Should I learn Russian or French?

Should I learn Russian or French?

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Russian animals murdered that poor girl and her family.

Boo hoo. Fuck off.

i like frans

soviets were not russian

Nice try schlomo


Learn english first.


Maybe have a reason for learning them first


More than twice as many people in the world speak Russian as their native language than French, and probably many more in former Soviet areas

Eastern European economies provide good work opportunities

And Russian cities are now great travel destinations since they're no longer under communist control but also have no negroes

So if you're going to Europe, Russian, but if you're planning on moving to Canada or something, then French could be better


Why are you anti polak ??

Russian because it makes reading their literature better.

your my reason for reason


Russians use French words more than Russian. Any Tolstoy novel is about 60% French and 40% Russian.

you mean bolshevik jews murdered that poor girl and her family

your in america
i highly recommend spanish

They are closely related. Learn French first then Russian. Russian is less useful than French.

Well us a Guy thet can speak all slavic dialekts from cyrillic to latin and the oldest the glegolica dialect

Franch is shit full of muslims thet speaking arabic soon all Europa Will be islam

Start with russian its realy hard us fuck but its the kay and the master to all slavic dialekts start with russian then Serbian then bulgarian then Greek then polish then italian its the best

Good lack My new american friend

Its time for a biutifiuul friendship just like in the Serbian Bosnian Jugoslavien movie black cat whith cat

All cyrilic greeks slavs are brothers

Learn French. By the time you finish there may be a need in upstanding white volunteers for right wing death squads there

You have to go back, ivans.

If you are going for French: there is a big difference in thinking you have a good grasp on the language and functioning in society. In order to be social, make friends, apply for jobs and all that crap in France you have to be fluent in french.

It's the hardest part about learning french. Mastering the books and being on duolingo every now and then isn't good enough. Unless you speak on a near native level, living in France is tough. They generally don't speak english.

>closely related
not even close you mongoloid. their only connection is both coming from PIE

French is a super simple language

Russian is hard af

Plus most french won't even find it admirable that you speak fluent or near-fluent. Just don't bother

The jews trying to trick people again

>According to surveys, the percentage of Russians who consider themselves Muslim ranges from 5% to 14%

>France : With an estimated total of 5 to 10 percent of the national population

Fuck off Moshé

>bawww she looks cute therefore killing her is bad

You can choose between the language of Kek's favourite people or the language of the gopnik commies

Both grammars are hard.
Russian is easier to read and write than French because French like English does not spell the way it speaks.
French on the other hand might have a lot of vocabulary that en English speaker recognizes.

Another jew trying to trick people
>Number of Russian speaking people : ~285,000,000
>Number of French speaking people : ~275,000,000

>twice as many

fuck off

I have a friend that is learning russian, he is fluent in both french and english, for such languages learning russian is really difficult because of how words decline and how strange it is to conjugate verbs

learn german

Most of these people are living in africa.

Gérard Dépardieu pls go

Or stay, I thought thosr Asterix movies were pretty hilarious

Definitely Russian.
Learn French only if you're a faglord who likes to slurp balls

What is the point of learning an Arabic language?

Also if you know russian well enough you will be able to understand other slavic languages. While french is much closer to english, rather than to fellow romance languages.

Split the difference and learn swathili

Most of russian speaking countries are populated by sandniggers of xoxol

>eastern europe

It's easier to order your slave around, you can't do that in russian

French will be easier due to the amount of loanwords in english along with easier grammar rules. Also, do you want to volunteer for france's inevitable rahowa?

La langue de la master race du Québec...

>Franch is shit full of muslims thet speaking arabic soon all Europa Will be islam

Je me demande a cause de qui?

Let's start French 101. Repeat after me: "Nous devons préserver l'existence de notre peuple et l'avenir des enfants blancs"

Russian. There's no point in learning French, since France will be speaking Arabic in a few years

> Implying most russian speaking countries aren't in central asia and caucasus

Please, except the russians that live in Estonia, in Belarus or in eastern Ukraine you just have town rapist moldova

French is spoken by truly developped countries such as France, Switzerland, Belgium or Canada



I speak English, French, and Spanish. I've failed to learn Russian on two tries. A different alphabet makes things so much harder.

Spanish is easiest. Five vowel sounds, that's it.
French has what feels like 30 [I'm Canadian, Quebec French is harder to wrap your mouth around than Parisian -- Parisian French might have 20-25; e.g., Canadian gar-aoge vs. European gar-age].

Spanish will get you over 20 countries in the world, many with nice beaches. French will get you a few countries with very good standards of living.

Russian could get you into a country where you could reasonably disappear on purpose.

There are no wrong answers. Learning second language will make you smarter.

Ruski, doubtlessly
I'm fluent and because of that, I'm exposed to a world of literature, music, movies, art, you name it, that is being purposely suppressed in the west because it doesn't fit their narative.


Unless you have a thing for third world black women

[for reference: North American English dialects have 13 vowel sounds, 14 with Canadian raising (the I sound in writer vs. rider -- if it's the same to you then you probably use 13)]

choose between russia and russia?

Plus blanc que le sud de la France, Jeanne...

why even bother with french? none of them will be impressed that you're attempting to learn and speak the language, in fact most of them would be pissed off that you're not fluent.

i would rather learn german, italian, spanish, russian, and japanese

I'll make you simplier for your mind since you are too much occupied with your wife fucking an emu

> the nickname of the french people according to the eternal anglo is the frog people

Do you understand ?

Un nîmois est toujours plus blanc qu'un kazakh, Justin.


Un Nicois pas sur, Jeanne...

t. the aussie aka the people that hates france for no reason and has already beat up french people because they were singing or talking in french


Rappel quotidien que le vrai Français est celui parler au Québec...pas cette merde de bourgeois Parisiens.

Qui est cette démone à sperme?

How did you learn russian?out of necessity?

30% of NKVD (the bolshevik's punitive agency) agents were jews + same amount of "minorities"

Russia has nothing to offer the world but natural gas and zergs neither of which is valuable, and the first of which has many substitutes.

Thus, French for being slightly less shit

Tu ne connais pas Génie..considere le suicide, Bubba Jean...

celui "parler"


Voici un québécois typique:

Mes côtes.

you french canadians need to get raked and die

learn russian

once they nuke jewmurica the fuck off the map because we deserve it for being garbage the earth will only speak russian


>t. not a shill post from CIA

I learn French. It's great. But if you are younger than 20, I'd recommend you to learn Russian. French is pretty similar to English and you don't have really hard "cultural walls" with them, unlike with us.

i like france

A typical french speaking canadian


Nah, c'est plus comme ceci...

Why did Russians stop speaking French in the 20th century? Serious question. Older Russian literature is like 50% in French.

Quelque chose a voir avec un génocide et des Juifs qui les dominent...

Pyccкий of course

>Il ne connait pas Eugénie Bouchard
>Il n'est pas habitué au post du Québécois antisémite enragé.

Bienvenue sur Sup Forums fils de pute.
Tu peux repartir maintenant

I guess it really depends what you're going for? Obviously if you have ties to a certain region or want to visit or live in an area that speaks French/Russian go with that one. Memes aside, both are languages with strong literary and scientific traditions behind them, and speaking either is an asset. French is much easier I'd wager-- I can speak French but not Russian. I was fortunate to start speaking it early enough that my accent isn't terrible, and the pronunciation is easily the hardest part. For Russian, Cyrillic takes less than an hour to learn honestly, as it and the Latin alphabet are both based on the Greek. Russian grammar is far more difficult, being a much more conservative language and retaining a lot of old features, like a complex case system and a few other odd features. I've learned five languages myself in addition to my native English, and I can tell you that the most important factor is being interested in the language. Most people you see who took Spanish for years in high school and can barely order food at a restaurant straight up didn't give a shit about learning it so they didn't retain it. So really OP, unless you have a strong reason to learn one or the other, pick which one is more interesting. Learning more languages is good for your overall intelligence, and no self-respecting white man should be monolingual.

30? 80.

Second this, I had German language in school for 10 years and now I can't speak because I wasn't interested in using it. But I learned English myself from scratch, my grammar is bad, but I can watch movies, read books without any problems.

russian unless you're a grill

there is big difference between citizen of Russian FEDERATION and ethnic Russian ( russki )

I'm studying French now and whenever I speak it people are always impressed.

You should chose the language you're actually going to use, obviously. But if you just want to learn another language for the hell of it, do French. Especially in the USA people would be much more impressed

> Russian
Do you seriously believe that shit yet?
Commiecuck, fuck off.

> celui ParleR
> Se prétendre héritier du français et faire des fautes d'accord.
Vous parlez le même français que les paysans bretons du XVIe siècle.
Et puis d'ailleurs maintenant vous êtes incapables de parler français sans insérer de mot anglais à chaque phrase.

Both. Learn both. Languages are fun for everybody!

Divide and Conquer thread btw

I can say there is a big difference between citizen of French and real ethnic French then.
It changes nothing from the fact that there is approx. 10% muslims in both countries.

Français my dude

Russian, бляд.

I should improve mine as well.

>Et puis d'ailleurs maintenant vous êtes incapables de parler français sans insérer de mot anglais à chaque phrase.

Le what?

She and her sisters and brother didn't deserve to die for her father's incompetence.


French as 2nd choice. Don't waste your time with 3rd world languages like Russian.

the difference is that we do not organize the genocide of abos who live on their native lands
You bring them into your country

hello CTR

I have a pretty good accent in French and have been told by some native speakers that it's actually a sexy accent. They were mostly Swiss chicks though, a few French girls as well