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It's good food you stupid nigger.

Stollen isn't a fruitcake how stupid are you? It's a saxon speciality that's only eaten around christmas and has a very special consistency and flavor.

The world just keeps getting more embarrassing for you desu.

In America this literally translates to "A festival for Faggots"


>not liking stollen

The best kind is with marzipan in the centre

Pretty fucking harsh for a country that has a BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

>implying fruitcakes aren't the shit
Kiddos these days love the "I've never eaten one, but fruitcakes are gross" meme.

Germans are insanely autistic, what did you expect?

This just confirms that Burgers are a bunch of uncivilized culture less retards.

No doubt, Achmed. One cannot argue that you're getting ALL of the cultural enrichment these days.


wtf i hate celebrating local food now

They're not great but I never understood their bad rap either. They're pretty much as wholly inoffensive as you can get.

Never got the stereotype of them being Rock hard either. That's probably just a regional thing, but any fruit cake I ever had was reasonably soft.

Sounds tasty man.

stollen is awesome you fat fuck

>They're not great
That's because most americans make them for shit filled with artificial garbage that gives them a bitter plastic taste.

I have had them abroad. They're really nothing special. Not bad but not noteworthy or spectacular.

We had to give'em something

>fruit cake festival.
Wut da fugg.

I dont understand?

Is attendance down this year because of rapefugees?

this isn't even funny you autistic faggot
i was in germany in the summer and found this apfelwein festival and it was a lot of fun, met a bunch of nice people

And yet again, the American shows it is completely retarded. Sub-Saharan DNA at work.

They have one for Lebkuchen as well. Uncultured swine.

This. It's not a fruitcake at all.

>inb4 a bunch of muh heritage Germanboos ask what a Stollen is

If you don't even know about cultural staples like that, you can fuck right off with your Aryan/central Europe whatever worship.

fruitcakes taste and smell disgusting, I don't know why they even exist

senpai, pls don't tell me you never had one of those in your life. Would recommend drinking with warm milk.

You stupid mongrel, that shit is called christstollen.
We only make it around christmas.

This board has really gone to shit. And not due to all the shilling or normies or mods or public attention, no, it's just autistic Americans making 50 "HAHAHA LOOK AT COUNTRY X" threads every day.
Welt commentary section is a better place at this point.

If your masculinity allows it, try some Stollen. It might open your mind about donuts and importing churros and whateverthefuck.

German desserts and cakes are awesome despite your childish thread about American slang.


How about a fucking Noose.

Stollen with marzipan in the middle is the only acceptable way to have it.

Yes but the rapefugees are helping themselves to German women's moist poundcake.

>In America this literally translates to "A festival for Faggots"
And what's it of our concern what it means in America?
Stollen is fucking great. Like almost all of our Christmas specialties.

Almost all of the symbols of Christmas like the "Santa Claus" and the Christmas tree originated in Germany btw.

a giant pastry festival sounds awesome tho

>And what's it of our concern what it means in America?
That is very nationalist of you, do you need auntie merkel to reeducate you on how bad nationalism is for Germany?

> Fruitcake Festival


this tbqdesufamalam

I think there's a 18 year old limit to post here.

I love stollen, esp soaked in brandy.

>he doesn't like stollen

Subhuman detected

lol, I'm all for celebrating food but fruitcake is nasty as fuck man

also germany is awful, I hate all germans

>Hur dur look how retarded i am


>a burger making fun of other nations food festivals

wtf now I hate delicious Christmas food
Turkey is gay as fuck now so I better stick to the Christmas ham

>Americans laughing about another country having a culture
>"I make up my own translation of a century old pastry thats synonymous with homosex and then laugh about how stupid Germans are"

I hope based russkies nuke your cancer of a country

ITT: americans triggered by any form of fruit consumption

>Laughing about Stollen-Festival
>Celebrating Black Friday

Mmmm, Stollen, herrlich. Haven't had any so far but now it's at the top of my list.

How does this make you feel, honestly?


Pretty much all Wintergames are about getting down of a mountain and you fat Burgerlads have the gravity on your site.

Stollen is God tier tho

Tbh you should be excited that the best country in the world takes interest in your quaint weirdbread.


>not enjoying a moist fruitcake in your mouth, tenderly biting on it and swallowing afterwards

Why doesn't Germany ever place at the cooking Olympics though? Rouladen is breddy gud, but stick to sausages and beer.

But burgers are delicious and dare I say even good for you

I love the thought of german women being defiled by inbred sexual deviants. It's so dirty and naughty. How can we resist such temptation?
-George soros

>Cooking Olympics

Never heard of that. Sounds like one of your sports, your nation is pretty good at, because nobody else would play that.

Good post fellow lover of freedom. You euro-poor fruits don't know nutrition.

Didn't Santa Claus originate from the Low countries "Sinterklaas"?

So what are you doing here and not in Germany celebrating your day???

It's a French invention, you should be able to compete with the French...

Indeed, a burger is everything you need sandwiched beetween two buns.

I mean is there anything better than a burger, fries and a milkshake? Yuropoors will never understand

>second place
>first loser
nothing i would be personally proud of familia

from time to time they are
talking about real burgers done by a proper chef, not the McDonalds/Burger King shit

>Americans don't know eating fruitcakes in Christmas is a tradition
>American education

This is the kind of whacky stuff Germany used to do, now things have changed.

Why are all German foods shit though? If they were good you'd be able to compete with at least the French..

We have fruit cakes here in the US user. They are popular around this time of year.

>all German foods
nigger please
german food isn't all about Sauerkraut and Sausage
visit a traditional tavern in southern germany/Bavaria and order anything from the menu then get back here and tell me you didn't like what you got served

Mostly to do with two things:

1) Climate
2) Monarchy/Centralism

You'll notice that most Northern countries have a shitty cuisine because we have to pickle everything or can't grow many things or don't have certain flavours.

And the French cuisine benefitted a lot from certain aristocrats pulling everyone with talent to one city and sponsoring them in arts and things like cooking. Germany did too but less centralised and more focused on literature and music, similar to Austria.
When it comes to baking and desserts I'd say Austria and Germany rank among the highest.

As for modern days, nobody in Germany really cares about cooking and food anymore and it's seen as a trash job.

Plus we now hate our traditions so nothing is passed on and whenever there's any kind of competition, the winner is something crazy progressive like farting on your vegetables or serving them raw to symbolize the struggle of the vulnerable or whatever.

Things have mostly changed with glucose syrup, palm fat and the likes. 90% of Stollen tastes like shit now.

Yeah. I count that as Greater Germany usually.
It may not politically the same but we're the same cultural sphere and that's what I was talking about.

Fruitcakes were a food item long before we used the term to describe homosexuals

OP is an edgy kid, he's trying to jump on the "call Germany cucks" bandwagon but he doesn't quite understand what he's doing and failing pretty bad.

I agree, but at the same time there are also a shit load of "Amerifat's btfo" threads that are just leaf shitting.

Better fruit cakes than cocks (Although they'll probably do that too)

My friend's German mother let me try this once. My friend called it 'good dessert', I call it fucking crap. It had a hard crust, the inside was dry as fuck and it was covered in flour or some shit. Then there were the little fruit things that I couldn't even identify! Trash!

sounds like your friends german mom can't bake for shit
if done right it tastes quite good, damn sweet but still

No, I think she did good. Everything else she's ever made was great. I just didn't like it.

>mom can't bake for shit
Baking is Haram anyway.

It's powdered sugar.
A real christstollen isn't dry, you also eat it buttered.

In 10 years from now Germany will celebrate Zwarte Pieten too, but without make-up.

German good isn't good though. Bavarian food is influenced a lot by surrounding countries. Gulasch isn't German, neither is curry wurst but those are the 2 foods you faggots keep trying to cram down my throat when visiting family.

That's probably why Wolfgang Puck moved to California to become a multi millionaire. Cooking, like all hospitality work, is based on pleasing people.
You do know that there are other regions than bravery in germany right?

meant bavaria

nothing i would consider Bavaria food
Gulasch gets served in the military during field trips because its damn cheap and easy to make will providing lots of proteins
sounds like your family is piss poor and/or white trash

>inb4 whats a Gulaschkanone

It's a German tradition too, you know.
You can find it everywhere in the North West.

I'm aware, it's all gross.

Idk man. Herring salad and rouladen are also super gross.

>curry wurst
>not german

Oh don't forget about Weisswurst and pinkelwurst. God that shit is gross. Korn and trockenbarrenauslese are the only "good" things in German kitchens.

knockwurst is not gross

Indians living in Germany aren't German. I know kebab and falafel are the new "it" street foods there, but come on man...these faggots are getting sausage carts outlawed. I'm going to he happy as fuck when my trip for Christmas is over.

We're saving that one for you, Pablo.

we already celebrate Krampus/Krampuslauf to scare the living shit out of evil children and most recently also sandniggers

>rouladen are also super gross
Now you did it. Meet me IRL, i have to smack some sense into you.

Sounds haram

Knockwurst tastes exactly like bologna and hotdogs...gross.

do fruitcakes trigger americans ?