and while prostitution is legal and people can work starting at 14... a 14 year old may not work as a prostitute?
Seems kind of hypocritical, if you ask me. Depriving 14yr olds with a chance to make sick amount of money.
and while prostitution is legal and people can work starting at 14... a 14 year old may not work as a prostitute?
Seems kind of hypocritical, if you ask me. Depriving 14yr olds with a chance to make sick amount of money.
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Muslim Culture
I agree
legalize 14yo prostitutes
18 is starting age for prostitution m8
n1 ahmed
First this And now this shit, pull it together Germany
My dick likes her.
That's his point.
14 is age of consent
14 is legal age someone can work
18 to work as a prostitute.
Doesn't add up.
That only makes me harder.
Straya knows what's up
What did you mean by this
Doesn't matter if it's legal or not if you have a sexual emergency
legal only when your partner is younger than 18
I agree that it's hypocritical: apparently the government is aware that sex before adulthood is bad, but they still legalise it. That's like saying it's okay to drive a car at 14 but not to drive a taxi at that age. Conclusion: age of consent should be raised to a more normal age, like 18 with maybe a small grace period from 16 or 17 to prevent boyfriends/grillfriends from going to jail once their partner celebrates his or her 18th birthday.
prostitution is wrong you decadent heathen.
>legal only when your partner is younger than 18
Mit Ausnahme der nachfolgend genannten Sonderfälle liegt das Schutzalter in Deutschland gemäß § 176 StGB bei 14 Jahren. Sexuelle Handlungen mit Kindern unter 14 Jahren sind in Deutschland als sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern generell verboten. Strafrechtlich verantwortlich ist diesbezüglich jeder mindestens 14 Jahre alte Täter; der Versuch ist strafbar.
Über die Vorschriften des § 182 StGB Abs. 1 und 2 (Zwangslage, Entgelt) bezüglich des Schutzalters 18 Jahre hinaus, die auch für unter 16-jährige Opfer gelten, können sexuelle Handlungen von Erwachsenen, die über 21 Jahre alt sind, mit 14- und 15-jährigen Jugendlichen nach § 182 Abs. 3 StGB bestraft werden, falls ein gesetzlicher Vertreter des Jugendlichen Strafantrag stellt und im Strafverfahren das Gericht feststellt, dass der Erwachsene eine – etwa mit Hilfe eines Sachverständigen – festzustellende „fehlende Fähigkeit zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung“ des Jugendlichen ausgenutzt hat. Der Bundesgerichtshof hat 1996 festgestellt, dass der bloße Hinweis auf das Alter der 14- oder 15-jährigen Person für eine Verurteilung des erwachsenen Beschuldigten nicht ausreicht. Die individuelle Fähigkeit oder Unfähigkeit des Jugendlichen zu sexueller Selbstbestimmung und gegebenenfalls das Ausnutzen letzterer durch den Täter muss vielmehr in jedem Einzelfall überprüft werden.
No we need to lower the age of prostitution to 14 with parental consent.
>You will get to see 14 year old, blonde haired blue eyed petite german teens getting demolished by BBC's in your life time
Hot damn germany
Prostitution is legal in your country? Glad it'll be gone soon then
Wait this was my question
If age of consent is legal at 14 why has there been none of it uploaded?
It could be either A) US law prohibits it (thank goodness) or B) porn age requirement is 18
It was and kinda is 14 in Canada. The changed it to 16 a few years ago. The kinda part only relates to people fucking as long as its age relative.
>porn age requirement is 18
this is almost a law in every country in the world
It's not really legal for a 14 yo to have sex with a 30 yo. This law mostly applies to those aged 14-18 and it's the same in all Europe.
>This law mostly applies to those aged 14-18 and it's the same in all Europe.
First, see hereSecond, age of consent laws are different across Europe.
Simple. 14 is sexually mature, you have exactly 4 years to become so jaded and apathetic toward the dark truths of humanity before you can sell your body to tourists and fat people.
Over here it's like that tho. You can have sex with a 14 yo if you're 17 but not older. This law was introduced to decriminalize 9th graders who were fucking their classmates. (Since 14 is the age when you can be charged with a crime).
Fuck off Mohammed, I know you're really after the 9 year olds.
14yo selling her body for money
sad, that's south america tier, not central europe
What the fuck am I reading here? This is the most scary apocalpyse scenario of them all so far....
Sad! Many such cases
Because prostitution is obviously more risky and requires more mental strength handling it than living a regular sexual life.
You can legally produce and own amateur porn of yourself between 14 and 18, but if you were to disseminate it, it would be a crime.
Oh my God, who teaches Austrians these days? Where did you get that propaganda from?
The close age exception relates to 13 yr olds, not 14yr olds. A 16yr old guy fucking a 13yr old will not go to jail. This is the close age exception.
At 14yrs, you can fuck an 80yr old if you want.
In Österreich liegt das Schutzalter bei 14 Jahren. Mit diesem Alter beginnt die Mündigkeit (§ 74 Abs. 1 öStGB). In Hinsicht auf Sexualität bedeutet das, dass prinzipiell alle Formen des sexuellen Kontaktes, mit denen beide einverstanden sind, erlaubt sind, solange beide das 14. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, es sei denn, eine der beteiligten Personen ist aus bestimmten Gründen noch nicht reif genug, „die Bedeutung des Vorgangs einzusehen oder nach dieser Einsicht zu handeln“ und der Täter nützt diese mangelnde Reife sowie seine altersbedingte Überlegenheit aus (§ 207b Abs. 1 StGB). In diesem Fall stehen sexuelle Handlungen mit dieser Person unter Strafe, solange sie das 16. Lebensjahr nicht vollendet hat. In jedem Fall sind sexuelle Handlungen, bei denen es nicht zum Geschlechtsverkehr (Beischlaf und dem Beischlaf gleichzusetzende geschlechtliche Handlungen) kommt, jedoch dann nicht strafbar, wenn der Altersunterschied nicht mehr als 4 Jahre beträgt und die jüngere Person nicht jünger als 12 Jahre alt ist (§ 207 Abs. 4 StGB). Geschlechtsverkehr ist dann nicht strafbar, wenn die jüngere Person mindestens 13 Jahre alt und der Partner nicht mehr als 3 Jahre älter ist (Alterstoleranzklausel in § 206 Abs. 4 StGB). Für Prostitution liegt das Schutzalter bei 18 Jahren, das heißt, der Freier eines oder einer Prostituierten unter 18 Jahren macht sich strafbar (§ 207b Abs. 3 StGB).
It doesn't "add up" if you play dumb it's clearly defined in that way for a reason
Because there was no reason to make it higher because the german population are such sheeps that they even obey laws that are only imposed by american morality.
The only people i ever met that were over 18 and had a relationship with a under 16 were refugees.
As for pedos for them sex with 14 y.o. is still illegal as it is only legal if the underage consents without being deceived or forced fully knowing what happens which is rarely the case when pedos trick or rape them.
Pretty disappointed in you guys. Oh wait, what did I expect?
thanks for your response. i dont know what to think anymore.
i Guess i was hooping for it to spread and then debunked..
Any group with the resources to pull that off would have a less ridiculous way to genocide a continent.
it's reading like a 4D zombie-NWO plan if germans lose and a 7D nazi-plan to create a white world if they win. but if it is a 7D nazi-plan then the nazis don't sound like the good guys anymore..
so lose-lose scenario
because the jews won ww2, and the jews hate germans and they do everything to degenerate them, soon is going to be 12 the age of consent
>It's not really legal for a 14 yo to have sex with a 30 yo. This law mostly applies to those aged 14-18 and it's the same in all Europe.
Hungarian law is: aoc = 14 for all. I could legally bang a 14 y.o. and I'm 50. AoC for porn is 18 but otoh AoC goes down to 12 if the other partner is under 18. Anticipating your next question, liberals legislating with gypsies in mind is what happened.
>sick amount of money
exactly this. in some families the child would end up making more money than the parents and this would result in a power struggle.
>(Translater: They seem to have never heard about Tesla, we are being told that the US bases run completely on free energy, but it can be supposed that the US occupiers of Germany do not want Germany to have the Tesla free energy. Comment of the translater.)
>Tesla free energy
Yeah, sure.
>t. Mohammad Abdullah al-Germani
please be true
you understand that, that just means 14yo can fuck eachother
So do you think these bunkers exist at all?
i now the Source seems scetchy at best, i dont know anything about it.
we do know not that many women/kids are among the migrants coming to europe.
Fuck off, Soros shill. Next you will be moving the goalposts to ten year olds.
Well, I suddenly realize why Achmed wants to come to Germany.
Because I'm now going to Germany.
I don't know if THESE bunkers are real..but the elite is prepared for sure and the use of brain washed radicals to destabilize the country is for sure too. so why not. time will show.
poor children and women. so sad.
based german
if every man has 8 wives what happens to the extra men?
Die martyr death, score 72 qts in after life. Society becomes middle east.