All memes and jokes aside, how much did Sup Forums, more specifically Sup Forums, influence the election?
All memes and jokes aside, how much did Sup Forums, more specifically Sup Forums, influence the election?
no one will ever know
can't be certain but it sure didn't hurt
habeeb it
twinkie house
A lot.
Trump had the internet, a platform not realized to be as powerful as it was during the election. It's a damn shame that it won't be as easy to dominate the internet in upcoming elections as Dems are likely developing a strategy to win it next election cycle.
It wouldn't even exist if it weren't for media being stupid enough to report our memes.
Sup Forums made Trump look edgy and hip. Meanwhile Clinton was boring status quo, PC option.
Given the margin by which Trump win I think you can safely assume Sup Forums was one of the factors that made him win.
With help from the Russians.
do you seriously think impoverished in the rust belt give a shit about what a bunch of autists are doing on a degenerate japanese image forum?
I see that Sup Forums really *is* the home of old Sup Forumstards.
Been coming to Sup Forums since May 2005.
"You're here forever" really is true.
That dude is one damn talented artist. His work is fucking excellent.
I've wondered if he lurked Sup Forums.
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None. Hillary won, Russia hacked the paper ballots so that the system would install Drumpf.
t. CIA
With magick
They got a lot of never Trumpers to sperg out like Rick Wilson, discrediting the movement
I think that helped bigly imo
Enough for the UN to do a comprehensive review of our board 'culture'.
We're on the Hiro Timeline.
>Sup Forums owned by Japanese
>Trump is president
>Sup Forums and FBI are best bros trying to arrest corrupt government elites
>Code Geass s3 in pre-production
On the original Moot timeline none of this would be happening.
>Sup Forums owned by Weeaboo
>Hillary is President
>FBI trying to arrest Sup Forums
>Darker than BLACKED season 3 in pre-production
About as much as the russians
>been here over a decade
>when you've actually taken part of both
Sup Forums was never good. That's true now more than ever.
Sup Forums most definitely influenced the election, there's really no doubt. You literally had people talking about Nazi frogs and white nationalists for weeks.
Sup Forums became an unwilling puppet of Russia, spreading ignorance and normalizing the racism and retardation that got Trump elected.
Y'all got played.
Clinton foundation generals were effective in my opinion. When something like an infograph is made, you'll instantly see it on social media etc
Never trust a white lanky/fag looking guy what an asian can do.
>Darker than BLACKED season 3 in pre-production
I don't need a s3 I just want s2 officially retconned.
been here since 2009, it's true m8
it was the russians on Sup Forums. you can identify them by their proxy canada and australia flags.
>being this new
that's ben "kike killing commando" garrison you're talking about
lurk moar
2005 is when I got here too. There is a massive overlap in users who were around for when Sup Forums was good (inb4 never good) and the anons who now frequent Sup Forums. We all grew up together.
Its impossible to say. The entire alternate media had a huge roll in the Trump victory.
Just take every election from the past and look at the main stream medias roll and replace that with the alternate media and imagine Sup Forums is CNN. Thats what Sup Forums accomplished.
Code Geass doesn't deserve to be ruined by a third season. Darker than Black needs one though, we need resolution.
I think I started around 2007. I keep coming back. When was the Dunn Goofed guy and boxxxy?
a lot of talking points were formed and refined here and laundered through allies like Ann Coulter, Cernovich, Breitbart writers, etc. and then repeated by Trump himself.
Twitter propaganda campaigns (information, misinformation, disinformation)
Feeding Rick Wilson shit and keeping him in the dark.
Pushing Wikileaks revelations on social media platforms when MSM wouldn't.
Who controls the memes, controls social media favorability, and Sup Forums directed memetic influence with precise collaborative effort during this election.
American "caricature".
Why is it so pathetic?
I haven't seen any dissent caricaturist from burgerland. Can you show me at least one non-cringe work?
You wonder if Ben "Empty My Nine Into The Welfare Line" Garrison has browsed Sup Forums?
THE Ben "Pull The Trigger On Every Nigger" Garrison?
>Dems are likely developing a strategy to win it next election cycle.
They already did develop a strategy. It's called CtR. And the fact that they're doubling down suggests that they still haven't learned their lesson.
In 4 years, maybe. But maybe not
I dono. you tell me senpai
Is that sasuke ?
No, it's patrick
That GOD DAMN racist frog!
He cant keep getting away with it#!
kys normie-trash
2016 election showed the untapped potential and power of political autism.
Anyone saying Sup Forums won Trump the election is delusional, but Sup Forums certainly played a part in the larger whole and served as the internet "ground game" with information manipulation and meme proliferation.
Yea no, it was all r/The_Donald, you guys didn't influence shit. But keep pretending you did.
Not much. You people mostly embarrassed yourself although you did easily dupe r/The_Donald into believing almost any type of moronic nonsense.
None. It was actually the working class people who listen to talk radio that Sup Forums used to make fun of during the Bush years and Faux News that voted Trump into the White House.
Sup Forums was just there to troll.
Hillary fucking talked about a frog. We must've helped somehow.