why does tuck always have the same expression
what did he mean by this?
is he /ourguy/?
Why does tuck always have the same expression
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He puts this stupid face on so the interviewee feels superior - they then always underestimate him und dont anticipate his response in which he makes clear he very well knows more about the given subject than the interviewee.
Simple yet effective.
Would that be the
>when she's concerned about hateful rhetoric but just called her opponent Hitler
It is what happens when you stare at the dumb too long.
trump is literally hitler because of climate change
Tuck was popular in the early 2000s on CNN and shit
He got so btfo by based Leibowitz, his career took literally 10 years to recover
Someone make gifs with a fly buzzing around his face
>He got so btfo by based Leibowitz
No he didn't.
the expression is saying "is this nigga serious"
>when a lefty is chatting utter bollocks
>leftist Jewish shill
Pick one. Based does not mean what you think it does, CTR cunt.
>And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.
they always leave with their willies tucked
>when you know who's really running the world
I was a junior in college at the time. Carlson was a bigtime pundit and on all the shows
You didn't hear shit about him for 10 years after this epic btfo
Im not a leibowitz fan, but this is true
>based Leibowitz
Kys, 14yr old dipshit.
you'd have a stupid look stuck on your face too if the littany of bullshit guests he's forced to suffer you too had to suffer
All he does is strawman. It would make sense for him to be yourguy.
His career took 10 years to recover because he insisted on wearing that faggy bowtie.
Stewart is a smug prick in this.
>Im not a leibowitz fan, but this is true
Stewart uses the guise of comedy to get "serious" and throw his ideological views into comedy zingers then turns around and calls other people phony.
He nose.
>All he does is strawman.
Yep, check out this strawman he uses in this interview.
>when they call you stupid but expect the world to act on their word alone
Carlson aged much better.
Boy, is he ever. He plays that game where what he's doing is important, but when pressed, it's all ironic comedy. Slimy motherfucker and he'll pay in the next world.
He basically tries to rustle their jimmies until they lose composure. It's pretty clear what he's doing when he always says something insulting or provocative in his opening line.
You are foolish and think every point anyone makes, or any analogy, is a strawman. If that were true, everything Jesus ever said is a strawman. That true?
Kek has spoken
he baits good.
>hurr trump appointed someone who sued the EPA to run the EPA
>okay what did they sue about
>idk lol something the NYT called secret bads or whatever
he just knows what they don't know and forces them to either talk around it or admit it and it's so funny
nice strawman
Jennifer Rubin is evil. Not an anti-semite but God damn that bitch is making a strong case to be one
That expression is incredulity. I think it's an intimidation tactic
that is the face of a hemorrhoid sufferer.
t. experience speaking
Is Tucker sperg?
she's putrescent
>It's not about learning what they think
The video just proves my point. Strawman and red herrings galore.
The congressman is arguing that we need to fight against Russia attempts to meddle in our election process, but then Tucker tries to make it seem like the congressman is trying to stop people from seeing information that is already out there, ie doing authoritarian shit. Then he tries (and fails) to make the congressman look like he only cared about this situation because Hillary lost, and then tries to make the argument about whether or not Putin personally directed the hacking.
Well no fucking shit
Stewart's btfo of Carlson stands regardless
I actually agree that this was annoying as shit.
There is literally nothing wrong with Tucker's bow ties.
That beard and those hand gestures makes him look like an Islamist.
Just shop a turban on him.
>degree in social and cultural analysis
He's dumbfounded by his guests cognitive dissonance
He can't fathom the stupidity that comes out of liberals mouths.
praise kek
No he's just giftedly brain damaged.
That's not a strawman, you small-minded kike. He's calling the congressman out for making claims without evidence. If he then somehow implied that his case against the congressman somehow led to the conclusion that we shouldn't "fight against Russian attempts to meddle in our election process," THAT would be a strawman. He explicitly agreed with the congressman on that point, though.
Ain't nobody right on everything but this guy's good at interviewing and taking the piss out the person he's having.
Tuck will always be known as the goy that got incredibly BTFO by Jon Leibowitz and his lugenpresse tricks he started stammering, getting uncomfortable, saying shit like "Aren't you supposed to be funny?". He got so BTFO his career took a decade to recover.
He is just not strong enough to be unstumpable.
I've started to see the Greenland flag around recently. Could it be possible that that's the same greenlander, except he's a flagfag rather than a namefag?
Hi Greenlander how are you doing today?
Actually watch the first 1:45 seconds. Literally the opening question and ensuing discussion was based on a strawman. Tucker tried to argue against the argument "The US people should not have access to information within their interest because it was leaked by the Russian government," when that wasn't the argument the congress people were making.
Tucker "conceded" (he brought it up again) only after the congressman successfully evaded the obvious strawman he set up.
I think she's just autistic.
This is literally all this show does. They either bring on a liberal strawman who Tucker can easily run circles around or they bring on an intelligent liberal (such as congressman Shiff) whose arguments will be twisted to fit the worst assumptions he and Fox News viewers have about Dems/libs. This time the assumption is that Dems are salty they lost the election and they are using the CIA report to undermine the results, so Tucker tried to make everything the congressman said fit that narrative.
He improved 100% by just getting rid of that lame bow tie he used to wear. He will go on to great things. So much better than Greta, although Brett Hume was a goof fill-in. Not if we can only send "Megyn" Kelly over to her friends at CNN/MSNBC.
>is he /ourguy/?
he's a Peanuts charachter
I'm starting to love Tuck more and more. I'd love to see some more Can't cuck the Tuck threads
Go back and watch the interview, it's literally just jon going "hurr I'm just a comedy show " for 15 minutes while accusing them of hurting america
He's good entertainment, and surely makes conservatives feel like they have an intelligent guy on their side, but his tactics are being brought to light. He won't be able to railroad his more logically-inclined guests with strawman and other fallacies like he has been doing the first few weeks of his new show. I'd like to see him try that shit with someone like Sam Harris and get shredded.
Ben Shapiro is much better as far as "conservatives who don't suck ass at debating" goes. Why he doesn't have his own show is beyond me.
Get your head out of your ass you dumb nigger. They are arguing we should not see it because "muh russians" just look at the whole fake news schtick. How can you be this fucking clueless? The idiot congressmen could not say the russians 100% hacked the dnc or podesta, then goes right back to saying russia was hacking the election. This congressman is a fucking moron, he is just an articulate moron.
Really though tucker has high charisma and social IQ but there is nothing behind it. He can just crush weak liberals in debates with strawman attacks they have problems dealing with. If he's dealing with a charismatic and clever liberal he gets BTFO.
No, they are arguing that our election process should not be at the mercy of what amounts to Russian propaganda. What Tucker is trying to sow in the minds of people like you with this strawman arguments is that Democrats are using underhanded tactics to find a justification for undermining the election results and potentially reversing them. He tries focusing on whether or not the information was true and useful for the voters, when the point of the congressman is that you've got a foreign adversarial government using their resources to affect our election.
We don't need "100% certainty" to say something is true. And unlike you and Tucker, Schiff is actually on the committee that oversees the operations of the CIA, ie he actually has access to relevant reports by the CIA.
His arguments are always weak and not very persuasive even when he's dealing with the dumbest liberals. It's like he's specifically looking for the dumbest fucks to come on his show too in order to make him look better and it doesn't impress me. Anybody can look smart if all they do is argue with 10 year olds.
That was so much cringe. I can't get past the first 1:30 and he only said 2 sentences so far
He's pretty based. Been watching him since he exclusively wore bow ties.
He'll be #1 watched show on Fox within a year.
>I thought Al Sharpton was impressive
Are you the same user trying to claim pic related?
>John Liebowicz calling others partisan hacks
top fucking wew
You're here forever.
>tfw you realize a fucking bowtie was holding you back for a decade
Tucker sounds like he wants an intellectual debate
Jon just sounds like he is a disappointed parent talking to a retard. Jon also does this shitty comedic shield thing (like " hey come on, I'm just a monkey in hat playing the bongos, what do you expect?") but wants to also be taken seriously.
This made me just hate Leibowitz more
yeah thats our piece of shit island.
>We don't need "100% certainty" to say something is true. And unlike you and Tucker, Schiff is actually on the committee that oversees the operations of the CIA, ie he actually has access to relevant reports by the CIA.
"I have this secret evidence that totally proves im right, i just cant show it to you." Isn't a very convincing argument tbqh.
Calm down satan