How do we make belgium great again? Should we vote PTB? Seems it's the only party they're all scared and pissed about
How do we make belgium great again? Should we vote PTB? Seems it's the only party they're all scared and pissed about
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Flanders joins us, the French bit fucks off. Then we spend the next couple of years bringing your roads up to our level.
>the French bit fucks off.
The french speaking region don't want anything to do with you anyway. Also I wonder why you think flemish people wants to join you ? I never heard nva or vlaams belang promising to join the netherlands
Come home
Is there actually a party in Wallonia that is against refugees and kebab?
Em i said the French bit fucks off because we dont have anu link with them, and neither do they with us. Thing is if you seperate from the French bit you will be even more of a non country.
only one way
fuck michel and fuck walloons
Yes, look up Parti Populaire.
It's not going to happen anyway because they couldn't divide brussels and both side wants it.
Belgium unite
There is the PP (People's party), but they are never invited in the media therefore nobody knows them, and their leader is (((Modrikamen))).
The revolution will not come from Wallonia.
>dvw te slim om op NVA te stemmen
>ken dat gevoel
Even if Modrikamen is a jew the party is still /biased. Jew does not equal to zionism or new world order. If that was the case the PP would not have such manifeste in the first place.
bekijk men dubbels voor VB
only if you up the highway speedlimit to 120km/u
Het probleem met de N-Va is dat het niet echt een volkspartij is. Als de N-VA meer links was (voor de arbeider), zou het een 10/10 partij zijn.
Volgende stem wordt VB
Friendly reminder that we have a belpol riot:
Yes I agree and I have already voted for them, but Wallonia is too cucked/ controlled by the socialists and freemasons
en met links bedoel ik economisch, de rest maakt me niet uit
explain pierre
>Amsterdam als hoofdstad
>niet Antwerpen
lol you're owned by the eu
>Wallonia is too cucked/ controlled by the socialists and freemasons
PS is losing votes every day. Their end is near. Redpill your friends and family for uncucking, don't wait for a party to do it. As long as we don't change our non attitude towards politics in general nothing will change in the Walloon region.
>fighting for Bruxelles
Just loot and bomb the whole place.
The Michels and Di Rupo and other PS leaders are all FM
Historically, what unites the socialists and the liberals (centre right) in french-speaking belgium is their anti-christian stance
how much percent did pp have in the last election ?
PS is only losing votes to the PTB (litterally stalinist/ SJW) and I have zero interest in the cuckservative other parties.
does everybody in wallonia know this ?
Di rupo might be a pedo tbf , after all he is a fag
The PS have dirty hands, let's put it that way.
Google Grand Orient de Belgique.
this... Brussels is a mess
It's the capital of the EU and at the same time the capital of the European Isis group
>commie cucks
Unfortunately only Flanders has decent parties. Wallonia is cuck after cuck.
Fire bomb no go zones
je haalt de woorden uit men mond jongeheer
Something like this
about 4%
In Hainaut, the total votes for anti-immigrants parties was 13%, but they had 0 (zero) seats despite us have proportionnal representation, because nobody reached the threshold.
There meme parties wich are government funded simply to dilute the far right vote and prevent them to win any seats.
In my opinion,
Flanders does make an independant country with special links with The Netherlands.
But not become a part of Netherlands.
A kind of Flemish Luxembourg....
lol butthurt much? Belgium is already small enough. I'd rather have it that Flanders joins Holland. Wilders would be quite useful here.
Except keep Eupen-Malmedy and take Luxembourg. Take the rest of Limburg and Flanders from Netherlands if not complete union.
Full scale Syria type invasion that's the only way. Belgium too cucked, where do we start walk in from France or sail bye England, walk in from Germany or walking from Netherlands. 5,000 rebels can save Europe cuz Europe is so weak. It would be easy for all of us from US, Hungary, France, Germany. All we have to do is go to Belgium and start shooting.
Walloon Parliament: 4,89%
Brussels Parliament: 1,94%
European Parliament: 2,18%
Never mind for Wallonia and Brussels.
They are condemned with Muslims and Wallonie people.
Nevermind for Brussels Sacrifice,
Antwerp or Gent will replace it....
pff thats bad wallonia will never have a right wing non globalist party in charge
Around 500k people need to be deported which accounts for 10% of the Belgian population. Make no mistake we are very aware of this.
We don't. Belgium is a particracy run by Free Mason and PC bullshit.
Also the "cordon sanitaire" :
"Beginning in the late 1980s, the term was introduced into the discourse on parliamentary politics by Belgian commentators. At that time, the far-right Flemish nationalist Vlaams Blok party began to make significant electoral gains. Because the Vlaams Blok was considered a racist group by many, the other Belgian political parties committed to exclude the party from any coalition government, even if that forced the formation of grand coalition governments between ideological rivals. Commentators dubbed this agreement Belgium's cordon sanitaire. In 2004, its successor party, Vlaams Belang changed its party platform to allow it to comply with the law. While no formal new agreement has been signed against it, it nevertheless remains uncertain whether any mainstream Belgian party will enter into coalition talks with Vlaams Belang in the near future. Several members of various Flemish parties have questioned the viability of the cordon sanitaire. Critics of the cordon sanitaire claim that it is also undemocratic."
Btw, even far-right parties are zionist.
It's a beginning, better than nothing. They became very active on social media since the last election though. They took full profit of the refugee crisis to attract more people to their pages (facebook etc) which is a good thing. I'd expect them to get 10% next election. The media is boycotting the party which is why their growth.
This, biggest belgian meme & the reason why belgium will never be great
>why their growth.
is slow*
>Btw, even far-right parties are zionist.
>lol butthurt much?
Not at all, i was asking a legitimate question. In every thread it's the same, flanders should join netherlands and wallonia france but we have no idea if people would actually agree to this. A few posters on Sup Forums do not represent millions of voices not only here in belgium but in netherlands and france too
Independent states and one army when? Everything else is just a joke and everyone knows it.
So what are you saying, armed rebellion in Netherlands first and then go from there, that a fight in Antwerp would cascade into the rest of Central Europe.
>Never mind for Wallonia and Brussels.
>They are condemned with Muslims
Where is LDD? It's the only alternative to VB as it is Flemish-nationalist, right-wing libertarian, anti-immigration and also really into confederalism at least or independence if it's a must
Also: no cordon sanitaire and they can absorb votes from VLD/VB/NVA
+ Jean Marie is based as fuck
>Een fucking Al-Nusra vlag
Just fuck my country shit up
>The Flemish hate the Dutch more than the commie Walloons
But I already like Belgium a lot, I don't care if it's not as wealthy as it potentially could be.
Fuck Michel en fuck walen
Oh boy if we got those Walloons off our back we would enter a new golden age.
Antwerp gives like 70% of its tax base to keep those commies in Brussels afloat.
I can only imagine what will happen if we could funnel that money to our underdeveloped but crucial harbor and roads going from the Netherlands/Germany to France logistically.
Ghent and with the port of Brugge will give us a small Hegemony of the logistics of western Europe.
If we could join the Netherlands combined with Rotherdam/Amsterdam will give us an economy greater than Texas.
Zijn er nog vlaamse kikebook-pagina's ?
"Hippe en obscure internetcultuur met sarcastische ondertoon"-pagina is verwijderd door dien landwhale
I wish Flemmish people could see the bigger picture about the issues we have in common.
What's the goal with Vlaanderen Onafhankelijk if it's only going to last for a few years before it becomes part of the caliphate?
>fuck walen
Absolutely aberrant.
Yes jan! The ethno European people are your enemy! Don't be worried about being out-bred to extinction by mudslimes and africans!
Vlammende Vlaamsche memes
Vlaamse meme orde
De meesten zijn ça va tot grappig brhalve de sarcastische psychoot, slechte memes.
vlammende vlaemsche memes maar die is bijlange niet zo grappig spijtig genoeg
Die gast zou zijn pagina echt terug moeten aanmaken
Er komt een tweede zwarte zondag aan, o.a. deel nv-a kiezers keert terug naar vl bl.
We don't European people we hate your BS, big difference Walloon.
I never said that, I asked a question. When was the last time they actually asked the whole flanders if they would prefer to have an independent flanders or join the netherlands ?
Altijd grappig om te zien dat er figuren zijn die Nederland willen joinen. Dit zal NOOIT gebeuren, let it go pippo's of pak u valies en vertrek zelf.
*We don't hate*
Only one way
without you we wouldnt even have a problem with muslims
I will never forget it was the eternal baguette that flood our capital with subhuman maghrebis just because they speak french . Fuck you you stupid walloon , in flanders we have had a majority rightish political field for the last 20 years , without you literal gaulic disgusting commies leeching financially and ideologically we would be the most based country in western europa
Apprends la différence entre une question et une affirmation. Je ne sais pas, vous êtes censés être plus intelligents, plus brillants que le sud, n'est-ce pas ?
Good luck you guys, loved you're country when I was there. Got a longggg road ahead of you.
The brainwashing is strong with you.
Ik ben een Vlaming trouwens, maar ik ben duidelijk meer bezorgt om de 1/3 jonge kinderen die van vreemde herkomst is in ons land. Dit getal stijgt trouwens, moest je hieraan twijfelen.
Brave Vlaming. Allemaal de schuld van de Walen! Ga morgen maar braaf werken voor leefloon en buurthuis te betalen aan de (((vluchtelingen))).
Vlaanderen Onafhankelijk.
Vlaams Belang more like Israel Belang.
>maar ik ben duidelijk meer bezorgt om de 1/3 jonge kinderen die van vreemde herkomst is in ons land
Oh bravo jij verdient een schouderklop op je rug vriend.
Zoon moreel superioriteit.
>Zoon moreel superioriteit.
Eerder een moreel prioriteit.
i litteraly heard once about them it was circa 2010 when they formed. Will vote for them
En je eigen stad of de mensen in het algemeen die er in wonnen niet zeker?
Hun welvaart en cultuur heeft geen prioriteit?
Mijn prioriteit is de ethno Europese bevolking van mijn land en niet enkel één regio/stad/dorp van het land.
Vlaamse onafhankelijkheid/confederalisme staat op de 2de plaats bij mij.
>Will vote for them
Awesome. I hope that a lot of people from the French community will do the same.
Luik christmass market got evacuated right now.
There are policeman blocking the mark and the road
Wtf is happening ?
Vote vote u fool, too many fucking parties, too many influences, only the arabs are willing to fight, why because they believe in god and an afterlife, Belgians don't. There willing to risk there lives, there freedom for something they feel is greater. Belgium on the other may not, so they talk about vote vote P.P there is no way Junkers And Merkel will allow a pop right party to exist there. Your only choice is to fight.
Flemmish are pretty much inclined toward right wings governement right now and I must admit that the NVA is pretty based even if they hate my kind
But to be honest a lot of people from walloonia are cucked. We just don't have a good party to vote for
Hoping for another happening.
The more happenings the more redpills for the Walloon population.
Yellow and brown is right wing
The problem is Wallonia, They will always vote left, CDH or Liberal
So we're cucked
Non country
Hou deze jongen maar in de gaten.
Heb net z'n interview in den Humo gelezen. Maakt brandhout van elke idiote "gotcha" vraag die ze hem voor de voeten werpen. Is in staat om de boodschap over te brengen zonder marginale carnavalsstoten zoals Filip Dewinter.
Ziet eruit als de ideale schoonzoon.
Veel mensen voelen zich verraden door de cuckservatieve houding van NVA en zullen terug overstappen naar VB.
Niet pesten aub.
way better; there would be an ideological darwinism between these states and in 20 year there would be no more socialism
Seven fucking parties, no wonder your so fucked, then that settles it, we will have to invade Wallonia fitting since the worlds greatest arms manufacturer is located there all the better the need to smuggle weapons from the US will be unnecessary.
This man is our lord and savior.
-t french speaking brusseleir
Good invading that bitch will be easy!
Interessant. Had ik nog nooit van gehoord. Lijkt mij persoonlijk veel beter dan hereniging met Nederland.
Ik betwijfel het ten zeerste dat de Vlamingen niet compleet overdonderd zouden worden door de 'Ollanders bij een Verenigd Nederland. Daar komt nog bij dat er zeer sterke religieuze en cultuurverschillen zijn. Om nog te zwijgen over die gasten hun "nederhop" probleem.
Het blazoen bevalt mij ook wel.