The wage gap doesn't exist guys
The wage gap doesn't exist guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>comparing all income together
Yea no shit these would be the results. I work in the military as a white male, yet earn less than an Indian doctor, IT'S NOT FAIR
>Not factoring in the different lifestyle choices each group makes such as whether or no they go to college, what they study in college, the level of danger each of their jobs represent, hours worked, etc.
It's bullshit, isn't it? I bet she doesn't even know how to poo in the loo!
Where's Asians?
Remove factors such as lifestyle choices the differences shrinks. The only reason there is a difference is because women do not negotiate for increased pay as much as men.
Nice try buzzfeed. sage
Wages != Earnings
The only surprise is black women beating someone
That's objectively racist. We are all equal we deserve equality.
>White phd makes more than a barely literate kfc nigger
asians on average earn more then white men
so it would be racist and sexist to show them
>Own company
>Hire brown women
that's fucking discrimination yo
>1 post by this ID
Do I even have to say it?
Heh I'll counter your picture about society with this picture
you miss the next part
>receive harassment suit around xmas
>lose on technicality
>have to settle or face reputation damage
>We are all equal we deserve equality.
damn I need to open a company asap and employ only black & hispanic women. Nobody could compete!
What the fuck!!??!
Jesus, i'm a feminist now.
pay gap =/= wage gap
oh geez I wonder HOW THE FUCK white males keep finding jobs then? Just hire fucking hispanic women - i mean we are all equal, why pay more?
Why do they never add in Asians or Indians hm? Does that go against their narrative or something?
If you let the free market do what it wants, white men make more money because they're more valuable in the workforce. Applying any changes to this system will get you further away from equal rights. If you truly support equality then you would have no problems with someone making more money than someone else. If you do have a problem with that, then you don't want equal rights, you just want to equalize.
The real reason is that there is still something of a meritocracy system, though heavily corrected for to the benefit of women, and white men are gonna win, every time.
We're in the "deny all influence of genetics" stage of industrialized state planned society. As long as people keep listening to kikes the Overton window won't shift on this one, because it gives less cover for the Jewish supremacy movement.
This, my dude. It does not fit their narrative so rather than struggle with the doublethink let's just ignore what Ivan said.
WTF mexican cleaning ladies should be paid the same as white male CEOs. I completely agree. Good job.
Funny how when you account for similar experience, training and industries suddenly the gap disappears
really makes u think
>muh cherry picking
>Brown women suing brown women because fuck being at the office personally
>Fire and hire brown women in cycle making it so no brown woman can claim seniority because they don't last long enough
>Stats get revealed making brown women look like legal liabilities
The magic flows
Those numbers count all jobs, not equal positions. In other words, the white male bracket includes billionaires, and the Hispanic female bracket includes illegal aliens and minimum wage workers. This results in the alleged pay gap, because white males, on average, take better paying jobs.
Yeah, that's why I almost exclusively see bleach and "Hispanic" women in brand new luxury cars. Within a week of being in this city, most of the late model tahos are driven by Hispanic women. Black like the $100k Escalades. I also saw a black mama loading up her Jaguar XF-R with groceries yesterday. How are they getting the money?
Minorities have households with like 15 people though.
3rd post best post.
Also, not taking into consideration the huge opportunity cost loss of having a child and how dumbass working women are when it comes to children.
Alright now post one with Jewish/Asian women/men
how come poos make 101k and pakistani which is right next to it only make 61k?
wasn't it the same place at one point in time?
How the fuck do nigresses make more than Senioritas? At least Latinas know how to work.
Topkek. Black*
lease? mortgage
not everyone can afford to pay for the whole price of a car like they should
really made me contemplate
This. Also, alot of nigs that legally migrate to the US have to be relatively wealthy to begin with, so it's selective bias and doesn't portray the success of nigs.
>Portuguese aren't included in whites
That hurts men....
Asians break the minority narrative, so they are never included.
I'm dating a hispanic woman that works as an HR manager. She "works" from home half of the week, and does online shopping half the time when she's at work. She makes just over $100k a year, meanwhile I'm an unemployed white man.
so shes making 100k a year and she still wants to get bleached
pat yourself on the back
Well I would want George Washington to be paid more than some random slaves so works for me
You would be surprised, a group separates from another based on their minor differences and becomes completely different
Maybe, but god damn. That's at least a 1k/month lease still, and blacks aren't known for having good credit either.
Pay women more than men. That will solve it.
that black guy frivolously buying a 100k escalade he cant ever afford or pay for is what makes america so great
you know they could also just be drug dealers too
>white men
try to do anything , negociate , find better and better jobs pushes themselfs to get paid better , work more , usually does more then he is actually paid to do
>white women
want simply high paying jobs , rarely negociates , will seek jobs that has to do with care and teacher usually wants a piece of the pie without actually working their tits off.
call me when there are women on average working 14 hours a day as a boiler maker and that day will be the first spend in actual equality
and men are not judged when they apply for kidergarder jobs.
>African american woman
It's a diffrent problem here , the whole africa-american comunity has been pushed to low income areas , but it's not the banks/society faul that they are not productive individuals.
Productive africans-americans female or male have absolutity no problem getting real jobs WHEN THEY APPLY AND WORK HARD.
But most people in low income areas struggle with education , role models and security... in the hood you have to be a thug to survive , thus they lack the skills, education and behaviour to even get a legit job.
Not their fault , but not white as well. it's their fault they don't push each other to overcome those problems, it's their fault they continue to promote shitty behaviour in their neighthoods.
There is plently of wealth to go around , yet no nigger has the ability to tap in , he lacks the mental capacity , those that do are not niggers they are african-americans.
>Hispanic women
they are irelevant in the pay gap , since they are willing and happily work for less then everybody else
they come from low income poor families usually willing to work anything for much less then everybody else just to compete in the market
The reality of the situation is
White men are the only ones who are going deep and working their balls off to suport their familes,
>turks above whitey
wew lad
>be fucking retarded
>act surprised when im paid less than others
>compared to white men
>asian men and women are higher
The major difference between pakistan and india is religion, pakis tend to be muslim while poos tend to be hindu.
Also India has a much stronger focus on learning by rote which transfers well into things like medicine
It doesn't you fucking idiot.
Look at the fucking data. Jesus Christ you're a gullible bitch.
>The African's face is flatter than the white's
nice job user but id suggest learning photoshop so you could just switch the hues for a much quicker paint job
i know you are very creative
If the white man is a web designer while the hispanic woman is plunger, then of fucking course there will be a wage gap. What is this, the USSR?
>White man looks like Washington
>White woman has an african head shape
>African-American has a white head shape
>Hispanic woman has a white head shape.
Black women should stop being so fucking lazy then.
good post
>White male has a founding father hairdo to imply slavery
>people are responding to pay gap thread
fucking nu-Sup Forums
The highest average annual salary in the U.S. is an anesthesiologist, which makes around 250,000 a year. The lowest at minimum wage is 15,000.
The average american worker makes 132,500 dollars a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is feminist logic
>t. Alberto Barbosa
>if we group all humans together men make 30c more
>women paid more for same roles
>women pay negative tax in their lifetime being a drain on the system
>men pay surplus tax
Yeah it's terrible that a doctor makes more than a McDonald's worker, we'd better put in yet another law to help the poor poor women who are abused in our society
That's genius but I don't think I could stand being unemployed again, I need a job to keep my mental health in order
Stop fucking posting that meritocracy bullshit
Women dont make less. Period.
Saying "hurr durr of course women make less MEN ARE BETTER XDDD" is exactly what the libjew wants you to think
It doesn't exist. It is illegal to discriminate pay based or race or gender. Women and some minorities make less on average annually because of education, job choice and if they are the primary person raising children. Bonus fun fact Asians make more than whites but no one talks about that.
>Yeah it's terrible that a doctor makes more than a McDonald's worker
Nobody is implying this, not even libshit communists. Stop making appeals to absurdity when you lack the wit and charisma to make it work, you're making everyone else around you look stupid by proxy.
You'll never convince anyone about that. But yeah women have it easier, if I was a girl I'd just whore out and watch anime all day.
Saying men make more because they do a better job is admitting there IS a wage gap, when there isn't
I'll admit, he exaggerates a bit.
But the wage gap figures are calculated as an overall average of all male workers. And all female workers. With no consideration to what jobs anyone is doing.
Now, if they looked at say, CEO positions and only CEO positions they'd have found the exact opposite. That men make less on average. Even though there are still more men in CEO positions.
What about jews?
This is racist, when will will the asian man stop oppressing us?
"Research" can prove anything anyone wants, the only argument against it is using similarly ambiguous unverifiable arguments. Here's a lesson in jewery, if you see a kike argument you can't just say "no that's stupid" because then you're just an ignorant naysayer. There's no moral high ground in jewery only people who get burned.
DBA here. The Indians have developed paths into american workforce through the backdoor. They come here spend half a year in a class taught by a previous Indian immigrant they are introduced to and helped with a fake resume. It also ropes in other Muslims.
Oh I'm well aware that wage gap is bs, I just hate when people misuse or abuse hyperbole.
put in jews too
>software engineer
>tfw get paid 130K~ a year
You're white to me portubro
>It specialist making more than code
>Sup Forums in charge of critical thinking
This is pure and utter bullshit.
White Hispanic women could be making much more income wise than their Mulatta/Mestiza counterparts. This is because they are prefer in many jobs like housekeeping or store clerks. White Hispanic women also tend to speak English more than Mulatta/Mestiza counterpart.
Mestiza women could be making more than their black hispanic counterparts because employers wont hire black hispanic housekeepers. This depends on location and with whom. Jewish families for instance prefer Mestizas from Mexico or Guatemala as housekeepers and will pay them way more off the books ($500 - $600 per wk) because they are perceive to be more pleasant/humble attitude wise.
Mulatta women from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Panama, and other Latin-American countries where a population of African-desendants exist who mixed through generation, are able to slip through the different professions or field of work depending on how much English they speak or how white they look.
Fuck liberals like buzzfeed for ruining the word Hispanic
All of this while still being illegal in the U.S
Still making a lot more money than the average U.S Citizen.
We all know
You know perfectly well that Hispanic means "light brown". If you're a brown-ish person from Europe, most Americans will assume you're Hispanic and treat you with the appropriate prejudice.
>women and unterfraus add less value to society even after all the handous, even after all the tolerance and free money
How can he keep getting away with it ?
>white hispanic
go away jose
you obviously don't know what word specialist means
>George washington on the dollar
>doesn't understand that some people are more or less competent than others aswell as a host of other factors. Including difference in intelligence from individual to individual and a host of other factors.
Take blacks, they get affirmative action and all kind of shit, so laquisha or whatever eventhough she's dumb as a brick and didn't pay any attention in school, might get a job that someone else was more competent at.
>still blames racism if they suck at what they do and can't get better paying jobs.
It's so frustrating that these people like the "equal payback project" can't even understand or process basic logical thinking. Yet constantly want to discuss their poorly constructed arguments. It's like arguing with someone who is a dumbass or who didn't study in school.. oh wait.
Also the whole reason they argue things based on racism or sexism is that they want to get essentially higher wages that they essentially do not deserve/not according to their merit.. So by using "racism" as the excuse for them not having this, or "sexism" they desire to manipulate their way to these things. Essentially in this case it's very clear that african american or hispanic women want essentially preferential treatment not equal treatment.. they want to get paid more for doing less competent work. That's essentially what the picture is trying to say.
As trump who has hired many women including as project leads in construction, told the retarded girl who asked him if she would get equal pay..
The answer is simple: You are paid the same if you do as good a job.
Stop fucking trying to manipulate your way to wages you don't deserve by arguing that those paid less somehow need to get special priveledge/preferential treatment and get jobs that others deserve more according to how well they would do them.
there's not need for more of that unfair competition that essentially puts non whites in front of the line, simply because they are not white.