How many friends should a redpilled man have?
Also, who do you call "friend"?
How many friends should a redpilled man have?
Not many. A few. Too many friends is taxing.
I have 2 men I call "friends" that I can rely on 24/7 if I needed their help.
A friend should enhance your life and bring more to the table than sports banter and beer.
Oddly enough I never made "real" friends until I got married and had children. Looking back, I wasted a lot of my youth on acquaintances.
honest question: how did you get married? how did you have a wedding with no friends? how did you make a girl date and later marry you when you had no friends (=creepy)?
No, 'no acquaintances' is seen as creepy. Noone cares how many actual friends you have.
0 (((friends))) , as many acquaintances as your job\whatever you do requires .
No one.
Don't depend on or trust ANYONE. Make others trust and depend on you. Anyone with "friends" is a beta cuck.
This, I have 2 or 3 good friends and my brother. After this, there come like 20-30 aquaintances I could "party" with but nothing more.
You can have as many colleagues or acquaintances as needed, but friends should be limited to only a handful of people, in which the quality of social interaction is higher. Some people have many friends, possibly in the hundreds. However, their friendships are of low social quality.
No matter what, friends are not family, and you should not be dependent on them.
Around 6 I can have fun with, but rarely do, we are all vidya addicted
Friends are people you can really trust.
They are not at all common and some people may never find any. If you think you have a lot of friends you're likely wrong.
You get what life gives you.
I have 2 who I can rely on to do anything any time and who can rely on me to do the same. In addition to that I have about a dozen people who I really enjoy spending time with, kinda acquaintances I guess
i have a solid group of 4 friends, actual friends, we don't really talk online, just meet up in pubs, go out for walks ect. extended friends up to 10.
Friends are for children.
Men have families.
>how did I get married
Dating different women and finding the one who closest fit my "type" both emotionally and physically. Someone my penis told me was an extremely suitable mating partner that would give me strong intelligent children.
I had acquaintances and common associated people, us both being Chefs at different restaurants. I wouldn't call those people "friends" though..more...people I know/knew.
Real friends are rare, always remember that. My wife is not my friend, entirely different "feeling" so to speak. Picture related.
why would anyone post pics of his wife on the internet
Why not.
as many as possible
then teach them he ways
this is how the fire rises. not in isolation, but when connected to other things which will in turn, burn
I keep everyone at a distance. However onefriend of mine seems to understand the basic: not everything is black and white. She finished uni. My other friend who is still in university who got pumped and dumped still thinks Trump is Hitler reincarnate because the media said so. Other friend who is "stuck" in a relationship where she cheated on him thinks Trump is shit because shes a fan of tits and ass Katy Perry. Also still in uni. Universities seem to breed dumbasses and whores desu.
stand aside normie scum
I got married to my wife who I met online (in a teamspeak). I have no real-life friends, and she has crippling agoraphobia/depression, so it works out perfectly.
She gets autismbux and pretty much never leaves the house, I work as a software engineer, often from home.
We got married at the courthouse, no ceremony, and we had to ask the judge and a random person to be our witnesses (you need 2 people to confirm it in person).
Never change Amerika.
Why would you marry someone with so many shortcomings? Don't reproduce. I couldn't stand to be married to such a sedentary person. She's essentially a house pet. What a drag.
No friends, like Dear Leader Drumpf!
she has a pussy, is white, and is just as racist as me (We read Sup Forums together)
Friends are temporary and overrated. Keep a few acquaintances so you won't isolate yourself, but only rely on family.
I was blessed with a large family: several uncles and cousins, that I can rely on if things go monumentally bad.
I'm 33, and by this point in my life, I have no friends. I have my family, children, and wife. My spare time consists of reading, hunting, shooting, and writing. What the fuck do I need a (((friend))) for?
i have a few really close mates and a few others who ive stayed in contact with since school but dont see much
better to keep your circles small
What if I don't have family anymore? asking for a friend
You don't.
Friends were required before civilization, where you would die in hours without a social life.
Not anymore. We are free now. We no not need friends and family is not as required as in the past.
The only problem is that our mind is adapted to a social life, so it is hard to conditionate ourselves to have no friends, even when friends are now an obstacle rather than a help in anything else but our psychology. That sucks.