I can't wait till Australia is a nation made of of 50% asians and 50% whites then we will all breed and create a nation of hapas.
feels good.
I can't wait till Australia is a nation made of of 50% asians and 50% whites then we will all breed and create a nation of hapas.
feels good.
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Why do you get the beautiful nippesses while we're stuck with these dirty niggers and spics?
Because Australians have maps in their classrooms
>a nEli Rodger nation
White male psychopaths marrying psychopathic chinese women, these empty materialists are on the rise.
This ally knows what's up. Don't fall for the yellow peril you daft cunts.
asian mothers + white father = hot qt.
Would gladly replace my race with them
we're on the same boat straya
at least it's not muslims, i for one welcome our new slanty-eyed anime overlords
lmao, no. You are cucked. I hear this season is prime raping time in canada, enjoy the harvest ahmed
neck ya self, dickhead
Fucking leaf bastard. You'll just crumble no matter what steps on you.
Obligatory video
you're just as cucked as us in nearly every single aspect australia. melbourne's worse off than toronto, and sydney and vancouver are the same cities
only difference between our countries is you're on a desert, we're in a a taiga, we have guns, you don't have guns, and our government doesn't censor things
good thing i live in the desert then.
Desert Australia and city coastal Australia are like two different countries
as is any part of canada that isn't toronto or vancouver
desert australia and leafland away from the US border are very comparable
How are things towards the Alaskan border?
yeah but you have more muslims and your country is never going to be saved and your leader is a sjw feminist. GG canada but fuck off
do asians in australia even have children?
they all live in the city and city people dont have babies
Asian genes result in ugly faces, short stature, swarthy complexion, violent behavior and mental illness.
Good luck straya. If you pull it off I might move there.
>yeah but you have more muslims
australia's population is 2.9% muslim, leafland's population is 3.2% muslim.
i wouldn't brag yet, you're literally one seat back from us on the train
everything in the territories are natives. yukon's 70% white, NWT is 40% white, and nunavut is 10% white. natives are smelly niggers but at least they're not foreigners.
Mongoloid half castes produce depressed, autistic lunatics. Euroasians are the most unhappy people in the world.
and? whats wrong with that, it will be like finland but hot. I am one of them anyway minus the asian
Nobody wants to be lowered to your level
yeah but we have very large movements against letting the population grow. What do you have? huh? HUH? your fucking leader cried at a refugees story, its like canada is run by tumblr
Autistic lunatics wouldn't be a problem if everybody was autistic lunatics, fampai
Can an economy survive on autistic lunatics?
So in other words, an improvement for the anglos
Will australians ask reparations to Japan like any other asian country?
lets all just be thankful its not muzzies, africans or amerifats.
Asains can be pretty based and have good food. plus based nips are based
your country has way more homeless, weird gutter punks whos stupid complaining anarcho beleifs are the reason they are cucked by Asian diaspora
get your shit together white canadians
Don't be so pessimistic, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Some of those autistic lunatics will be brilliant economists.
many will be psychos and psychos although dangerous and destructive can be good for the economy as long as they dont get bored
biggest load of shit, ignores all semitic, meditereanan, Polynesian, central Asian and south American diaspora + whatever else in this country
Well yeah but if they're autistic as well?
thats a bit of an oxymoron as psychopaths have extremely well developed social skills, better than most normies, which they use to manipulate
Autistic people have a very hard time conveying their feelings
Pick up a book dingus
>wanting a second finland but filled to the brim with poisonous animals instead
do australian girl like japanese man?
The US is doing fine.
asked my mum and gf
Gf said idk, not really.
Mum told me to fuck off.
Can someone give me a non weeb response
do asian girls actually like white guys that much more
Lel hapas have good temperaments unlike psychotic violent aussies who have to constantly sedate themselves with alcohol.
Eventually the shit skin hordes of the world will ally up and invade Trump red states. Blue coastal states will defect to us and let us in.
Better start using them nukes yanks or this is your future.
Your own women don't even like you. Get back to your 18 hour days working for your studio apartment at Toyota you silly nip.
nip is a good insult and i forget to use it
i always go for gook instead
they like our wallets money is everything to asian women.
Kek. Bogan rice farmers BTFO
we'll nuke you again before we let that happen, you nip fuckwit.
2 nukes clearly wasn't enough
the fuck do you mean "we" kangaroo fucker
by we i meant western countries above 60% white
Did you know that pic related "so desune" literally means "DAS RITE NYGGEH!" and only weebs and nigerians in roppongi say it?
retarded abbo
murica is like 30% white so who's gonna nuke them? France? UK?
it was all just a bit of a shitpost mate but if you want to run with this is reckon the brits would help us out with their nukes if it came down to conflict with asia and the nip menace.
>Oy vey, Goyim! You have to breed with the people we want you to breed with!