.. Continued from previous thread:


USE HASHTAG #EnableComments #CommentsMatter #FakeNews


Other urls found in this thread:



I'm pretty sure Daily Mail enables comments on most of their articles.
The CBC doesn't allow comments on certain articles, but still has a comment board for the most part.

reminder that we have seen the same kind of collusion between governments and the media before, when it was called #gamergate

i'm sure everyone remembers the cencorship that went on with that one, both online and in the MSM

this will be no different, but it's also a fight worth having, and winning

oh well.

they havent been nice to us, lets not be nice to them



Dumb. You want people to distrust MSM you need to find a different criticism.



This is good too. Is /diy/ on the backburner with /ewo/ now? We're gonna need a bigger kitchen.


Start tweeting people



This is to inform the normies so they can easily spot fake news without even reading it

destroy all msm credibility with 1 hash tag



bumping with FB-waifu

Threads are slow because its early morning....

people will be waking up soon

dont let it die



Guys, we can get this big and give the MSM a big punch in the cock.

People already distrust the lueggenpresse. This is just us taking their latest lying narrative, and turning it back on them.

Threads move slowly because people have woke up and realised that Sup Forums is Russian propaganda site.

Comment sections are meant to destabilised the one true narrative that exist by dumping Putinist propaganda inside of it but people of Sup Forums have realised it and they ignore those threads.

When HIllary will be named president we will go to our grand battle with Russia and destroy it in the name of Globalism.

>1 post by this ID.

Thanks for the bump.


>thread has 22 posts
>hurrr 1 post by this ID

You fucking putinist retards, you know that your plan is falling apart and that's why you're making mistakes.

Since the elites are trying to push this post-truth meme to contain the backlash against them, I think we should work that in somehow.

>No posting truth, our site is post-truth.

Kek approves.

wew another bump :D

Waitwaitwait ... is Putin supposed to be paying me for posting on here? Goddamnit!

the more it spreads, the better the memes will get

You are actually smart as fuck.

How much of that do you really believe?

All of it.

Although I think this operation is hilarious do you guys really think those kikes are going to enable comments just because the goyim are asking it?

We are not a russian propaganda site.

You post here more than me.

that would be cool if they did, but thats not really the goal

the point is to spread the notion that if u see no comments, its fake news.

the goal is, once this spreads, people who see it will recall it while reading online articles... a lot of people scroll down and read comments on articles, i know i do

Oh hell no. But it will make them look like the lying shmucks they are, thus contributing further to the erosion of their credibility, weakening their hold over goy minds, and moving us closer to the day of hebrew expulsion from our lands.

No fucktard, that's the point. We aren't really trying to get them to enable comments, we're trying to show normies that the msm silences all opposing viewpoints. Of course they aren't going to enable the comments, and that's why this can work.

That's what makes this meme so powerful, based leafbro. I've been noticing the same thing myself for a while. The best rhetoric is grounded in truth. This meme will resonate, if kek wills it.



Jesus, don't fucking call yourself a pollack



You're using it wrong, britbong. That meme is only for normieleaves.


this good? normies love girls


Was #gamergate Sup Forums's Pearl Harbor? And Trump's election Sup Forums's Midway?

All media is propaganda. Read Chomsky, even if he is a leftie poofta.

>this good

Needs more cum on her face, and a black eye.


Fucking hell

bump, but spread on facebook and jewdube. we must stop the narative

I think a crying children in a warzone is less clickbaity than a pretty woman that makes me want to cum on her face.

Also, it will gain the "fee fee" aspect searched by the normies.


Chomsky is himself propaganda.


one job

Aye, but it makes you think about the meta. Everything you hear is a lie.

the CBC is disgusting normie trash

I hate it.

I remember when "comment sections" started to disappear.

CNN was doing a lot of race baiting articles during the Ferguson riots and they couldn't handle the online backlash so they slowly started to phase out comments.

Salon had similar problems and they stopped comments too. Here's an article that the kikes wrote on it.


LOIC when

Bump. We need more man power. This thread is slow and nobody's tweeted with the hashtag for ten minutes. This is an action, people, don't just post in the thread, do the damn thing too.

> a few credits to the great user contributors in previous threads
> throwing #commentbusters and #moderatornazis into the mix for consideration
> spun off from a couple things I posted earlier
> strictly amateur .. just having some fun here ...

>having a Twitter account
What are you, gay?

Pot calling kettle black.

We have to communicate with the fucking normies somehow. How do you expect this to pick up any steam if we just jerk eachother off?


I just yell at people from my window

>he has a window
Pfft, I bet you go outside, freak.


>We have to communicate with the fucking normies somehow
I growl/mumble toward them on the subway, does that count?

lets see if i can work something out

i'm pretty sure someone has already done that

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two different things.

kinda. between gamergate and wikileaks it made us aware of how they used similar tactics to cover up pretty much everything that didn't fit their narrative.

see: the comet ping pong false flag

I can't wait for Sup Forums's Nagasaki
>captcha: sushi

they only disable comments if the story is an ongoing court case (uk regulations) or its a shitty story that they cant be bothered to moderate

So fake news?

any story can be fake news and comments have nothing to do with it

> typos corrected
> smaller file
> #enablecomments added

I would encourage to actually read the thread friend

Swap huff post with another outlet. They have comments

>or a shitty story they cant be bothered to moderate

So like, every story then??

Bump forum is being slid stupid fucking hard right now keep this on page one.

#fakenews #enablecomments
>#enablecomments #fakenews
#fakenews #enablecomments
>#enablecomments #fakenews

This is more powerful than /ewo/. We can't criticize the government for anything until its lapdog called the MSM has been left wimpering in the corner or bankrupt.

This is an offensive move toward them for calling everyone fake news

The thread doesn't change what he said. Whether a story has a comment section or not has nothing to do with whether the story is true or not.

Why do you keep switching IDs m8? What agenda are you pushing?

thats actually pretty clever user, you are making a strategy based on our theory crafting.

Namely to that of the super pyramid that the MSM have. The theory that since kikes number few. They HAVE to make a pyramid thing to have the same reach as the horizontal communication thing is that we have here on the chans.

Very clever user, I approve.

A logic agenda.

Please see the bandwagon fallacy in the sticky.

Isnt this the actual truth? As in an objective outlet would let people comment ask and even activly try to dispel the confusion.

Basicaly a curtoasy bump.

idk if that is the mainpoint in the pic.

They do that so people like me won't go in and call them a bunch of money grubbing wagonburners.

Which is exactly why articles need open comments: to encourage debate, critical thought and free expression
Why anyone would argue against that is beyond me

Is this little too much?

Offer one up then or STFU.

>Why do you keep switching IDs m8? What agenda are you pushing?

uk internet does that. it's unlimited but it cuts out and reassigns ips.

You guys should spread this on Voat. They are very right wing and pro free speech.

Yup youre so right freedom of speech, public discourse and discussion, and being able to challenge a view is totally wrong.

We should absolutely just let the media continue to pump out fake news unchallenged.

Seriously kys faggot

I've been doing this for years now. If the site doesn't allow comments, I don't read or trust what they say. Also CAPTCHA is retarded, a fucking sandwich is not Sushi


If you are not already, link the OP in other fast moving threads on Sup Forums, preferably not slide threads. Get this more exposure!

It's good but the word submit is going to trigger libs and shut down their critical thinking.

Better to say something innocuous like don't accept one-sided conversations.

Comments sections are more powerful than anything the original writer creates.

I want every user that to December a shitty article that was written and how you bitched about it on this site rather than at the source


They need more cum on their faces, and a black eye.

>*you* guys are dumb
>*you* guys need to think of something else

why don't you bugger off and leave us to it then?


The ravens will starve.