Good going idiots, you elected a russian plant as president

Good going idiots, you elected a russian plant as president.
>Buh Putin is a gud giy
fuck off dumbass, he pays people to spread propaganda about him.
good luck. the electoral college will NOT stand for this.

>you elected a russian plant as president
Thanks Russia!

That'll be real funny when Putin invades Ukraine.

>you elected a russian plant as president.
t. unnamed wapo source


>Le I know more than the CIA XD

Ukraine is not really a country anyway. Let me know when they get to Poland.

Nice 'appeal to authority' fallacy, faggot


I don't get it. Why does Sup Forums hate Trump all the sudden?

>First they came for Ukraine, I did not care for Ukraine was not a country anyway

I've always hated him.

>he blindly supports the institution that got us into iraq for greater israel
You couldn't be a better goy if you tried

Any actual country I might care. The area known as Ukraine is half Poland and half Russia.

>Good going idiots, you elected a russian plant as president.

we liked that option over the Saudi plant

no proof hillary was in bed with SA, Trump and Putin however...

Putin wants to bring Christianity back and thats good enough for me.

Wait, Trump had sex with Putin?!

>SVR claims Saudi Kind funded Hillary campaign
see how that works

Please stop posting fake news, thank you.

>t.Breitbart reader

why do you assholes keep replying to these shill threads.

That's real funny, considering Trump's dealings with Saudi Arabia. In particular, a certain Saudi prince who bailed him out on more than one occasion . . .

but we get bread and circus too
>pic related

So? It's Russian clay

Drumpsters will never respond to this, unfortunately..

>pays people to spread propaganda about him.
what is advertising

It's just as much Russia's clay as Texas is Mexico's

this is a bait thread

remember to sage


Wait wasn't he a hillary plant?

Okay so and that effects us why?

Except the fact that the saidis donated hundreds of millions to her foundation and campaign

>First they came for Ukraine, I did not care for I was not in Ukraine.
wow, good job detective!

Do I have your permission to save that picture OP?

[spoiler]Just kidding, it's mine already.[/spoiler]

You are an idiot if you think donations aren't for leverage.

Texas is Mexican clay.

Also. Half of Germany is Russian clay

I support a Russian Europe

Reminder that liberals ACTUALLY believe that only way to have peace is to start WW3 with Russia. That's why they want Hillary.


>wah wah wah people read Hillary's emails and found out that she's a lying, deplorable scumbag!!!

>how dare people learn the truth about our evil queen!! Waaaaaahh!!!

A choice between a slav plant and a snigger plant. We still made the right choice.

How'd the recount go? That was going to give you the proof you needed it was the russians, right?

Got any? No? My secret CIA assessment tells me you're a faggot.

how much do you get paid CTRfag?