Does the portrayal of the Nords in Skyrim parallel the crisis of whites today? Discuss.
No one actually plays TES games for the story, right? I didn't unlock dragon shouts for at least ~70 hours.
No. The Thalmor are encouraging the Stormclock rebellion to weaken the Empire.
Fuck off Imperial shill
>being a stormcuck
jesus user get a grip,
> 43% Nord
> Skyrim not already lost to the filthy ((thalmour))
sorry Ulfric you've already been culturally enriched.
have to side with thalmor. torture, intel liaisons, provocateurs- if they had f16 they would be bombing the imperials in 2 years
I used to like the lore in TES. Been playing since Arena.
However, Skyrim was just too fucking stupid. The talking dragons and incredibly stupid plot was some of the most cringeworthy shit I've seen in video games. It felt like the kind of young-adult fiction that seems to dominate 90% of all entertainment today.
Stormcloaks are useful idiots, just like Sup Forums.
That shits been a part of the story forever you absolute goddamn mongoloid.
fuck the thalmor.
No it's about a noble that want his secessionist roman empire of Gaul
Nothing more
Dragons talk in most RPGs
skyrim was the most over hyped pile of shit i ever played.
real news flash faggots
>b but mm uh mmmmmmo mom mom mod MOD MODS MODS
mods still dont save that boring shit fest
>go back ttt to cod f f f ag
I dont play cod fag
Ulfric is redpilled but is completely delusional. Skyrim would be cucked into oblivion by the Thalmor if they seceded. Much better to band together with the Empire and hope for some concessions rather than starting a doomed personality cult.
Skyrim is for the nords! Although I play High Elf alot because I like magic ;^)
Reminder if you side with Empire your a cuck
The Altmers are Jews.
The Dominion is Israel.
The Imperial are globalists who are dying.
The Storm(front)cloaks are the Nationalist who lost their religions to globalists and Jews.
Ulfric is a (((Thalmor))) plant and only there to weaken the empire.
In the last war, both sides sufferd heavy casualties, the Thalmor army is in a mess.
Elves birthrates are horribly low compared to Humans.
Thus the empire can replenish their army much faster.
A new war a few years down the line would have been heavily in favor of the empire if it wouldn't have been for the civil war.
This, fuck the others
Just look at a map, Skyrim is in a country that is completely geographicaly opposed to the summerset islands, the thalmor simply cannot invade it, besides the climate of Skyrim, the toughness of its inhabitants and the use of guerilla will assure the nords that they'll win
Still an imperial victory is better
Who cares, The entire multiverse is just a joke the Godhead plays anyways. Know your lore scrubnubs
>implying the Imperials wouldn't be forced to give free passage to the Talmor
as an Argonian, I give fuck all about the war. I'm too busy rollin' in that lizard pussy.
Skyrim was extremely shit generic fantasy world with uninspired game play compared compared to morrowind and daggerfall, haven't played arena.
Ulfric is a Dominion sleeper asset.
It was like a solid 8,5 with mods
t. A giant elder scrolls fan
Thalmor is Jews, not all Altmers.
Dominion is Globalists
Imperials aren't globalist because they forfeit sovereignty to those who agree to live under their rule. Its just an Imperial state. They don't push any multicultural agendas.
Stormcloaks are just retards that say they fight for skyrim when they are helping the (((Thalmor))) at every turn by weakening and bleeding the sons and daughters of Skyim in their war. The only chance that any non-altmer group has of defeating the (((Dominion))) is a unified Empire.
The lore in Morrowind was incredibly deep and redpilled as fuck to boot. Go play the overhaul or wait a year or two for Skywind, you'll be surprised how much world-building used to go into this series before Bethesda turned to shit.
>inspired gameplay
The poorly written dialogue, cheesy cartoon voices and sub-par plot has been part of TES since the beginning?
>you absolute goddamn mongoloid
Guess I shouldn't expect more from an illiterate kid.
What does that have to do with anything? I'm talking about the fact that it felt like any other piece of young-adult fiction that's currently dominating the market. It's the kind of fantasy you'd expect to find in Warcraft.
These are going to be out of order.
my argonian friend would you be interested in some exotic khajit pussy as well?
I meant the "talking dragons" part. Dragons in ES are what they are. The way they are protrayed in Skyrim is nothing new to the story of the universe.
You are right about the bad dialogue and sub-par plot that Skyrim had, but you're still a retard.
are you taking screen caps of my save?
I thought Bethesda actually did dragons pretty well with Skyrim
But I have to say that I preferred TES before there were dragons
What exactly is the crisis that whites are facing?
Nords have the genes of filthy atmoran blood. Dark elves are master race.
A ressource. Not the same.
Go back to black marsh lizard nigger
Well I mean, Dunmer immigrated to Skyrim en masse after it went to hell. But I find the Nords hard to sympathize with. I think at the end of the day the problem was that the Dunmer migration wasn't a result of their own shortcomings as a species but a geological disaster, well at its base level anyways causes aside.
Dark Elves are actually quite intelligent and capable and at the end of the day they largely uphold the same beliefs. Nothing like Middle Eastern refugees that are simply fleeing to exploit a host country and out breed it with inferior genetics. The Nords should have every right to turn them away though.
This, but the empire is controlled by the (((thalmor))) too, fucking thalmor, they play in both sides like our (((eternal enemy)))
I hate the stereotype that my people are sneaky skooma peddlers.
I just want to be left alone to drink my skooma.
And illegally sell it in to your communities
Nords are analogues of the struggles of indigenous peoples against imperialism. I think there's more parity with native Americans, aus aboriginals, etc, than whites.
>I meant the "talking dragons" part.
I wasn't talking about the concept of talking dragons, but the way it was handled.
That being said, I honestly don't recall ever seeing a good example of a talking dragon, unless it's been limited to text in a book or an old-school RPG. The moment they add voices and animation to them, I feel like I'm watching something made for kids.
Like i asked in the previous thread about Skyrim, WE NEED A FUCKING RACIST POL APPROVED MOD. For the love of god i need redguards removed from my game and the other human races to only be white skinned (You can literally make a black nord imperial and breton). Also Winning with the stormcloaks should mean all elves and beast races are kicked out of the city (Redguards too if they havent been shoaed by a good mod)
>not becoming dragonborn just to start the racewar
its like you want to stay cucked senpai
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Don't get distracted.
That is actually fucking autistic this is why we need a purge Mod To kill all named characters that arent bretons imperials or nords.
Come on, Nords, Imperials and Bretons are basically the same thing.
theres like 1k total npcs in skyrim. 'cities' with 4 houses. its ripe for the taking since the nords arent doing jack shit with it.
nords = indians just waiting for a real power to land on shore.
>remove redguards from game
thats gay, why not just make them all slaves like khajits were in morrowind
Bretons are part elf.
Because it would be far easier to mod in than a slavery mod. Also slavery is shit, because at some point they can rise up and kill people and rape your women. Just get beast races as slaves they cant mate with anyone. Other than themselves
> Bretons and Imperials are basically Nords
> Bretons and Imperials
> White
I'm coming for you, Dunmerfugee dick loving Imperial scum.
>Skyrim is 42% white
They are much elves as Finns are Asians. Which is not very much so who gives a shit. Bretons are more implictly white than swarthy imperials. They are also the smartest human race.
That's a fair point, however it is completely opinion-based. I for one feel as though the dragon language/culture in the game is really well made. It ties the older, more mystic kinda deeper lore of the ES games to a current event the player has to deal with.
Should I buy this game or fallout 4?
I have never played any Bethesda game...
Stop Whitewhasing the Bretons with your stunt actor. We know they aren't white.
Fucking stormcucks.
Even after doing the Thalmor Embassy mission in which you find incriminating letters that spells out Thalmor trickery like them actively encouraging the current civil strife to weaken the empire, you still refuse to open your minds and instead open your mouths for that elven dick to just slide in and proudly claim that you stand with the Dominion.
Then again though, is it really your fault? Maybe I give to much credit to you stormcucks in thinking youre even able to read the letters in the first place.
>still didn't play skyrim
kill yourself
The only dragon that doesn't sound like shit is the named dragon that you kill with delphine at that little town. He sounds like the dragon from the Hobbit Cartoon or other 80s cartoons with dragons.
You should buy Witcher 2 instead.
> Implying they would do that while they are preparing for war
> Implying invading Skyrim would be a top priority for the aldmeri dominion
> Implying there is no huge mountains between skyrim and cyrodiil
> Implying there is many passages and no army were ever crushed while trying to cross the mountains
> Implying the Akaviri didn't suffer that fate
To linear
Morrowind was the last good Bethesda game
Fallout 4 is honestly a piece of shit. It's so streamlined it might as well be a phone App, its like a game made for children. Every mission is go to a place and shoot stuff, there is no story and no proper content.
>this is what non-whites actually believe
>vote for muh heritage, muh pride, muh empire
Trump is literally Dagoth Ur irl
Fucking redguards alone almost BTFO the entire Thalmor,stop being cucks
Fallout 4 is objectively shit and you should never buy it
If you dont praise Tribunal you already lost.
Not really.
The Nords didn't really have a problem with immigrants coming into Skyrim, just keep your differing culture away from Nordic culture and don't expect or try to change the Nord way of life.
The Nords didn't have a huge problem with the Empire on the whole for many years but when the Empire fell under the thumb of High Elf influence and started banning cultural choices the nords had that literally were not harming anybody in order to influence control over the population, the Nords got pissed.
It went a step further when the High Elves had it so that a young, easily influenced child who would roll over for their commands was placed into power. Killing the kid outright and kicking off the civil war was the best choice here.
There was a lot of complaints from people about how the Empire offered protection, but one has to ask, 'What is the Empire protecting Skyrim from?'
They didn't stop the dragons. Giants, trolls, and other horrors are still plentiful, and very little good from the empire was making its way into skyrim who had plenty of natural resources to care for itself.
Skyrim, amazingly enough, turned out to be a pretty good representation of Brexit.
ye well they weren't nordcucks
Reading the Dossier must have been hard for someone with such a low reading comprehension
The dossier shows that they've set up the events of Ulfric's life but that he was never aware of their influence in them. It's actually a good twist for Markarth's jarl as it proves HE was a Thalmor puppet, but it doesn't show Ulfric of much of anything than being manipuable. A bad quality for a leader but hardly treachery.
>Stromcucks who are blinded by thier pride. Skyrim alone is nothing.
>Dominion is the oldest and most stable region in all of Tamriel,
>Almers are the oldest race in the world
>Imperials are the only one of humans wo are able to create something more then muddy house.
you obviously didnt play oblivion or morrowind
I bet he gets all the Nord pussy around
the fact that you have to mod the race into something else entirely than what is included in the game prooves your retarded point wrong
Yes it does. Whites are tools of the jew, while Nords are tools of the Thalmor