Lords rubberstamp it
>Lords continues to be irrelevant to the actual functioning of the government
It's because they WANT us to fail.
Schadenfreude is German concept after all.
that instead of the PM using the royal prerogative to initiate brexit that they must vote for it in parliament. Its literally nothing, it just delays it until march.
They've been super autistic for months about it now.
Now you're just pushing hypothetical's m8
the eu a shit
Who cares about Brexit, let's talk about the really interesting things, such as: why do all Europeans have nice teeth except English?
the court case was in if parliament had to have a say
during this case there was a motion in parliament with a huge majority for article 50 by march
sorry kraut, your little empire is over FOR THE THIRD FUCKING TIME
>Hanz reading comprehension
Davis is right to consider all options BEFORE starting negotiations, dummy. This includes retarded ones like paying fees for single-market access - with the fee being the point of negotiation.
Same thing.
>It's because they WANT us to fail.
Dude, why would we want you to succeed? If you succeeded, our EU would fall apart as other countries would think it makes sense to leave.
You are not a Pole, you are filthy volksdeutch, traitor to nation and globalist scum
Do not associate yourself with our great nation you humongous faggot, go work for your master Hans, eating shit out of his ass for yuros.
Remainers aren't winning shit. This case isn't about whether we leave or not, but about the legal way to do it.
>would think it makes sense to leave
because it does
main beneficients of EU is germany, france, and all countries in between of those
nothing good for all other countries
But we will succeed. You know this deep down. This is Great Britain we're talking about, we always succeed. Our international clout existed long before we joined your little union.
Unfortunately for you, that also means that the EU will crumble. You might be able to salvage parts of it but it will never grow into the monster that you wanted it to be.
B...bbbbut, Hans-Dieter, don't you know the BRitish pound is stronger than ever and has recovered ALL its losses since Brexit? Look on the attached!
Oh wait, wrong talking point: here is the right one - don't you know, Hans-Dieter, that a weak Pound means all Brits are richer because of a shitton of more exports from Britain... oh wait, Britain is a fucking next importer!
Their interpretation of Brexit is different from yours. That's the problem.
you're only allowed to post on this board if you can win world wars. Sorry, but you have to go
>But we will succeed. You know this deep down. This is Great Britain we're talking about, we always succeed.
If I am 100% honest, I think the negatives from reduced foreign investments to Britain due to the exit and reduced services trade from Britain to Europe, can be mitigated by more trade with America and the Commonwealth. But I am not sure it all evens out. In particular, if Britain truly ends up cutting migration "to the tens of thousands" that will hurt the economy, which only increased due to immigration in the last years (1%+ growth per year was due to immigrant workers).
I'd gladly take a devalued currency if it means I can make my own laws and my daughter won't get spat on and raped by Merkel's "honored guests".
Some things are more important than money Hans.
Being 105% white in 2000. You retarded? The Turks you and your Burger friends made us take in have been around for decades.
>my daughter won't get spat on and raped by Merkel's "honored guests".
Bad Merkel!
>krauts value wealth more than liberty
This is why we always beat you m8
>Reduced foreign investment
Look here:
Devalued pound = more attractive for foreign investment
>Abdul economic comprehension
>takes the chart seriously
>"You retarded?"
Are you?
>house of lords block brexit
>literally high treason
>lords who voted to block it are hanged drawn and quartered
The London bridge gatehouse could use some decoration again
And how do you think it will affect your economy?
You realise that you sell 30% of your cars here right?
The real question is whether or not you guys are willing to cut off your nose to spite your face. If you give us a good trade deal without imposing your "diversity" on us then this can be painless for the both of us.
If you choose not to, well there are plenty of other countries waiting to sign deals with us.
Thank fuck. Leaving the EU would of been of the most stupidest decisions ever made.
Thank FUCK this country won't fall into deep poverty
Thank FUCK that I can live, work and travel on the greatest continent on earth. In fact, I'm looking for IT jobs in Berlin as I type this.
Thank FUCK there will still be immigrants coming in. I have made so many Italian/Spanish/Polish/Chinese etc friends. It would be heartbreaking to see not stay here
Thank FUCK a bunch of old, white English working class retards didn't destroy this country
>and my daughter won't get spat on and raped by Merkel's "honored guests".
Not a single of Merkel's rapefugees has legally gotten to the UK. Your Muslim culture (4 million + in the UK already) is virtually exclusively a result of Commonwealth "free movement" policies of British governments of the last decades. And guess what, your Nigel Farage wants evern more Bangladeshi Muslims and PAki Muslims to come to Britain ... instead of white Romanians and white Christian Poles. You do understand that the ONLY reason there is net migration from the EU to the UK is because of white, Christian Eastern Europeans, right? There is no net migration from Western Europe to the UK.
ITT: Germans try to prove they are white
We had a colonial power as a colony :^)
>Gina Miller
Is this what a typical Britbrown looks like?
>in a country where the government banned filming face-sitting porn and made a psychoactive substance whitelist
loving every laugh
And now arab monkeys breed with your women to create mulatto hellspawn. YES.
>Is this what a typical Britbrown looks like?
Yes :^)
>>exclusively a result of Commonwealth "free movement"
Abdul education. keep proving how good that German education is
>Devalued pound = more attractive for foreign investment
That is wrong. Foreign investments are attractive if the stuff you buy has a glorious future. Yes, a 15 % drop in the currency might be nice, but in reality, companies aren't cheaper because of it - look at international companies listed in London in pounds, they just went up in share price to compensate for the Pound falling.
Yes lad, fuck these Sauerkrauts.
It's sad that it's got to this on Sup Forums.
>You realise that you sell 30% of your cars here right?
No, we do not sell 30% of our cars in the UK.
It is a funny thing, which you will not understand, but German manufactures produce globally and R&D, manufacturing, marketing etc. is all integrated.
There have been a total of 2.7 million cars sold in the UK in 2015. Not all of them German brands.
The Volkswagen Group alone sells more than 10 million cars a year.