Daily reminder that if you have this shit at home you are not a Christian
Americans pray to Reindeers on Christmas like Pagans
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A decorated Yule tree is obviously an idol.
The Thanksgiving Turkey is a sacrifice to Thor also, so Americans are double damned.
Fuck off you Med. Tradition is tradition and I'm not going to throw it away for some Jewboy dying on a cross.
>you are not a Christian
Good, I'd rather be practicing white traditions than middle-eastern traditions after all.
good, good. the jew medicine is working
The jew medicine is obviously not working if I'm not following the middle-eastern semantic towelhead religion it forced on my people nearly 2 millenniums ago, lad.
Anybody who celebrates Christmas isn't white. Saturnalia is "christmas" for white people. Yule is acceptable too for nord niggers I guess.
>Anybody who celebrates Christmas isn't white.
Please don't shitpost and give people a reason to justify "A FUCKING LEAF". Modern Christmas isn't a religious holiday and ONLY white people celebrate it.
It's a Christian tradition, Ahmed.
> So a fail, trigger elsewhere, please.
>posts edgy pagan imagery
>muh jupiter statues
>muh saturn worship
>muh paganism
you like 20 years old m8?
autistic 28 year old, or what?
>if you base your values on white traditions you're autistic
>if you base your values on a foreign, middle-eastern tradition with anti-white practices you're fine
Literal race traitor.
>Celebrating traditions that have been with white people since antiquity is a bad thing
You call yourself a child of Europa?
Not really, you're just being really edgy, you won't accept eternal salvation in the living Christ, instead you choose to post edgy pagan statues in a thread to somehow support the gay words you write lol
Y'all tradfags need to be physically removed.
Orthodox Christmas is on Jan 7. All the reindeer, santa, gifts, lights, trees, festivities, that's all meant for the new year celebration. Christmas is observed in church as a religious holiday with absolutely no glamour or perversions what so ever. The two are not connected, even though they happen within a week of one another. The Orthodox doing it right.
Literally how?
Good. Why would I want to be Christian anyway
Krampus is going to fuck your shit up faggot.
If you don't understand how any degree of paganism is the absolute epitome of edginess then you are far too edgy now
*tips it*
Full of edge there Muhammad. Isn't it time for your prayers to Mecca?
I'm not Christian and never have been
But reindeers are santas helpers in lappland and taste good.
>Celebrating traditions that have been with white people since antiquity is a bad thing
read some history, faggot
christmass is a germanic thing, its not christianity, you subhuman pigs fucked christianity when you invaded the roman empire
How is it edgy though? Edgy only applies to be grim for the sake of being grim. There is nothing edgy about wanting to practice white traditions over middle-eastern traditions.
No, how about you read a history book you tremendous faggot?
Christmas is a bastardization of the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. Christmas wasn't even celebrated until the year 336, where Christians decided to jew up a holiday so they could convert Romans by applying Christian beliefs into Saturnalia, which's traditions are strikingly parallel with Christmas today.
>Anybody who celebrates Christmas isn't white.
If you base your morality on a middle-eastern religion, you might as well be a shitskin with white skin.
You do not know your God, this is the edgiest you could ever be.
All you trumptards too, read your Bibles.
King Josiah did:
>the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel.
>He did away with the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the surrounding area of Jerusalem, also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all the host of heaven.
>He also broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes which were in the house of the LORD, where the women were weaving hangings for the Asherah.
>He also defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire for Molech.
>He did away with the horses which the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathan-melech the official, which was in the precincts; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.
>All the priests of the high places who were there he slaughtered on the altars and burned human bones on them; then he returned to Jerusalem.
Never again will sodomites be so blown the fuck out, especially under your faggot regime
and what does God say of King Josiah:
>Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him.
So keep hoping for reprieve, that's the only hope we have, if we'll even have it.
Our wicked government represent our wicked populace. There is no hope in any of them, only our LORD.
I'll continue basing my moralities and faith on white values, if you love the middle-east so much, go back there. I'm pretty sure the shitskins who invented Christianity would love to have you.
>tfw im the shield of faith
You know nothing of history, Christ, yourself, or this world. You will be judged according to your heart, which only you and God know.
Book thumping is not an argument.
One of the reasons I reject Christianity is because I've looked into the history. I've red more versions of the Bible than you, too. Christianity's changed plenty of its stories throughout history to scare more people into converting, in fact, the concept of hell was not invented into Christianity started pushing further into Europe. Christianity just made shit up as it went along. It's not grounded in specific beliefs. The Jesus of the old bible is almost a completely different person than the Jesus in the modern bible.
until Christianity*
I'll give you a 3/10 for the effort.
I pray that your veil of deception might one day be lifted from your sight
daily reminder that if you worship a kike on a stick you should go back to the desert like all sandniggers.
The Greeks were building much more impressive statues nearly 500 years before Christianity was a thing.
1/10, made me reply.
>Wanting to be part of a religion where the leader is cucked and has a foot fetish
>ONLY white people celebrate it
>Thinking American nogs and spics don't celebrate Christmas
Lol. None of that is true. Especially the part about you reading the bible more than once front to back...
The MASTER washes the feet of the SERVANT to show his HUMILITY.
Did he prep the bull afterwards?
with his MOUTH
Deny it all you want, but the Jesus of the older bibles is almost a completely different man.
This mentality that Christians imposed upon Europeans is part of what led to Europe, and Western Civilization, becoming so cucked and accepting in the first place. Christianity teaches decadence and tolerance.
>The Greeks were building much more impressive statues nearly 500 years before Christianity was a thing.
And then they converted. The oldest Bible is in Greek.
They converted because of Christians slowly injecting Christian beliefs into Greek traditions, and when Christians outnumbered the Greek pantheists, Christians grew much more demanding and violent towards them, much like how Islam operates today.
No, he went to shitpost on Sup Forums for (You)s.
So, the pagans got cucked by the Christians?
Much like how the Christians are getting cucked by the Muslims, yes.
You're tasting your own medicine. Middle-eastern towelhead religions destroy cultures.
That's more Catholic dude
>Christians BTFOing the hell out of invading muslim armies for centuries.
>Secularism comes up.
>Europe is full of muslims.
Really made me think.
The breed of Christianity that sprung up after the medieval ages and into the Renaissance and onwards laid the foundation for the West to grow so accepting.
Which muslim army is bombing the hell out of which Christian country?
Oh, wait, it's the other way around.
>Traditional Christianity was based.
I agree.
Ahmad pls
I accept eternal salvation in Triglav and Svarog instead of your kike idol.
How's that foreskin doing by the way?
The only thing the muslims have going for them is a tiny bunch of desert nomads doing the gorilla warfare thing because they don't stand a chance.
The only reason why the middle east isn't glased is because we need the oil.
doing your best on the part of edge this is sad man
Keep throwing that word around, maybe you'll shame someone into following your brand of invisible sky wizard because you called them names on an anonymous image board.
Fact is: your LARPing rules have exact the same basis in reality as anyone else's.
you speak like a Devil, you know in your heart of your own deceptions. Repent or shut up, you're not entertaining
60%, circumciced, jews run the banks, spics flooding country, still believes in christian jewish traitor religion
Forsaking your Lord and Savior for seducing spirits, an old meme, yet you still fall for it.
There is no lord and savior. All you have is a book of ancient middle eastern folk tales.
>Christmas despite nearly a thousands years of Christian subversion and kikery is still a pagan festival
You fuckers are the absolute weakest cucks on the planet.
What then is your solution or peace, contentment with humanity, life? What do you strive for, if not eternal life with your Creator? Some transhumanist nightmare that allows you to be immortal? I can't wrap my head around anything other than hoping for salvation in Christ. Are you really content with going into the ground and that's it, pointlessness, nihilism, nothing matters? Or let's say we have technology to achieve immortality, how is this a solution, is this not selfishness? What about all of our deceased loved ones, wouldn't you like to see them again, or are you so selfish that you don't even care about your dead great grandparents? Do you propose some autistic anime solution like a naruto ninjitsu that puts us all in a trance with fake memories of our deceased loved ones? There is no option that allows all of humanity, good and precious, loving humanity, to be sincerely reunited in spirit. Do not seek this world, do not trust in man, trust in your LORD.
I don't see a LORD, all I see is people telling me to believe something because other people told them to believe it.
You are throwing your life, which is the only thing you have that's 100% guaranteed real, away for a vague absolutely unproven promise that you'll get something better after it. Because a book says so.
You are either a complete liar denying the truth in your heart or completely confused. No one believes in the Christ without sincerity, it's not "just a book saying so." It's a complete and spiritual path to righteousness and humility; trust in our Father who is in Heaven with the Living Christ. If you have the patience, please open your Bible with a sincere heart and pray for the Lord to guide you, you cannot approach this without true sincerity, you will not understand the Bible with it. Understand the Gospel, cross reference texts, understand what your Lord wants from you, certainly not this.
It is not solely to get something better, it's accepting Truth and receiving God's mercy. None of us deserve salvation, yet it is still offered to us. The wages of sin is death, therefore we all must accept this and die. That's not what matters, what matters is the matter of the second death, when we are all resurrected and give an account of our life before God. You will either receive eternal salvation and remain resurrected or damned for your wickedness and receive the second death.
Think of these verses:
>The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
This is the nature and history of man:
>Jesus told them more stories. He said, Here is what the kingdom of heaven is like. A king prepared a wedding dinner for his son. He sent his slaves to those who had been invited to the dinner. The slaves told them to come. But they refused.
“Then he sent some more slaves. He said, ‘Tell those who were invited that I have prepared my dinner. I have killed my oxen and my fattest cattle. Everything is ready. Come to the wedding dinner.’
“But the people paid no attention. One went away to his field. Another went away to his business. The rest grabbed his slaves. They treated them badly and then killed them. The king became very angry. He sent his army to destroy them. They killed those murderers and burned their city.
“Then the king said to his slaves, ‘The wedding dinner is ready. But those I invited were not fit to come. So go to the street corners. Invite to the dinner anyone you can find.’ So the slaves went out into the streets. They gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good. Soon the wedding hall was filled with guests.
“The king came in to see the guests. He noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Then the king told his slaves, ‘Tie up his hands and feet. Throw him outside into the darkness. Out there people will weep and grind their teeth.’
“Many are invited, but few are chosen.”
We are repeatedly offered what? A great gift, happiness, good things! What do we do? Make pathetic excuses, reject our Lord, and kill his prophets, even his own Son.
I think I broke something.
If you refuse God's Words and his Truths, then you are of your father the devil, and if you rejoice in this then you truly are as wicked as he is and deserve the second death. Only you and God know your heart, I pray it will one day be saved.
Think also of a similar parable:
15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
18 “But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
19 “Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
20 “Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
21 “The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’
22 “‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’
23 “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. 24 I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
God offers us nothing but gifts and we instead choose to make laughable excuses and indulge in mediocrities.
You did good thing today.
Source on the "violent" bit? It's usually the other way around.
So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
We are of a fallen nature, yet we are still capable of compassion, love, the giving of gifts. So why not partake in a perfect beings gifts of love and compassion? The LORD knows what is best, trust in him.
What you're saying does not proceed, Christian people keep the old traditions of their ancestors alive even though they were pagans because having a faith do not mean that we are not allowed to live as our ancestors used to live, we do not must throw away every old traditions in the garbage only because some heretic non catholic people say. The religion is a thing, the culture and traditions that don't go against the Church has no problem at all.
Am I being understood enough?
You may do anything, anything that is right in the sight of the Lord, as long as it is for the glory of God. God will know, God knows what it is in our hearts and if we are sincerely glorifying him or glorifying the self and indulging in idolatry.
>worshipping dead jews
good goy, remember to not side with those evil demons either! we outlawed their worship for a reason!
No but you're not stopping it either.
I can't remember of any tradition in Europe that worshiped reindeers, and the santa cult is only common in a small part in the netherlands, it has nothing to do with greater european culture, the jew tricked you again, pedro
You are a literal devil, how can you live with yourself espousing such tired deceptions? You make me wonder if the only thing keeping you going is the deception you incite.
let me guess it was all (((pure coincidence)))?
it's b8 m8
>ONLY white people celebrate it.
Japs are white now?
It's an even further bastardized version, but it's still Christmas they're partying and arranging dates for.
>thinking we need the middle east to gain oil
>India could generate the world's supply of oil from their poo if they stopped shitting in the streets
Fuck your christcuck religion that glorifies bending the other cheek to jews and other filth.
That ideology is poisonous for whites, and it breeds the kind of weakness which allowed the kikes to control society, and for our aristocrats to become degenerate pedophile cannibals under their control.
Japs and Koreans are East Aryans, so yes.