My house is lacking books. I've got none, actually. I'm starting to earn a bit of money, so I'd like to buy the essentials.
What books are worthy to have for a young man like me, Sup Forums?
My house is lacking books. I've got none, actually. I'm starting to earn a bit of money, so I'd like to buy the essentials.
What books are worthy to have for a young man like me, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mein Kampf
And my personal recommendation.
what do you like?
Save yourself the struggle and buy a kindle. If you are used to reading things on a phone then you won't believe through how many books you can go through a kindle and not even realise it.
The Gulag Archipelago-kind of a slab of 1000 pages but definitely worth the read. It shows you the true nature of Communism.
Go to a charity shop (do they have these in France?) with about 100 EuroCredits and pick up anything you like the look of.
if you haven't gone through this book then you are worthless human filth
Any Ayn Rand
Commence par du Boris Vian.
"L'écume des jours" d'abbord, puis tout le reste après.
> If you are used to reading things on a phone then you won't believe through how many books you can go through a kindle and not even realise it.
fuck, i didn't erase the sentence fully before continuing. Now it looks retarded. I meant that you can read a lot on a kindle and not feel like it because its just like reading on a phone or a laptop
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Ernst Jünger, Storm of Steel
Get some nice science fiction. Isaac Asimov, HG wells, Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert are all great.
Fuck this boring shit people will think you have autism and your kids actual will get autism if this is all they'll have to read
Cosmos by Carl Sagan, hardcover
Cringeworthy freshman in econ spotted. This book won't teach you anything in economics.
Since OP is French, may I suggest the most redpilled of all the great writers : Henry de Montherlant ?
Read Les jeunes filles.
>Isaac Asimov, HG wells, Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert are all great.
>Not recommending the single most Sup Forums of all science fiction writters, Heinlein.
Pic related is my favorite sci fi novel, the points he gives against universal democracy and fascistic ideals have honestly helped me in many arguments
All of Corneliu Codreanu.
Mein Kampf for shure.
Mircea Eliade.
Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola.
Miguel Serrano.
That's good for start.
And oh yeah, Lovecraft for MAXUMUM redpill bout non-whites.
Houllebecq - Submission.
If you like history here are some interesting ones
>Storm of Steel
>Lincoln: The Unknown
>Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates
>Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
>The Ancient History
His best book is "Pale Blue Dot".
de Montherlant realized how deceitful and disgusting woman are and fucked adolescent boys instead. That is definitely redpilled, woman should only be for reproduction and cleaning.
Nah I hold an MSc.
I just know that OP isn't going to read any of the books recommended to him.
What is the most autistic between reading serious stuff and reading SciFi nerd stuff ?
Plus, (((Asimov)))'s foundation is basically an apology of globalist conspiracy. Think about it.
Accompanied by a light meal of pizza and wine
>Get some nice science fiction. Isaac Asimov, HG wells, Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert are all great.
hahahaha yeah listen to this fag if you want to turn into a permavirgin faggot dweeb who dreams of Star Trek and AI gfs
Books are for women OP, if you want to know something you google it. Srs, you'll learn about much more things this way. You won't learn shit by ready faggy scifi fantasies, not even science, half of the "science" in them is total bullshit.
There is literally nothing wrong about globalism with good intentions.
everyone should read 'A Song of Ice and Fire' by George R.R.R. Martin, it's very deep and redpilled about death and war desu.
Or watch the TV show, it's even better than the books
>people will think
This is how you spot a shill
No need to educate yourself, people will think you're a nerd
What a retarded attitude. Google is a corporation tied to government and globalism, relying on it for all your information is lick suckling the sweat from Stalin's dick tip.
Mein kampf the turner diaries
The Tavistock Institute.
Soros has good intentions. The road to hell is paved in good intentions. His idea is the Open Society, which comes from the philosopher Karl Popper, whose idea was for an open, free, modern liberal society to continue to exist you have to implement controls for some forms of political theory. That means anti-nativism. The point is to stop wars and ethnic cleansing, etc.
>Books are for women OP, if you want to know something you google it.
That's exactly what western men have done during the last decade, now they are turning into brainwashed leftards.
One of my all time favourite books
I know this is a troll, but they are pretty good desu
not the masterworks of fantasy and trope-smashing literature, but they are alright
Globalism would be okay if it served humanity rather than the elite.
Thanks for the intellectually engaging reply.
thank you /lit/
Start reading books from the western canon.
/lit/ compiles some good books from it, start with those
Don't listen to this guy The kind of books he recommends will always make you feel like it was in reality a waste of time, once you've completed the book, regardless of whether or not you enjoyed it.
Go with western canon books instead.
>serbian intellectuals
Globalism can only be implemented by an elite. A world without central governments requires a global administrative class.
machiavellis the prince
the art of war
the teachings of confucious
the hitchhikers guide
that's it for essentials. then whatever hobbies you've got, get books on that shit.
Attraction isnt a choice by david deangelo
Think and grow rich
Rich dad poor dad by robert kiyosaki
These are the essentials. I have read hundreds of books over the year but these cover the most important things in the least words.
Have fun Frankbro. I wish the idiot grandsons of charlemagne had never divided his empire.
Also here is a quote for you from The Count of Monte Cristo
>“I had nearly five thousand volumes in my library at Rome; but after reading them over many times, I found out that with one hundred and fifty well–chosen books a man possesses, if not a complete summary of all human knowledge, at least all that a man need really know. I devoted three years of my life to reading and studying these one hundred and fifty volumes, till I knew them nearly by heart; so that since I have been in prison, a very slight effort of memory has enabled me to recall their contents as readily as though the pages were open before me. I could recite you the whole of Thucydides, Xenophon, Plutarch, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Strada, Jornandes, Dante, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Machiavelli, and Bossuet. I name only the most important.”
Book of the New Sun is on that list!
I've never even met another person irl who has heard of it.
Troll, but:
These books are vry well made with much details and there is always a reason and no random characters. It lacks some manly guys though, except robert baratheon and tywin lannister, every fucking one has problems and is a whussy. Also fucking cultural marxism.
The forgotten soldier is a great WW2 memoir by a French-German soldier on the Eastern front.
I've read all of the GOT books, am still not bluepilled.
literally nothing wrong with consuming small amounts of the printed jew.
this is a mandatory read.
>Get some nice science fiction. Isaac Asimov, HG wells, Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert are all great.
in my opinion, you should start with the greeks
presocratic era: diels/kranz fragments (if you have the willpower to go through original writings), and any relevant book on the presocratic era which summarizes the views of various ancient philosophers
heraclitus: read all of his fragments, they're incredible
1 more notable book about the presocratics in general: werner jaeger's paideia
plato: politeia/phaedrus/phaedo
you should read all of his dialogues, but these 3 are my personal favorites
aristotle: poetics, nicomachean ethics and the metaphysics (it's difficult to read but worth the time)
once you're finished with the greeks, i'd suggest you to go through the middle ages. "medieval thought" by david lustcombe will provide you a great overview of the middle ages.
Are you buying books to keep them in a shelf and not read them?
You should ask someone you look up too?
This. I read a ton, but it can be harder to get into. These are fun reads that will actually make you want to read more.
Plato Five Dialogues, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo Hackett Edition
Plato The Republic, Allan Bloom Edition
Moby Dick, Herman Melville
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
Mason and Dixon, Thomas Pynchon
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce
Ulysses, James Joyce
If you haven't read all of these, kill yourself.
Read this, good read tbqh
>Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
I've been thinking of reading this but heard it's a difficult read
Worth the hastle?
Count of Monte Cristo: the most epic revenge tale of the modern era.
Then War and Peace
This will keep you busy.
Repent, you heretic
I mean, you probably won't understand anything if you've got bad reading comprehension. You've gave me no parameters on you're reading ability, so I'm not sure how to help you. Maybe if you told me something you found difficult or easy, I'd be able to help you. I had no problem with it, but I also read a lot.
This book should be considered mandatory redpilled reading.
Why is this never mentioned? Especially by Brits.
Moby Dick is a terrible book.
The republic is utter shit.
You obviously haven't understood shit about Phaedo nor Meno since you don't list theaetetus. Fucking casual.
If you wanna do yourself a favor, find yourself a decent translation of some Goethe, and just avoid the sturm und drang period. Go for faust if you can read german. If you upt for a translation make sure it's not one of the shitty prose versions.
Read some Kierkegaard, and from there on Pontoppidan and Thomas Mann. Feeling frisky go for Arno Schmidts Zettels Traum. Best thing you could possibly due is get some norton anthologies of the fiction that interests you, english or what ever, and start consuming. On the philosophy side, read Coplestons a history of philosophy, use the stanford wiki to supplement, and when your done go to the primary thinkers you've found interesting along the way.
Care to elaborate on why your opinion goes against the grain on what has passed the test of time?