Other urls found in this thread:
Who else is /ucd/ here and shitting themselves?
>going to a college established by planters for planters and planter values
wasn't a fan of those west britons lads
Planters are the superior breed of Irish.
and daises are the superior breed of rose
UCD was literally called the Catholic University of Ireland when it opened first
They took away our potatoes.
Now we're taking away their Brexit.
Feels good.
that woman is holding an Ivory Coast flag
Irexit when lads?
We need an Irish UKIP.
Tits or Ass men?
>côte d'ivore flag
>wrong colours in the sunburst
Sounds like the new Romanian arrivals have settled in
I read Nige was on TV over there saying Ireland could leave. How was that received?
Teh Eternal Anglo has always a new trick
I heard Kerry is like the Texas of Ireland, conservative, based, religious place. Worth visiting?
Dia dhuit, is Gallfag anseo
Didn't even hear about it.
Technically we can leave without Article 50 since the Lisbon Treaty was a violation of Article 1 of the Irish Constitution.
Kerry is a shithole and the inbreeding capital of Ireland. Nice scenery but the people are genuinely retarded cousin fuckers.
What's the current political situation like in Ireland?
I know sod all and I'm too demotivated to look things up.
Well the socialists will never get in but we lack any rightwing options. It's a two-party system with two centrist parties.
And a violation of the referendum that rejected it.
United Eire when?
>Planters are the superior brand of peanuts
You bloody cunt, come out ye black and tan!
It's okay user, I understand. You can't have any pride in being a disgusting huemonkey so you have pride in being 1/16th Irish.
So how are things in the union?
Which union? If you're talking about the European Union then ask me in three years. If you're asking about the United Kingdom then you should ask Northern Ireland.
Northern Orange farmers are beginning to disagree with you senpai.
Oi lads.
I'm losing my mind here. I'm surrounded by so many Leftists. The media, the people in general, the political class, the smugness of it all....
My God, does it ever stop?
Greetings across the pond, lads.
The united kingdom won't survive the next 3 years m8
Greetings to the Brazilian heartland, lad.
Fuck off, Paki.
Oh really? Why's that?
>UCD was literally called the Catholic University of Ireland when it opened first
Please elaborate. You don't get more pro-union than orange farmers.
Don't worry lad. There are many of us. Shit's gonna start changing real soon.
Hey, c'mon now! There's no need to get violent.
>My God, does it ever stop?
time to cull rte
I just fucking with you mate, i support a united ireland since my father is irish and my mother is scottish, but that doesn't mean i want the destruction of UK by a bunch of sand niggers.
Here is Asuka as a token of friendship
Well, Identity Ireland are now officially registered and the National Party is just starting, so I have some hope.
What the fuck are you doing in the shit hole of Brazil?
No need to insult Portugal's son.
Then why are you in Brazil?
Thanks m8, UP THE RA.
Believe it or not my family owns a potato farm here since 1920.
See >Also i am very patriotic toward's Brazil, the people were very friendly to my family since they got out of the boat.
>Identity Ireland
Stick with NP lad. II is a scam.
Their leader is weak, but honestly I think if they added some more actual policies to their website and got a new leader they'd be fine.
that's basically what the NP is.
>Get btfo by potatoes
>Never contributed anything to society
Irish are such fucking worthless niggers, not even white people want you homos around
Ulster is still British. The fenians have surrendered. Martin MacGuinness now attends banquets at Windsor Castle and toasts Her Majesty's health.
We've won. There will never be a united Ireland.
>t. Jamal D'Shawn Washington Hernandez III
doc go raibh maith agat
You have to go back to Dublin.
>The fenians have surrendered.
Are you sure of that mo chara?
3 counties of Ulster are in ROI. Ulster is and always will be an Irish province.
Make the 3 million pakis go back to pakistan first oh you won't pussy fag britbeta
>He says this with the Eternal Anglo flag
Ulster's staying with Uncle Anglo, little paddy.
9001 uair i mspaint
We ask for no permission to march.
Give me Irish history, I know nothing about Ireland.
What kind of government do you guys have, what have happened in Irish history, what kind of economy does Ireland have.
>Ulster is still British
1/3rd of it isn't
drumaí Éireannacha buille fós
>What kind of government do you guys have
centre-right cuckservatives
>what have happened in Irish history
way too long to go into here
>what kind of economy does Ireland have
money-laundering tax haven
>An Irish person cured TB
Uncle ANGLO gets shafted by paki cock every day over in England so I guess they need something
I wouldn't even say Centre-Right. Trump is Centre-Right. Fine Gael are whatever the polls and the political elite want them to be.
Fine Gael are complete cucked faggots.
You wouldn't even think that they where turning quasi fascist at one point.
non-memeing how many Nigerians are there over there? And why is there high immigration from particularly that country?
who /northkildare/
County Armagh.
>Irish in Ulster
>All the protestant pages on social media are infinitely asshurt, crying about flags, marches, protests and """"""terrorists"""""""
>All the fenian pages on social media are slinging top-tier bants, shitposting on news articles to bait loyalists and generally having a blast
>Just a few more months till St Paddys comes around and the loyalist rats get triggered again
Ulster is a shithole but by fuck are loyalists fun to annoy. Even easier to trigger than tumblrinas.
This has not been my experience of Kerry? In the tourist regions most the people are fine
The IRA didn't get enough of them.
It must be the deep seated inferiority complex from the fact their entire identity is a joke.
>muh Britain even though we're not in Britain
>muh Dutch king
>muh one battle hundreds of years ago
>muh hate Irish but use the O'Neill red hand of Ulster on our sectarian flags
whats going on here?
Irish people pretending to be the niggers of Europe when they're actually in cahoots with the kikes
>tfw unionists are gonna keep voting DUP
>tfw the fear voters are gonna start dying soon
>tfw the unionist vote will splinter
>tfw the youth are far more sympathetic toward republicanism
>tfw the "IRA WERE TERRORISTS" idea is dying
>tfw the Orange Order is a joke
>tfw Unionism is a joke
>tfw anniversary commemeration of the fleg protests was laughed off the street
>tfw no matter what, I'll never be an Ulster loyalist