A Tale of 2 Niggers: Trayvon and Tyrone

Worth another look, though it is a story from 2012. It shows how the media lies and shades the truth.

>...in Tulsa, an elderly couple was attacked in their home. They had been married for 65 years and lived in the same house since 1950.


> A week ago, another "teen" (who is actually 20 years old) broke into their home and attacked the elderly and ill couple.

> Tyrone Woodfork raped and killed the 85 year old lady. He left her 90 year old husband for dead, but he survived.

> Curiously, the national media did not report on this killing. And, unlike the Zimmerman shooting, they did not mention race.



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The media has power.

And a leftist agenda.

And a fear of the negro.

So no wonder that no one believes them anymore.

savages deserve the rope

Tyrone got life in prison.

>Tulsa man, 22, found guilty of raping and beating an 85-year-old woman to death and shooting her husband in the face


He raped the old lady and then murdered them both.

Don't they have the death penalty in Oklahoma? Why didn't they use it?


RAMZPAUL is the conscience of those of us who consider ourselves traditional conservatives.

Pat Buchanan also.

Good men, both.


Remember how the media sanctified Michael Brown, using words like Gentle Giant, and a bunch of them holding up their hands in "solidarity" with Mike Brown, throwing their supposed objectivity down the shitter.

The day was much like any other day for Michael Brown. He was heading home for a healthy meal and some MCAT prep after a day spent building habitats and feeding the homeless, with a box of Bibles in his arms and dreams of attending medical school.

But His life was taken from the world so senselessly and needlessly on 9 August, 2014. 2 years and 4 months ago.

He lay in the street, doing nothing, for hours.

RIP Gentle Giant.

Rest In Peace.

The world lost a first class mind and a world class heart.

>Miami woman doesn’t remember Valentine’s Day attack

>Recovery not complete — she still needs physical and speech therapy

>Her new roommate was charged with attempted murder


Never give a nigger a key to your home Anons.

Niggers cause trouble. Never ever trust niggers.

Niggers have no problem attacking and killing white kids.

Even when the white family had once given one of the black killers food and clothes and a place to stay when he was in need.

2 feral negroes killed a little girl and her 21 year old uncle.

They let them in the house to use the bathroom because THE WHITE FAMILY HAD TAKEN IN THE BLACK MAN WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. The whites had fed him and given him a place to stay, when he needed it. So the nigger brings in another nigger who kills them to rob them. The white family was targeted because they had been charitable to a black teen.

Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.

>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.

>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.

>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.



>bottle of cough syrup


Niggers don't understand irony, apparently.

Niggers are experienced at excusing the bad behavior of other niggers.

See pic related.

They show no care at all that their nigger relative was robbing an old white lady's house and the old lady was forced to ventilate the nigger.

Imagine how the old lady is going to sleep at night knowing she killed another person?

>Even when the white family had once given one of the black killers food and clothes and a place to stay when he was in need

>around blacks

Too bad they had to learn it the hard way. Fuck niggers

maybe because one is a clear cut case of rape and murder while the other one was slightly vague and allowed lawyers and the dindu media to paint trayvon as a saint

>the other one was slightly vague


I STILL feel sorry for Zimmerman. He did his neighborhood watch job and was vilified for it.

Be grateful for no blacks in the Czech Republic. Prague is a paradise.

Niggers are unappreciative.

For a young black teen they sure did put a lot of alcohol there to remember him by.

Not a drop was wasted.

It is interesting that no one in the media remarked that Michael Brown was 3 years too young to drink, yet the DINDU SHRINE was full of intoxicants.

>that meme picture

KKK had to lynch blacks to keep them in check when they were raping and killing

Despite what you hear, there really is no KKK in America.

And in the 20th Century, not a single black was lynched by the KKK, even in the 1920s, when it had power.

The KKK is Black fantasy these days. And a Jewish tool to use against blacks.

Because ask any Jew - a boogeyman is useful in making people do what you want them to do.

The reason blacks were well behaved in the old days is BECAUSE of segregation, ironically enough.

When blacks, lower IQ hominids that they are, were able to ape white culture in their own communities, they were better off. Do they have a good moral compass? No. Adult Blacks have the emotional capability of an 11 year old white kid. But they managed, through church and the few blacks on the far right side of the Bell Curve.

They were so much better off before integration.

Back in segregation days they had their own teachers, their own doctors, and their own lawyers.

Not as good as whites, maybe, but sufficient for the black community.

So they had an infrastructure of respected elders.

Once integration happened, then their infrastructure collapsed.

Add to that the evils of LBJs Great Society, which further destroyed the Black Family, and you have a cauldron of evil, buffoonery, and chaos wherever blacks live.

>Just as Hillary's mentor, Saul Alinsky, wanted.