and a lobbyist's wetdream, is he right?
Trump just called this an overpriced pos
th-the swamp is being filled, g-goyim
No. And hopefully someone smart gets talking in his ear about it
He's right, but it's not like he can do anything about it at this point.
No, it's a fucking meme. It's had issues, and yes, a lot of people got rich off of it.
But it's still a functional Gen5 aircraft.
I hope he defunds this boondoggle and starts to make America great again by building cheap drones. Cheap drones are the future.
Rather than 2000 completely overpriced manned jets, you build 100,000 cheap drones that can fuck up everyone.
>But it's still a functional Gen5 aircraft.
But it's not an effective aircraft.
It is an overpriced piece of shit.
10% improvement in air power capability does not warrant a 200% increase in cost.
It's like when they wanted to get rid of the warthog, they just keep making new shit, even if the current thing works.
It's about jobs if they don't keep building new shit people lose jobs and the congressmen in the districts take a hit.
Trying to fill multiple combat roles into one platform is asking for failure.
A jet must be designed around the task, rather than before.
We have a great close air support platform, the a10, because it was first a gatling cannon.
If that's out new fighter jet he's absolutely right. That thing is an overpriced piece of shit. The ruskies new plane smokes ours as of now. But this was a step up gen plane so set backs are expected. I heard this was only like half a step up and the next one will be the real mvp
>is he right?
Yesssss. scrap the f-35 program and start from the scratch for even bigger price, yesssss. The debt is rising brothers
>and a lobbyist's wetdream, is he right?
Why not produce F-22s again?
>10% improvement in air power capability does not warrant a 200% increase in cost.
source on these numbers?
> That thing is an overpriced piece of shit. The ruskies new plane smokes ours as of now.
Could you quantify this
Tooling was broken up and scattered in storage across the country. Would likely cost a billion or so to rebuild and train up to build more. Even then the f-22 has poor air to ground capability and would cost nearly twice as much as a single f-35
It's literally invisible.
He can slash production and order a new generation plane into design under strict budgetary management.
>trump just
Thanks for the post Trump shill. Not like we have a Trump general for this kind of thing
>budgetary management.
but then how can anyone profit?
the paint scheme should be a liberal hillary voter
The F-35 is triple over its budget. It's over a decade late. Lockheed Martin has drained hundreds of billions of dollars from the Government over this thing. They have re-designed the HUD and helmet three times because they created a plane with which the pilot could not look up or over his shoulder. Have you ever spoken to a senior Lockheed Martin employee? They speak an entirely different language and look down on every other industry. The only other company that thieves from international governments more is probably General Electric.
The F-35 is an abject failure and every NATO partner in the program should pull the plug immediately. Lockheed refuses to provide repair schematics and demands all repairs be done in-house, which will cost allies billions and billions in shipping and repair and significantly cuts down on operation life.'s this thread again?
>Imlpying you won't fap to this
yes, this is an era of the missile/UxV, no use for an overpriced bootlicker operating an overpriced machine in the sky any more
yes and yes
it doesnt go as far as they claimed it does. the f35 and f36 had alleged fuel tank problems but really it was to cover up the fact they padded the fuck out of fuel mileage
the reality is that the gains are from not having a bomb it can carry under it like any other fighter pretty much. the weight loss gives it some better mileage but nothing close to what they claim.
allied nations lost a few when they were doing test with them. people died because the fucking things ran out of fuel when it should have had about half a tank
they faked a proof of range demonstration recently by launching it from a carrier in the atlantic when it should have traveled about the entire atlantic to europe
Isnt that the shitty aircraft Australia brought to save Americas ass.
Fuck knows why we need fighter jets, our Army is a fucken meme created just to send money to USA military industry
>the f35 and f36 had alleged fuel tank problems
kill youself you failed retard
Just think of all the ass you're gonna kick in the next Emu war.
>the number of lockheed shills in this thread
really makes my landing gear retract