the term "redpill" was invented by two transwomen
good job Sup Forums oy vey
the term "redpill" was invented by two transwomen
good job Sup Forums oy vey
Other urls found in this thread:
Should only Nazis be using the German Autobahn?
I should've used a different example, considering I'm on Sup Forums.
At least the one on the right looks like a woman, albeit an ugly one
It makes it even funnier.
Well...since you ask.
Are Matrix bad movies?
No he doesn't, you just have low standards
Charles Manson not those two out-of-ideas plagiarist freaks. Fuck off.
FYI It's a well known NWO ZOG tactic and operation to feed influential people hormones that make them crazy and do shit like the poor wychowski brothers.
I thought it was from the Matrix
they overdosed on it
The first Matrix is arguably the best scifi/dystopian movie ever created. When it came out it was revolutionary as fuck desu.
The second one is a generic action movie but still fun to watch.
Three is garbage.
>This fucking thread again.
>The first Matrix is arguably the best scifi/dystopian movie ever created. When it came out it was revolutionary as fuck desu.
I'd actually agree with that.
If it's not the greatest it's certainly the greatest in it's niche.
Relativity was invented by a jew
Considering The Matrix is totally ripped off from Dark City and sanitised of its Jew-wise wisdom then marinaded in New Age gobbledygook...yes. They even reused the sets.
Dark City>>>>>>>>>>Gaytrix and The Strangers are a metaphor for the Jews.
Charles Manson who rots in gaol having killed no one and refused the right to testify at his own trial because a (((Hollywood))) pedophile ring was being protected.
I smell a useless weak fatbrain.
It's just the allegory of the cave with a sci fi paint job. So really it was created by a cis het male patriarch shitlord, check mate snowflakes
Because transgenderism is redpilled.
They were not faggots when they shot matrix
(((They))) fucked with wachowski brothers heads because they were shooting dangerous movies trying to redpill the public
Anyone see Incorporated ? It was pretty cool but I didnt pay full attention. Im gonna go back and watch on demand
Get back to us with a full report.
>the matrix ripped off dark city
By that logic Dark City ripped off of Metropolis since it was the first film to use the dystopian jewish overlords meme.
Matrix is still better than Dark City, lil China
Wow those two semen demons are hot
Whats her name?
No, it was invented by two white men.
It was only after the Jew got to them did they become walking abominations.
>thinking Sup Forums will say no
Threads that bring this up usually fall like a rock. Sup Forums isn't comfortable with the cornerstone of its ideology being founded by degeneracy and has no satisfactory answer.
Actually the notion first appears in Total Recall 1990
They are just Sup Forums posters on the fifteenth or so level of irony.
you mean blokes in wigs
>tfw no robowaifu
The Fagkowskis visited Dark City's set many times. Fuck off with your risible cinema student inane defensive gibberings.
I'm French not ugly or poor and can beat you up.
Huh. An actual retard. Downs?
This challenges nothing in Sup Forums. We do not give a shit about cultural appropriation. If the message is good, the messenger is irrelevant. You, on the other hand, should stop using that computer, internet, phone, clothes and pretty much everything else, since those were invented by mostly heterosexual white men.
Was the red pill in We Can Remember It for You Wholesale?
Damn like everything is a ripoff.
What a cuck
Actually, it was Lewis Carroll, but thanks for playing.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. It's not always 'a ripoff' to use what others have found to be good. In fact, it's essential to advance our society.
They're also very open about how much anime like GiTS influenced and directed their film. Does that make it a "ripoff?"
Maybe if you're a mouthbreather who doesn't understand the concept of homage.
so was bluepil
xey overdosed on blue
>americans couldnt defeat nazis (without help from soviets)
>americans couldnt defeat vietnamese farmers
>americans couldnt defeat middleeastern goat herders
what makes most americans think they stand any chance against russia?
The Matrix ripped off Ghost in the Shell.
I always thought it was total faggotry anyway, just like 'rightful clay', 'banter' and a lot of other ultimate faggot shit uttered here.
is being trans the ultimate redpill?
>chinese taipei calling others useless or weak
lmaoing @ ur life 2b desu w/ u
We should tone down our language and be more inclusive and diverse, am I right? And if you think about it, communism is not that bad, am I right?
Thank you Russia
I dont know how many times we have to tell people
Total Recall.
2 hacks who stole Alice In Wonderland/Kung Fu movies/Anime and who are totally blue pilled "invented" nothing.
They get credit for making a cool movie, the first one, that's it.
Sage this gay thread
It's the ultimate bluepill. Wanting to go back into the simulation and be controlled (they literally were feminized by a dominatrix) because the truth is too scary to deal with.
Except in The Gaytrix it's white male proxies of alien A.I. ruining/running the world while in Dark City it's racially alien Jews exploiting social engineering night after night. The Gaytrix totally stole its main (waaaay overused) FX gimmick from Buffalo 66 another unrelated but much more insightful and superior film.
This is what happens when you inspired by Ghost in the Shell but then start watching moe anime and end up with My Little Pony
But the pill in Total Recall is actually a fake, it's really a sleeping pill, after which they take you and wipe your memories.
...did they convey this to you via Tranny signalling or your Gaytrix ultra super special edition re-issue BluRay?
Fuck off cunt.
>redpill meme gains enormous power
>deep state in effort to discredit it spends millions blackmailing these two to become trans
>just to shitpost about it on Sup Forums once
>nobody cares
have you not been redpilled about the redpill yet?
>The first Matrix is arguably the best scifi/dystopian movie ever created
>When it came out it was revolutionary as fuck
The entire thing is literally copy pasted ideas and concepts from an anime movie
I'm a 100 kilo Frog with the Amerikan equivalent of a 34 inch waist. Even your imaginary girlfriend would fuck me then laugh about you afterward.
The way the camera was used was revolutionary you mong. Find me one instance of fight scenes/bullet time created by using multiple revolving cameras prior to the matrix.
>Wanting to go back into the simulation and be controlled because the truth is too scary to deal with
You've got it reversed senpai. What you said there is what cishet males do. Your identity of masculinity was fabricated for you, to make you enthusiastic for your role as a lifelong slave to your wife and Jewish employer. You're a human battery and your output is money for others. Once you're tapped out you're thrown away.
The Matrix was not the first movie to have a bullet time scene and it certainly wasn't the first movie to have fight scenes with multiple revolving cameras, chinese kung fu movies had been doing that since the 70s if not earlier.
It was only "revolutionary" to little kids and casual movie goers that had never seen those things before since they typically aren't in western films.
You could stop being a faggot instead.
Buffalo '66 faggot. You are truly your mum's son.
These threads always turn into threads about the occult.Thats why they did this to themselves ffs.
>The first Matrix is arguably the best scifi/dystopian movie ever created.
Get the fuck out of here.
>The entire thing is literally copy pasted ideas and concepts from an anime movie
No, not just one anime movie, but many iconic anime / martial arts movies. That's why it was so good, it borrowed the best bits and put them all into one movie.
>the "redpill" was just another Jewish trick
What's the real truth?
The best dystopian movie ever made wasn't SciFi but actually a reality for the underclass in Amerika was shot in 12 days for 39K US$.
Laws of Gravity
Literally no scene in that used multiple revolving cameras to create a bullet time effect. It froze frames and panned around them. Maybe your autistic hatred of the Matrix is making you grasp for straw that aren't there.
total recall
You are a fucking useless fat Mong even the terrible Lost in Space utilised it after they saw Buffalo '66 footage. I think your Red Pills are slathered in man gravy.
No. Brothers Wachowskis invented it.
And these transwomen are what they came to be after degeneracy and artistic crisis.
>Tfw tranny
>Tfw bigots follow me like I'm the Pied Piper
We designed your entire movement with the mass media. Our goal was to liberate you. In 2016, 1/5th of the human race woke up. Your job is now to wake up the other 4/5ths.
We couldn't do it alone - we needed mass consensus. The mind is a Quantum Set of States defined by the positions and properties of the molecules in your body, and moving or changing those molecules changes the qSoS, which changes consciousness. This consciousness controls the body, which controls consciousness in a loop.
The external world is a reflection of your internal world. When you chose the Trumpverse, you performed a magical ritual which externalized your will. Anything is now possible. If you'd like help controlling your powers, you can email me or my friend at;
[email protected]
[email protected]
The community page is at;
Point 1 is a "what if"
Point 2 is BS. Congress and president tied military hands in Vietnam. Even NVA admitted they were about to fold when we pulled out.
3. Those goat hurders fucked up the USSR
Interesting, I've looked it up and it's an actual red-pill in Total Recall:
>Total Recall features a red pill which is offered to Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, Douglas Quaid, by one Dr. Edgemar. He is told "it's a symbol—of your desire to return to reality."
>No blue pill is present in the film
So basically Wachowski invented a BLUE pill instead :^)
Right one is passable.
Braille keyboard? How does that work exactly?
Just more proof that people need hardship in their lives. Too much time on easy street leads to people changing genders, developong pedophilia, or watching anime.
don't be such a tsundere user, everyone love anime
Kek had a consort, Keket. This is typical of Paganism. Part of the Ennead who numbered nine, they were reflected in the Vedic pantheon - which features hermaphroditic fusion deities.
In Egypt, they had Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky.) In Greece, they had Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky.) Could it be that you have pairs; Geb-Gaia and Nut-Uranus? First Earth was divided from Sky, and then male was divided from female.
In February, 2015, three hermaphrodites descended from Heaven on a beam of light; Brahma-Saraswati; Vaikuntha Kamalaja; and Ardhanarishvara. They told me to start a cult, and get young white men to save the white race by turning into hermaphrodites and having white children.
Dark city is so fucking dull. It's one of the dullest films I've ever seen, and I've seen Russian classics.
Perhaps they should have incorporated some rapefugee characters? Fuck off Eisenstein.
Show one god damn example of a rotating camera in 70's kung fu movies you fuck.
Wait what?
I was rememebering that one of the wachowskis transitioned, but now? All two? I'm wrong or the first who transitioned said he was feeling to be alone? But how? His brother was an abomination too!
We are truly in the end of times..
Watch the Director's Cut. Very different movie.
I've never seen such sore losers as you americans.
I thought it was from the Matrix?
Yes, they are known as the Wachowski sisters now.
We took over those goat herders country then gave it back to them.
Gaytrix fanbois: for (You)
Do they NOT mope around for two hours mumbling about a postcard and then shoot mindbullets at each other in that version?
They OD'd on the redpill
Where do you think you are?